So you thought picking a stroller was tough! LOL
Wait until you try to decide on a Diaper Bag… yes the thing that will be carrying nasty diapers, soiled clothes, milk stained burpies, cherrios, formula, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, and diaper rash cream! This will be the bag that will never leave your side for the first year and it will most likely weigh more then your BABY! The Diaper Bag has become a new mom fashion accessory and just like the stroller there is one made for every budget.
When you buy a diamond it is the 4 C’s – Cut, Clarity, Color, Carat. I thought the same type of system might apply when considering a Diaper Bag.
Class, Color, Cost, Customer
CLASS: The Shoulder Bag, The Backpack, The Large Tote, The Messanger Bag, The Hobo, The Clutch, The Sling, The Satchel, The Shopper, The Weekender, Over the Shoulder and The Carry All.
COLOR: Stripes, Floral, Canvas, Jaquard, Prints, Leather, Faux Leather, Microfibre, Quilted Microfibre, Water Resistant, Studed, Metallic and Highgloss.
COST: Diaper Bags can range from 19.99 at Walmart to a $1,500 Louis Vuitton Diaper Bag. Yes, you read that correctly $1,500 for a diaper bag. Depending on your income and budget for the new baby there are a lot of choices for all types of Savvy Sassy Moms!
Savvy $25 – $75
Savvy & Sassy $100 – $150
Sassy $150.00 – $2o0.00
Uber Sassy $250.00 +
CUSTOMER: City Chic, Trendy, Classic, 9-5 Wokin Mama, Modern, Romantic, Fancy, Day Trippin, Old Fashioned, Plain Jane, Dude Dads, Earth Mama, Simple and Sophisticated.
I asked on Twitter and in my Blog Frog Community if $200 was too much to pay for a diaper bag and about 75% of you thought it was way too much to pay for a diaper bag. The other 25% thought if you are going to use it for multiple kids, and the quality would stand the test of time than it is well worth the investment. So here are my Savvy Sassy Picks and all of them are under $200 bucks! (gotta go with the people) Ok, well I couldn’t resist throwing in just one Uber Sassy Bag!
- Skip Hop Dash Deluxe $58.00
- Jp Izzy Shoulder Diaper Bag $54.00
- JJ Cole Mode Diaper Bag $59.95
- Fleurville The Mothership $109.00
- Amy Michelle Tote $135.00
- Oi Oi Hobo Diaper Bag $143.00
- Timi & Leslie Tote Diaper Bag $154.00
- Petunia Pickle Bottom Back Pack $167.00
- Oi Oi Studded Washed Faux Leather $179.00
- Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Carry All $349.00
I just have too many other things to do! “
You can find all of these Diaper Bags Online
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the Diaper Bag Debate…
Do you think $200 is too much for a Diaper Bag?
What Diaper Bag Caught your eye?
Brag about your Bag!
Tell me what diaper bag you carry and why?
I used to think spending super $$$ on a diaper bag was ridiculous. Who would do that right? WRONG! Now that I actually have a baby I wish I would have. The diaper bag is like your home away from home and not to mention your new purse. Who wants to carry around a bag that really looks like a diaper bag? I’d rather carry a purse that’s secretly a diaper bag. Just saying.
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I had a Kate Spade bag for the first two (about $150??) and now I have a Storksak, Gigi model, for my 3rd ($200). With 3 kids, I have a lot of crap to carry, and I rarely carry a handbag when out with them, so I can justify spending it. That’s what I say to DH, anyway!! 😉
Before I was pregnant I thought it was ridiculous to spend a lot of money on a diaper bag – well, I’m 25 weeks and on the weekend I bought a coach diaper bag which I am in LOVE with! I bought it at an outlet store, and then had an additional discount, so all in all spent about $170. I loved the design and it fits my lap top PERFECTLY so until our little girl comes, I’ll be using it for that.
I hav owned several diaper bags and so far I love ppb hands down and wouldn’t use anything else! It’s beautiful and functional. The cake collection is classic and timeless. Why would I use anything else that screams diaper bag? Plus, a diaper bag doesn’t have to hold nasty diapers like most people think, it can double as a gorgeous purse!
I also owned Petunia Pickle Bottom (2 of them) One even traveled to Spain with us! I heart Petunia!
Being a Kate Spade purse fanatic, the choice for a diaper bag was simple-I went with what I know is quality and whose designs I love. My diaper bag is all black and later on could be used as a large purse if I so desired. Plus I can fit a ton in it, including a small cooler bag. Not only that, but my husband will carry it! I think the choice all depends on what your needs are-for me, $180 was not too much to spend on something I know I’ll have for years.
I’m a Bag Fanatic! It got worse when I had my kids. Bags for me is an extension of my personality. It had to be fashionable, fun and functional. Just because I became a Mom, I didn’t want to lose that. There are some great diaper bags out there and I can tell you that I own quite a few. (Well it helps when I’m the CEO of My favorites include Petunia Pickle Bottom (have 2 of the boxy diaper backpack), OiOi Tote, Fleurville Hobo and Amy Michelle. Whatever your personality or sense of style is, investing $ in a good quality diaper bag will last through the years.
I totally felt fine spending a little bit of money on my diaper bags – they were something I had to have with me every single day so it was certainly going to be something of quality and style:)
Love diaper bags that look like beautiful handbags! No one has to know what’s really inside!
Good for you and Congratulations on the little one:)
I love Skip Hop diaper bags. Love it so much that I plan on giving one away on my blog:
I do not think that is too much to spend on a diaper bag, if you’re going to use it every day & for multiple kids!!
My favorite diaper bags are Ju-Ju-Be bags & I have 2 of them! I have a ‘standard size’ one and a tricked out ‘backpack style’ one & I don’t know how I lived without them!! I am a sucker for pockets & organization 😉
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