Scholar Dollars grants

Vote now for Scholar Dollars school grants

In Kids by Angela AmmanLeave a Comment

I recently attended an awards ceremony for an art program at my children’s school. We’re gearing up for a fantastic reading program that brings authors into the school to discuss their books and their craft with students. We’re lucky to have these programs. My involvement with the PTA has opened my eyes to how much money these programs cost. Unfortunately, I also see how little money many schools have.

Scholar Dollars school grants

How grants help schools

Grants give schools the opportunity to supplement shrinking budgets. Students, teachers, and honestly the whole community benefit from successful grant applications. You might not know it, but teachers and principals in your child’s school consistently look for grants for things they think will benefit their students. Schools apply for grants for alternative seating for students who struggle to stay focused at a traditional desk. They apply for technology grants to replace and upgrade technology. Grant funds provide money that wouldn’t otherwise be in the school, and they help students directly.

Scholar Dollars awards school grants to California schools

Earlier this year, we shared information about the Scholar Dollars program. ScholarShare, California’s 529 college savings plan administers the plan, which awards 20 grants of up to $25,000 each to eligible K-8 public and charter schools in California. That grant money makes it possible for schools to make improvements in areas where they see the most need. The flexibility of the grants truly lets each school control their grant.

Scholar Dollars grants

Vote for Scholar Dollars grants

Applications for the grants have been made, with 396 schools vying for the grants. You can check to see if your school applied for a grant — and you can vote for schools to receive a grant. Only California schools could apply, but anyone can vote. Even if your school isn’t in the running, I’d encourage you to vote for one of the eligible schools.

Each application required the school to explain how they would spend the grant money. You can read statements from each school on the voting site. Every school that applied provided compelling uses for the money, so you’re sure to find a school you’d like to help.

To learn more about the Scholar Dollars program, watch this video — and don’t forget to vote!


This post was developed in partnership with Scholar Share. All ideas are our own.

Meet the Author | Angela Amman

Angela Amman is a short story and essay writer. Collecting her family's stories is a gift-in-progress for her daughter and son, and she blogs at Playing with Words, capturing the craziness and beauty that weave together to create something extraordinary. As the co-director of Listen To Your Mother Metro Detroit, Angela is thrilled to bring others' stories to the stage and to celebrate the magic of words, storytelling, and the courage to share that magic with an audience. When she should be sleeping, she works on her latest short story collection. Her writing has been featured on Mamalode, Peacock Journal, and Scary Mommy. Her personal essays and short stories have appeared in her collection, Nothing Goes Away, and various anthologies.

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