Mother’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re like me, you appreciate simple, inexpensive and thoughtful handmade gifts from your children (and expensive, lavish gifts from your husband of course). Since I am the crafty one in the family, I always help the children make something for me and their grandmother’s for Mother’s Day. In the last few years, we have created these hand print frame-able sayings. I love children’s hand prints and I incorporate them whenever possible. Hand prints are little sacred time capsules that will be cherished forever.

Here is the completed project, unframed.
I came across this saying a few years ago, which I have come to love and adore:
“Every day I am exploring, touching everything I’ve found. I leave behind little marks and hand prints all around. You clean up those hand prints but someday when I’m grown…you’ll wish you had just one hand print to keep for your own. I made this hand print for you so that one day when I am tall you’ll remember what my hand print looked like long ago when I was small”
This craft is super easy and can be done with just a few things you more than likely all ready have at home.
Materials needed:
Non Toxic Paint
This Printable (I have created this plural printable for you that you can download and print at home. If you have one child, you can copy the above saying or change the wordage).
Glue or glue stick
Printed backing paper (for framing)
Scissors and Ruler if you need to cut down the backing paper
After you apply the paint to the child’s hands and apply their handprint to the (pre-printed with the saying) paper, let it dry. Don’t worry if the hand print is messy or doesn’t come out 100% perfect. As you can see, the baby (11 months old) got green paint on everything.
I like to add a patterned paper backing before framing. You can also get a custom mat cut if you prefer. I highly suggest you do frame it, to keep it flat and safe.
Awesome idea ! And from a G’ma who’s been on the receiving end of a gift such as this, it is something that touches the HEART.