Finding ways to encourage good behavior in kids feels harder with nonstop electronics and busy schedules. In a world where everything has gone high tech, a sticker chart doesn’t always cut it. But what if we could have something as tangible as a sticker chart and mix it with the excitement of an app, all while making it fun and successful? Moms and dads, meet the Kudo Banz. This award-winning parenting tool lets you reward good behavior in a fun, colorful and high-tech way.
Why it works
Studies show using positive reinforcement as a behavioral modification method truly works. Kids are more likely to strive to succeed when the end result is praise and happiness as opposed to the fear of getting in trouble. Just the act of having a tangible object, like an adorable bracelet right on their arm, reminds them to stay focused and goal oriented throughout their day.
What’s in the box?
Straight out of the box, both my girls (ages 2 1/2 and 7) were excited to get started. Once we downloaded the Kudo Banz app (iOS and Android), we were off and running. I appreciated the ease with which I figured out the user-friendly app. You create an account, enter in your child’s information and picture and off you go.
I really liked the prize wheel, where you can enter whatever values you want. My Minecraft-obsessed older daughter earned things like 30 minutes of extra iPad time or staying up 30 minutes late. As for my little one, we stuck with prizes like cookies and reading time with mom. Having two separate prize wheels meant each kid felt excited about the next time they got to spin.
Kudu helps kids set goals
Next we read the book and decided what our goals would be. The book gives the kids a first hand look at how the bands and Kudos would be used in a real-life situation. They loved writing down their goals in the space at the end of the book. We just started school and are already dealing with the homework argument, so my oldest set a goal for herself of getting her homework done in a timely manner without complaining. As for as my little one, we are starting slowly introducing potty training to her, so she has received a charm every time she asked to sit on the potty.
How Kudos work
Each time the kids achieved one of their goals, they receive a Kudo in the form of a charm for their bracelets. Kudo Banz offer several charm packs, but I choose the cute cats for my future vet and princesses for my littlest. Once they receive the 3rd “magical” Kudo, you open the app and scan the charm and it will magically come to life. It’s actually really cute, and then they spin the wheel for their prize.
Once you’ve spun the wheel, a chart comes up. It looks like a board game and will move your child up the screen to the top. My daughter has been bugging us for literal months to get her a Hatchimal. We decided, as a family, that when she hits the top that’s what we will do. This giant prize has kept her engaged in this process which is win/win for everyone.
So did it work?
Yes, it worked — BIG TIME. We no longer spend forever arguing about homework. She just gets it done. It worked so well, we have added our biggest issue — staying in bed at night. We have had a few slip ups but for the most part it has even helped immensely in this area too. So much so that this morning I woke to the sounds of my daughter whispering in my ear “Can I go pick out a Kudo now?” because she had stayed in her own room all night. Also, I noticed a decrease in mindless iPad time. Since the iPad is now a “prize,” I no longer just hand it to her when she wants it.
We experienced a few more issues with our little one. She adored the bracelet itself, because it’s “jewelry” which she loves. However, she resisted the potty training more than we expected, which is a post for another day. We decided to focus on eating all our food and helping to clean up the playroom. But this is the beauty in this product, it’s very fluid and you can change goals at any time. I’ve even offered Kudos on the fly, like for helping with the groceries or whatever task is at hand. More than once, the promise of the princess Kudo staved off a meltdown. Works like a charm.
How to get your own Kudo Banz
Kudo Banz starter kits come with everything you need for 1-2 kids. You get a book, 2 bracelets, 4 Kudos, 2 magical Kudos and a carrying pouch. Other Kudos can be purchased online, including the princess and the cats I mentioned. (Kudo Banz starter kit, $30)
Head over to our #SavvySassySchoolDays Giveaway post to win Kudo Banz for your whole family! Over $1000 worth of other great prizes ensures the best school year yet.
Disclosure: Kudo Banz sponsored this post as part of our #SavvySassySchoolDays campaign. All opinions, as always, are our own.