Winter White Styles

How to wear winter white styles

In Fashion, Style by Katie KavullaLeave a Comment

Breaking the fashion rules

Wearing white in winter doesn’t make us fashion rebels, by any means, but there is a difference in wearing white before and after Labor Day… we’ll give one that to the style experts! We’ve picked some of our favorite winter white style finds to help you discover pieces you’ll love and that will turn wearing white in winter into a fashion must, rather than a fashion faux pas.

12 Winter white styles

Winter White Styles

1. Shaker-Stitch Layered Pullover, Banana Republic, $80
These cropped sweaters with a longer, sheer hem are a must-have in your winter wardrobe and if you can grab one in white, like this one from Banana Republic, you’ll definitely hit the winter white style trend.

2. Faribault for Target Wool Infinity Scarf, Target, $45
If you’re hesitant to wear too much white in winter, add a winter white accessory instead like this soft, pretty scarf from Target’s newest designer collection.

3. Piperlime Collection Pearl Shoulder Pullover Sweater, Piperlime, $98
This sweater is so pretty and we can’t imagine it in any other but white! The pearl-adorned shoulders are a glam touch and the extra-fuzzy sweater make it dressier than your average pullover.

4. Daisylace Shift, Anthropologie, $168
A bit off-beat for winter wear, we love the way Anthropologie styled this white dress, which you can use in your wardrobe year-round. Add a pair of dark tights and your favorite ankle boots to bring a summer white dress into wintertime!

5. Helly Hansen Midsund Rain Boot, Nordstrom, $60
For a more casual winter white style, these white rain boots are fun and sassy. Wear them with dark or colored skinny jeans… or just with a pair of leggings and your casual wear to grab the kiddos from school or to run weekend errands. However, we can’t guarantee how long they’ll stay white…

6. Women’s Crew-Neck Sweater, Old Navy, $12
Adding a touch of black trim to your winter white style makes it more approachable for this season. This white sweater from Old Navy is on sale and almost sold out, so grab one while you still can!

7. Patagonia Ahnya Dress, Zappos, $80
Dress down your winter white style with this sporty dress! Add those to-die-for fleece-lined tights or leggings that are a winter must-have and your favorite pair of cozy winter boots for a cool outfit you’ll wear over and over again this winter.

8. All Over Downtown Top, ModCloth, $35
This is the sweetest little top in winter white with a touch of detailing that takes it from plain to stylish with ease. Add a pretty, delicate necklace and you’re set for winter white style.

9. Awe-Inspiring Assistant Top, ModCloth, $40
Super chic, yet comfortable, this ModCloth blouse will go with so much you already have in your closet. It’s perfectly over-sized for a cool fit that you can pair with skinny jeans or textured pants this winter.

10. The Slim Boyjean: Carpenter Edition, Madewell, $125
You might think we’re crazy for suggesting white jeans in winter, but hear us out… Add a cool pair of heels and a patterned top in a rich color (maybe Pantone Marsala?) and you’ll instantly make a summer wardrobe staple a winter favorite.

11. The North Face Tonnerro Jacket, REI, $200
There’s something so perfect about a cozy, white puffy coat in the winter, isn’t there? We love adding winter white style into your outerwear wardrobe and it’s likely the easiest way to get started.

12. Ella Skirt, Boden, $140
A fun and festive skirt that will be cute for the holidays and beyond, a white skirt is a fun addition to your winter wardrobe, especially when it comes in a heavier material, like this one.

Do you wear winter white styles?

Meet the Author | Katie Kavulla

Having just made the move from big city life to settle down in the town where she and her husband both grew up, Katie Kavulla is a mom of three who strives to slow life down a bit… as impossible as that is with three kids under the age of 10. A blogger turned writer, Katie has spent the past few years combining the things that she loves into a career, with a focus on helping other moms tell their story, because Katie truly believes that every mom has one to tell.

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