The State of the Stroller: Never before has there been so many stroller options, it can be a little overwhelming to say the least! Every mom (and dad) has spent hours researching and reading every stroller review online. They dedicate entire weekends to shop for one and feel comfortable stoping perfect strangers to ask them what stroller they are pushing and why? This has become a monumental decision and one that will be with you for years.
The Options: Style, Color, Cost, Value, Durability, Weight, Handleability, Attachments and Special Features…which is easier shopping for a stroller…or a new car?!? To help you answer some of your questions my good friends over at The State of the Mom , a new video site for the modern mom, created a hilarious but very informative video to help you get a better handle on the stroller situation.
The State of the Mom correspondent, Jessica Bern, went to the world-famous, celebrity baby hot spot, Juvenile Shop located on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks, Calif. and spoke with Roger Hicks, the go-to stroller guy! This is a MUST SEE video for anyone who has ever shopped for a stroller!
The State of the Modern Stroller from Lee Vandeman on Vimeo.
In honor of “All about the Bump Month” —
Savvy Sassy Moms, The State of the Mom and the Juvenile Shop have all joined forces to give you a serious head start in your stroller search. Out of all the many strollers available for moms, we have chosen TWO strollers to highlight in the next two weeks.
This week we present to you our “Savvy” stroller choice and next week we will reveal our “Sassy” pick!
The “Savvy” Choice is …. The Graco Metrolite and here’s why:
The Graco Metrolite is for the discerning mom who cares about both function and affordability. The Graco Metrolite retails for $169.99 and is built to last. It has every essential feature you need for your newborn to toddler and even beyond. It weighs just less than 20 lbs. but is a full-featured stroller with an adjustable handle for a comfortable stroll, a padded multi-position reclining seat, a spacious drop-down storage basket and two of the most essential stroller details – a snack tray for child and a 2-cup holder for the parents. We’re not quite sure how any practical parent could survive without a place for those toddler fishy crackers and a space for a Diet Coke or bottled water for mom!
The Juvenile Shop’s stroller expert, Roger Hicks, says Graco is a “tried and true” brand and names the Graco Metrolite the Best Carseat Combo option. This stroller accepts all Graco infant car seats which is definitely the way to go with a new baby. Practical moms love that when baby falls asleep in the car you can just remove the entire infant car seat, snap it into your Graco Metrolite and continue about your business. A Savvy Tip for new moms? Never wake up a sleeping baby!
for our “All about the Bump Month!!”
But the real news?
We are Giving it Away!
1. YOU MUST watch the video (trust me it’s funny!)
2. In the comment section, tell us what you learned and what was your favorite Jessica Bern line?
3. Re-Tweet this Savvy Stroller Giveaway and add #bumpmonth
You want an extra entry?
2. Subscribe to The State of the Mom to be notified when new videos premiere!
*This contest is open to US Residents only
**This contest ends May 23rd at 11.59 pacific standard time
Enter this Savvy Stroller Giveaway!
” I fainted. I’m back now”
Strollers can be expensive. I like the double stroller with the big kid on top and a bassinet like thing underneath for a baby.
Pingback: Picking the Best Baby Stroller : Mountain Urban Buggy Jogger Baby Stroller Review
Wow I agree expensive strollers! I do like how they show the price range all the way from $160 to $1200 though and I like how he said he actually used that cheapest one the Graco Metrolite for his kids.
Funniest line:
“First you buy yourself a good stroller then you buy yourself a good husband to get you pregnant”
Pingback: do buses require carseats for infants? | Infant Car Seat Reviews
I loved “It’s an above ground pool, but it’s a pool!” I learned that in some of the strollers, you can move the individual parts around to meet your particular needs. I tweeted!
.-= Jennifer Kruse´s last blog ..Ocean Nasal Irrigation and Moisturizer {REVIEW & GIVEAWAY} =-.
I looked at The State of the Mom site and loved it! Left a comment to make sure they know & subscribed to the site. Can’t wait to see new videos!
.-= Jennifer Kruse´s last blog ..Ocean Nasal Irrigation and Moisturizer {REVIEW & GIVEAWAY} =-.
I literally Laughed Out Loud at the “above ground pool” Thanks for watching and entering:)
Hilarious when she said “so, what’s the chance my baby is going to need a Xanax after riding in this?” It was a very vibrant orange colored stroller 🙂
I learned that strollers aren’t they same animal as five years ago. Much more function has been built into them! I’m tweeting, facebooking and checking out the State of the Mom website next!
Very clever video! Hope to win the stroller…fingers and eyes crossed for luck!
My favorite line is “This was built to go to the moon and the grocery store”
.-= Alena´s last blog ..Whippy Cake =-.
Hilarious! I love her comments about the strollers looking like a sofa or like it was built for family of five – AND the comment about one of the strollers being the same price as an above ground pool…lol…too funny and SO true!! What I learned? That with baby #2 on the way and a five year old, I feel like I’m in her shoes – the options are endless but what are the GOOD ones?!
Clicked around on The State of the Mom and left a comment on the “Who is the Modern Mom” article – great site!! 🙂
Tweet Tweet!!
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I didn’t know the featured Graco was SO inexpensive. In hindsight, wish I would have gotten that one now. Unhappy with the final choice I made. Oh well! Live and learn.
Love the line, “don’t want stripes, they make me look heavy” HA!
.-= Amy Anderson´s last blog ..Food Alert: LOO HOOS!! YUM! =-.
Pingback: has anyone ever used this brand?
In the comment section, tell us what you learned and what was your favorite Jessica Bern line?
“You find yourself a husband to get you pregnant.” Love it
Visit The State of the Mom, click around, and left a comment letting them know what I think of the concept!
Subscribe to The State of the Mom
Or you can be like me and go through 3 stollers until you find the right one – Not recommended!
Yes another great line! I’ve watched it 8 times and I still laugh out loud!
Awesome! Thanks so much:) The State of the Mom is sure to be an inspiring and creative space for the ever evolving Mom!
I loved the video! I learned that once they get out of the infant carrier seat the baby doesnt always have to turn around! There are strollers that can have the baby facing the facing the mother in the older child seat also and i liked that because right now my 9 month old is just starting to sit in the seat and i feel a little uncomfortable with her turned around that way.
The funniest line I thought was when she said she had her last child 6 yrs ago and it felt like 600 yrs ago because of all the changes. I feel the SAME WAY!!! I have a 4 yr old a 9 month old and in just that short amount of time things have changed so much! It seems like so many new products out that I have no idea about! I am constantly on the internet looking at different things!
I also am becoming a subscriber 🙂
FUNNY video! I learned that a $670 stroller does indeed fold up REALLY nicely! And I loved when she said “so…uh…are you happily married?” LOL
.-= MainlineMom´s last blog ..A Word of Encouragement for Mothers =-.
just stopped over at the state of mom and left a comment on that Modern Mom video because I LOVED it!!!!
.-= MainlineMom´s last blog ..A Word of Encouragement for Mothers =-.
Aaaaand I Tweeted it!
.-= MainlineMom´s last blog ..A Word of Encouragement for Mothers =-.
One thing I learned…is that strollers are VERY expensive (compared to when I purchased my last one). And that salesclerk seemed a little annoyed by Jessica’s sense of humor! 😉 ( I saw him roll his eyes one time)
And another thing is all the different ways you can use a stroller now. It is amazing to me.
The favorite line was when the clerk was talking about how you could look at your kid and Jessica says ” Or you could turn it cause you’re sick of looking at them”. That cracked me up!
I really like the State of Mom blog. I looked around and left a neat message. Thanks for telling me about that blog.
I learned that… I need a new stroller for Baby #2 (due in October)! It seems like the new strollers are lighter, sexier, and better accessorized than the one I bought just a couple years ago! My favorite line was the silence as she zoomed away with her perfect (and free!) stroller… I guess I’ll have to pay for mine, though!
Nice video, great laughs – keep up the great work!
.-= Mindy Airhart´s last blog ..MindyMoo: @NOLABabyBump Sounds great – I can pick them up Saturday, and I’m bringing my pregnant friend! She needs some fashion in her life! =-.
I own the metrolite! That thing is amazing! Six years later it is still cruising–well actually it’s in the garage but IT COULD.
I don’t need the stroller, just wanted to weigh in.
My fave is
Omg do you see this price, It’s the price of a pool, an above ground pool.
I’ve learned that there’s many different kinds of strollers and some are very expensive.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Sweetmelbelle31@yahoo dot com
Sweetmelbelle31 has tweeted this giveaway
Sweetmelbelle31@yahoo dot com
Thanks for the hilarious video! I’ve learned that strollers have insane prices these days! My favorite line: “This was built to go to the moon and the grocery store” 🙂
.-= Anastasia B´s last blog ..UPrinting 500 Business Cards Giveaway! =-.
I retweeted!
.-= Anastasia B´s last blog ..UPrinting 500 Business Cards Giveaway! =-.
This was hilarious especially about the color and the Xanax in the future. You should have heard the DEBATE on my friends FB wall before she went to Disney on which stroller to take LOL
“I think I am going to breastfeed” LOL!
Re-tweeted you from @chelseafeet
“It’s an above ground pool, but it’s a pool!” – so funny.
I tweeted about this and added #bumpmonth @mstyle10
I’m really like that UPPABaby Stroller that they featured. I had a MetroLite first time around and HATED it. My MacLaren is falling apart, and I’m about to have baby number three!
.-= Jennifer K´s last blog ..Wodless Wednesday – "Waiting for my Pixy" =-.
I have to say that my favorite line was regarding the price of the STOKKE Xplory stroller in relation to an above ground pool. Everything that company makes is soooooo pricey!
Tweeted from @jennyjenk
.-= Jennifer K´s last blog ..Wodless Wednesday – "Waiting for my Pixy" =-.
I learned the benefits of having a seat that can be turned (sun in eyes, more interaction). My favorite line: “first think you do is buy yourself a good stroller then you find yourself a husband to get you pregnant”!
I love the idea of the blog and love the videos! It’s quite inspiring!
forgot to add that I tweeted…. and I subscribed!
great video…I can’t even believe they have strollers for $1200 and the one for $600 ON SALE…please!!! I died laughing when she said she was gonna breastfeed. But I can definately relate to wanting to just type help……into the search button.
I truly never realized that there is such a wide range of strollers out there! I loved the aboveground pool line and how she asked if you take the baby out while folding and unfolding the stroller.
I learned that strollers can be uber-expensive! Seriously, huh?! That video was hilarious. I loved when she said “stripes make me look fat.” Bwah ha ha!
Loved the whole video! It’s hard to pick a favorite but I guess I’d have to say when Jessica asks the sales person to hold her baby and then further questions as to his married status.
Awesome job!
“If she uses this, what are the chances that she’s going to need a Xanax later on in life” – Love it!
Love your website! Thanks for linking up with State of the Mom.
I learned that you need to remove your baby before folding up your stroller! 🙂
Ok that video was so hilarious! I loved when she asked if she was prettier than the stroller. Also loved when she said to Roger what’s going on over there! LOL! I did not know they made strollers to cost $1200 and did not know you could turn a seat around in a stroller. Tweeted about the giveaway @akritical
I visited state of the mom website, left a comment and subscribed.
haha! Great video! I learned that strollers are the ultimate baby vehicle!
I love when she says step one is find a stroller and then you find a husband to get you pregnant! hahaha! She is hilarious!
.-= Cindy H. @lifeonprint´s last blog ..Scotties, Anyone? =-.
.-= Cindy H. @lifeonprint´s last blog ..Scotties, Anyone? =-.
I subscribed via email!!
One thing I learned…is that strollers are VERY expensive,and you can almost always find one thats the same quality for a MUCH better price- and i loved the ” whats the chances of her needing a xanax later on in life ” LOL 🙂
I learned that the UPPAbaby Vista has a seat that can face towards you and then be turned around to face away. That’s nice! My favorite line of Jessica’s: “I fainted, I’m back” – (I’m gonna use that one). Thanks for the chance!
Kelly D. – secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I tweeted. (dkad23)
Kelly D. – secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I commented on this video at The State of Mom – it’s too funny!
Kelly D. – secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I subscribe to The State of the Mom via google reader.
Kelly D. – secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
“So, is my baby gonna need a xanex after riding in this?” Way too funny! I learned that I’d need one just to shop for a stroller with all the options!
I watched the vid.
I posted a tweet!
The zanex line was classic about the $1200 stroller… LMAO
RT’d! Thanks 🙂
I learned that there is a stroller that the seat position can be changed (faced in or faced out). That is a really nice feature. My favorite line was when she said that you buy yourself a good stroller then you find a husband to get you pregnant. OMG! I also loved when she took off running with the stroller at the end. In the back of my mind I knew as soon as she asked to take it outside she was going to do this. 🙂
I left a comment on the “State of Mind” posts and am subscribing to their feed. I cannot wait to see more.
1. I watched the video!
2. I learned that the Metrolite was the best value!
My favorite Jessica Bern line– “Do you think this stroller is prettier than me?”
3. I Re-Tweeted this Savvy Stroller Giveaway!
Metrolite was the best value
The line I like best was 1st you find a stroller the you find yourself a husband to get you pregnant
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Love their concept
subscribed to state of mom through twitter
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Loved, loved, loved the video. Please make more. This stroller thing it out of control. I am now expecting #4 and am downsizing by selling three (yes, three) of my strollers. That I don’t use. So I will just use one. Perhaps the Graco Metrolite, if I win, I will proudly parade this smart pick around the park!
I watched the video. My fave was that it is the price of a pool, “an above ground pool”
I tweeted:
Subscribe to The State of the Mom and left a comment.
haha! What a great video! I too have been searching the net for months for that perfect stroller, so difficult! Anyway, my favorite line was “This was built to go to the moon and the grocery store” hahaha! It better be!
visited the state of the mom and left a comment :O) LOVE the site!
subscribed to state of the mom on googlereader and on facebook :O)
I learned that the the uppavista stroller you can turn the seat around but it is still pricey at over $600. Yikes.
My favorite saying of hers was find a good stroller then a good husband to get you pregnant..Love that
and I tweeted here.
Hoping a last minute entry will work for me..
Haha, that video was hilarious! I learned that most nice strollers are super expensive, but that Graco is pretty affordable! I loved when she asked the man, “Are you happily married?”. LOL! 🙂
I tweeted!
Subscribed to The State of the Mom!
I fainted, I’m back is my favorite line and I didn’t realize how expensive strollers could get.
Great video. I love the line: “Do you think this stroller is prettier than me?”. I learned that the UPPAbaby Vista Stroller has a seat that can either face towards you or be turned around to face away. Love this, but it’s too expensive. My DH and I were just looking at the Metrolite in the store the other day. It looks great in person too.
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
I watched the video! Very funny! My favorite Jessica Bern line is: “First thing you do is you find yourself a good stroller and then you find yourself a husband to get you pregnant, so I’m here for step one”.
I learned that strollers are very expensive these days. I like that the Graco Metro-Lite is only $160.
I subscribe to The State of the Mom.
I learned that the UPPAbaby Vista has a seat that can face towards you and then be turned around to face away.
It was pretty funny!
.-= Chacoy@Ma21cuteboy´s last blog ..What a weekend! =-.
retweeted here:
.-= Chacoy@Ma21cuteboy´s last blog ..What a weekend! =-.
I forgot my line;{
“Do you think this stroller is prettier than me?”
sorry, i was in such a hurry to enter before it was over;}
.-= Chacoy@Ma21cuteboy´s last blog ..What a weekend! =-.
.-= Cindy H. @lifeonprint´s last blog ..~Moder Day Dame *Custom Ring* Giveaway!~ =-.
.-= Cindy H. @lifeonprint´s last blog ..~Moder Day Dame *Custom Ring* Giveaway!~ =-.
.-= Cindy H. @lifeonprint´s last blog ..~Moder Day Dame *Custom Ring* Giveaway!~ =-.
.-= Cindy H. @lifeonprint´s last blog ..~Moder Day Dame *Custom Ring* Giveaway!~ =-.