I remember the day vividly, do you?
The day you went to register for your first baby? Having two nephews I thought, oh I’ve got this. I walk into Babies-r-us. We fill out some paper work and they hand my husband a registration gun and hand me a pencil and paper. “Folks tend to start down this aisle” the girl says and points to the aisle behind her covered from floor to ceiling with every kind of baby bottle you could ever imagine. It took less than five minutes for my eyes to start to fill up, and I look to my husband through my tears and just remember feeling like the most awful almost mother ever. “I have no idea what kind of bottles to use” I proclaim,trying to hold by the full hysterics. “Take a deep breathe” my husband patiently says. Knowing what makes my brain work he follows that up with, “Let’s register for what we like the looks of and seems reasonable and then when we get home we can look up reviews on the web.” BRILLIANT!!!
And that is exactly what we we did. We continued down each aisle and registered for who knows what on bottles, strollers, bouncies, and car seats. Then when I got home I went onto Babies-r-us website and looked through all we had registered and read the close to 100+ reviews on each of the product. This of course left me even more confused that when I had started. What the heck? How is a first time parent to know what to do get?
Well the times have changed!!! There is now a resource site called for that! helps bring together not only your reviews of different baby products but also your friends thoughts, ideas and feelings towards their baby gear. This of course ultimately provides expectant parents with a comprehensive guide to weeding through the 100 different items and determine what gear is necessary, what is not (wiper warmer… don’t need it).
is the one-stop-shop resource for expectant parents to find the very best baby gear that fits their individual lifestyle. Who better to guide you through that, then your friends and family all in one central resource… AWESOME!
Within each product listing it shows right up front how many people have liked it, how many have disliked it or don’t recommend. Super useful.
Then when you click on each product, very similar to any other website it has the individual reviews, but in a lot of cases, they have the ability for you to purchase that product right then and there through Amazon. How great is that?
What’s even better is that by signing up today for the FREE weeSpring community today, you could be entered to win $100 Amazon Gift Card. Here is how you enter:
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All my savvy thoughts and sassy opinions are my own.
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