No one could have begun to imagine that we would be raising our children during a pandemic. No one could have imagined that children who attend a brick-and-mortar school wouldn’t …
Join us for a Summer #PoweredByOsmo Twitter Party
We are well into the summer and many of us may be running our of activities to do with the kids! I for one was anxiously waiting for school to …
Become a Master School Lunch Maker with La Tortilla Factory
Back to school season brings many changes, but of all the things that we dislike, we dislike making lunches the most! Every morning, the conversation is the same. We talk …
Great new book releases for back to school
We are heading back to school, or some form of school, and my kids are having lots of feelings about it. They are excited to go back while also feeling …
Easy Make-ahead Breakfast Idea
If you are anything like us, you are always rushing to get kids up, dressed, fed, and out the door in time for school. We’ve got an easy, make-ahead breakfast …
Back to School Photo Traditions
Each year, I love snapping photos of my girls to commemorate the first day of school. Our back to school photo traditions are as much a part of the day …
Judy Moody and Imaginative Children’s Book Series
Back to school means even more reading for our kids. Whether your school fills out reading logs, does book reports, or simply asks kids to read for 20 minutes a …
Packing School Lunches Made Easy
It’s here: Back-to-school time. That means early mornings, homework, after school programming and packing lunches…day in and day out! We used to dread packing lunch. Never knowing what to pack …
Classic Kids Shoes that will Last
I have a confession to make…I am a shoe-aholic and so are my kids! Every morning when the kids head downstairs, the first thing they do it open the closet …
Back to School Items Your Kids Will Love {GIVEAWAY}
Over here at Savvy Sassy Moms, we have mixed emotions about our kids heading back to school. On one hand, we know that our kids thrive when a good routine …