I am a bag person and I’m finally at the point where if I bring one more bag into this house someone is going to have to move out. And …
Build the big kid bed of their dreams with Maxtrix Kids Furniture
We knew it was time to get our youngest out of her crib when we kept finding her up in her sister’s very high loft bed telling us what a …
MyCaveBox.com is a dream come true for wine lovers
Are you that person that drinks only one type of wine because that’s all you know? Or how about that person who only drinks one type of wine because that’s …
Summer Infant Baby Pixel review
Baby monitors are one of my favorite items to review, and often my most asked about item for baby registries. I think everyone knows I consider it a must-have nursery …
Cybex Mios stroller review
Some women will walk along and check out the purses of the other women as they walk by, but not me. Nope. I’m looking at their strollers. It’s even gotten …
New compact and mini strollers for 2018
Bigger is no longer better – at least in the world of strollers. We recently took a trip to the 2017 ABC Baby Expo where, when it came to strollers, …
All you need for potty training success
Potty training is, hands down, the one parenting hurdle that gave me a sense of accomplishment no diploma ever could. Years later, when one line turned into two pink ones, …
KidsShoes.com is the place for back to school kicks
There’s no better way to ramp up the excitement of back to school than a new pair of shoes. In fact, it was always my favorite part of a new …
Good behavior the FUN way with Kudo Bandz
Finding ways to encourage good behavior in kids feels harder with nonstop electronics and busy schedules. In a world where everything has gone high tech, a sticker chart doesn’t always cut …