popchips – I’m a Fan!

In Kids, Living by savvysassymoms4 Comments

My daughter attends a great public school in California and with the state being broke and all, it is no doubt affecting the educational system.  To help alliviate some financial …

Sassy Signs

In Living by savvysassymoms3 Comments

Being Sassy is about doing things just a weee bit different from the rest!  It’s putting a little pazzazz into everything you do.   Making an event or experience unique by adding a little …

Savvy Father’s Day Gift!

In Living, Style by savvysassymoms4 Comments

Are you getting the New IPAD for the world’s greatest Dad!?  Yeah me neither.  So, might I suggest this little space and money saver!   Get that Daddy the BigSkinny! This is the one gift …

Traveling with Kids!

In Baby, Kids, Travel by savvysassymoms1 Comment

It’s Travel Tuesday and Tots Travel Too! Traveling with toddlers can be overwhelming and a little hectic, not to mention the extra baggage that your little cutie requires! The new …

A Dirty Little Secret…

In Travel by savvysassymoms4 Comments

I have a dirty little secret, I LOVE TO TRAVEL   Yes it’s true and if you don’t believe me you can check out havekidsstilltravel.com for some bonafide proof (that was my first …