So the other day my daughter announced
that she was going to be a Rock Star….And a Chef.
My husband, being the occasionally reasonable and logical person that he is asked her
how she was going to accomplish both of these seemingly unrelated goals.
Without missing a beat she responded,” Well, I’ll be a Rockstar on the days the Restaurant is closed.”
That’s my girl. 4 years old and she already knows she can have it all. My face beamed with pride. Really, how amazing is it that even at 4 she’s decided not to limit herself to any single thing. She wants to do both…and even figured out a pretty creative way to do it.
She’s the reason that I feel the need to build something, or create something and become a successful woman. I know she’s watching me. Watching what I do, how I behave, and how I react and respond to the world. I know she’s going to model my behavior and actions. My behavior will leave a huge and lasting impression on the way my daughter thinks, develops and acts as well.
It’s a lot of pressure when you think about it. I have a daughter. She will become a woman, perhaps a wife and (I hope one day) a mother. And I’m responsible for the kind of woman she will become. I’m going to help mold the way she interacts with the world, the impact she will have on other children, our community, her future co-workers…everything. It’s one of the most motivating forces in my life. It drives me to become the best Mom, Wife and Woman I can be. I’ll never be perfect but that’s not my goal. I just want to be her #1 role model.
They say “Kids are like sponges, they soak up everything.” If that’s true I want to make sure that my daughter’s sponge will be soaked in strength, leadership, independence, creativity and confidence.
We all can learn from our children, regardless of their age. My daughter is 5 and she has informed me that she is going to be a singer and sing on stage, then she is going to be a teacher and after that she wants to be a Mom and have 2 kids. We forget to dream big like we did when we were kids. Dream big and then take the limitations away and go for your dreams. I would love to share with you what helped me to dream again, and dream big!
I love your post and can’t agree more. On days when I feel guilty for dropping my two-year-old off at day care, I think about the day she said to me, “you come home from work and we water flowers.” She knows I work, take care of the garden and of her and our family. I want her to soak up all of my good qualities and none of the bad!
Being the mother of two daughters I can totally relate to your post. It is true that our daughters are watching us. They need to believe that world is their oyster. Your actions and words let them know if it is true.
Awww! I have a little girl on the way. My second child but my first girl. I can’t wait and I am totally up for the challenge. Someone just remind me I’m saying this when she’s 12 years old and completely ignoring me.
I love this post. I was having the same thoughts this week. I have a 14-month-old and I can already see that she watches and copies me already. It’s amazing because I feel like I’m more committed to my dreams now that I’m a mother then I’ve ever been. Just want her to know she can have it all!
All the hopes and dreams you have for your daughter are worthy goals for all children. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher, or church youth leader, you can instill those qualities in the children you associate with. Boy, as adults that’s an awesome responsibility.
Appreciate the recent Twitter follow (@whattawoman) and thoroughly enjoyed this article. Mom to two daughters; grandmother to four marvelous “only children” 🙂 ~Molly
I think I will try to recommend this post to my friends and family, cuz it’s really helpful.
I think by virtue of the fact that you’re thinking of and focusing on these qualities, that it will happen and she’ll pick up on them. I feel the same driving force in raising my son . . . nice post.
Hahaha! That is too cute!! What a smart girl you have!! I’ll come to her restaurant! lol!
And you sound like a great mom! I’m sure you are raising her well and doing a GREAT job!!
Stopping by from SITS. Loving your blog graphics!! Awesome!!!
Your daughter sounds like she’s gonna go a looooong way!!!
Congrats on your FB day.
LBM xxxx
Well put! I often find myself correcting my behaviour or attitude because I know my daughter is watching me. She’s only 2, but I know she is soaking up my every move. Thanks for the reminder!
Haha! I love her attitude! A rock star on her off days? Awesome gal! 😉
Sounds like you are getting off to a great start! Parenting is the most difficult job in the world but I think also probably the most rewarding if you do it right and take the responsibility seriously like you are.
Congrats on your SITS day!
I think the definition of success differs from person to person, and as long as you continue to show her how to be a good person with good character she’ll look up to you.
Happy SITS day!
You’ve got to love a girl who knows what she wants! Have an AWESOME FB day!
I love this post!
I don’t have children yet but I hope to have some in the future. I agree with you…we want our children to aim for their hopes and dreams and know that they shouldn’t put a limit on what they want to acheive. They can be anything!
That’s awesome! Gotta love ambition and goals!
Congrats on your sits day!
Great post! As I Mom I feel exactly as you do!!!!! It’s a huge responsibility, but if your heart and soul is dedicated to it, you’ll be amazing!!
Hi checking in from SITS
Sounds like you are doing a great job being a good role model for your daughter. When my daughter was 4 she wanted to be a “cow farmer and a princess”. Your daughter’s goals are way more realistic than hers were! See…. I told you you were doing a good job!
Congrats on being SITS FB. Enjoy your day in the spotlight!
Great post and so true. Don’t you wish we adults could still see the world through a child’s eyes where anything and everything is possible?
You’re right…she is watching you…every. single.solitary.thing you do…LOL And she will mimick you and then tell everyone she is acting just like you.
You are on the same path I am on. I strived to do the same for my daughter who is now 14. She has the independence, the confidence, the creativity, still working on strength and leadership – which I believe comes with age. For gods sake I am still working on my leadership.
Happy SITS day!
Great post! So true.
My girls were the same way. One wanted to be a doctor and a rock star and the other wanted to be a actress, ballerina, veterinarian and mother. 🙂 As the years passed and new outside interests emerged, they drifted off onto different paths that parallel each other. One has a degree in Business Finance and is a licensed colorist with Toni and Guy out in Colorado Springs and the other has a Fine Arts degree and is a licensed esthetician with Paul Brown’s Spa Olakino in Honolulu. 🙂
I feel the same way about my Daughter…..Son too!
I try to fill their little heads with as much information as possible about anything.
I know what you mean about wanting to be successful and being a good example. I can hear how proud you are of your little girl in this post.
Please stop by my blog and read about my little princess. She’s three.
I have two daughters mself – I feel like I could have written this post!
Wow, I’m glad I have boys! lol
No, but I understand. I want my boys to see in me characteristics that they’ll look for in a wife. I want them to see a God-fearing woman with loyalty, affection, some domestic capabilities, and a fierce love.
Coming over from SITS. I know what you mean, I have a 4 year old daughter too. It blesses me when I see her act so gentle with her baby dolls. I feel like I’ve done SOMETHING right so far. If she yelled at them and threw them across the room — I’d be very afraid. Ha.
This sounds like my little sister, Katheryn. She wants to be a mom, and a soccer player, and something else that I can’t remember…She told me the other day she wanted to start her “career” when she’s 12. It’s amazing how old 12 is to a 5 year old. =)
Happy SITS Day!
It think the fact that you realize how important it is to be a good role model to your kiddo makes you a good mother. Does that make sense? Our kids are following our example for sure and if you are observant enough of your actions to realize that, you are on the right track for sure.
Happy SITS day!
My son wants to be a rock star, too! He has since he was 3. He also wants to be an astronaut, a superhero, a farmer, an artist, a scientists, a video game designer, and ‘one of those guys who digs up dinosaur bones’. Nothing wrong with dreaming bit! 🙂
Dreaming BIG. That should say ‘big’ not ‘bit’. Oops.
This was great – I tell my daughter there is nothing she can’t do (well, barring brother torture and stuff like that)! Hope you have a great SITS day!
oh, the pressure…you just gave me more motivation to make a difference today!
i love this post! you put into words perfectly what I think on an almost daily basis : )
happy sits day!
LOL…my daughter also has a long list of what she will be and she pretty much has it all figured out how she’ll accomplish it all. 😉 Yes, they are little sponges…makes our jobs that much more important.
My girls announce their grandiose plans and I make sure to let them know that they can do anything they set their minds to, and be anything they want to be, HOWEVER it will take A LOT of hard work and it won’t be easy. I feel like as a child of the 70s and 80s I was told I could be anything but we weren’t told but it will be REALLY hard. I think it’s important to include so they don’t get a complex when they grow up and realize it’s hard to fill all of those expectations you set for yourself.
Visiting from SITS…great post. I agree with c2cmom, I feel the same way about my son. Especially now that he’s at the age where they repeat EVERYTHING you say, it’s really like looking in a mirror!
I’m think you are awesome to realize your kid is soaking it all in.
happy SITS day
This is one of the thing that scares me the most about being a mother.
Kids are so funny…then they turn into teenagers with no ambition lol. Happy SITS day!
I want to be a rock star and a chef when I grow up, too! Happy SITS!
It sounds like you’re doing a wonderful job, already. I love her concept and idea:) I mean why limit herself? The possibilities are endless.
I think it’s awesome that she wants to do both and already has a plan on how to accomplish it! She will totally do both if she
When I was 8 I told my mom I was going to Harvard and I was going to be a lawyer. I actually wrote this down on some school work that she still has. Somehow I ended up a SAHM of 4! And honestly I think my job is more important because I’m giving my children the love and care they need to become whatever they want and that is most important to me.
From the sounds of things… I think you are off to the right start!! She sounds like an amazing little girl.
Your daughter sounds amazing! My 7yr old is still undecided. LOL!
Sorry I am visiting from SITS. Congrats on being featured!
I know this will sound outdated to some…but I want my daughters to become the best wife and mothers and keepers at home that they can be. And IF they choose a career and college then they will still be trained to take care of themselves and the people in the world who need them.
A little different than what most people think….and that’s okay. We all want different things for our children. But really our goals are the same…know what I mean?
So true …so true!
My little man is a rockstar. I posted a video of him today playing guitar. He is 2! : ) LOL.
Chef…I can only hope since I LOVE to cook.
Happy SITS day.
It scares me every day! I just don’t want to have regrets about the way I raised my children…and that takes a lot of work…and I often wonder if it’s even possible.
I just wrote a blog recently about my 16 year old’s list of what she wants to be.
She had the same confidence and creative vision of your four year old.
‘And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships. ‘ ~Victoria Secunda
Great Post! Happy SITS Day!
I love this. And your daughter sounds absolutely fabulous! You go girl(s) 🙂
You are right, it is alot of pressure, but don’t overwhelm yourself with responsibility. Of course you have an enormous impact on your daughter, but at the same time, so do alot of things. Alot of how she will be in the world is how she was born (nature) and and how she, and she alone, has developed herself in he world. All you can do is nurture her, give her a safe, loving home, and give it all ya got! After that (which I guess is the cruelty in parenthood) you have to let the world and nature do the rest. And good luck with that! Sounds like you know what you are doing!!
Great post. My daughter is what inspired me to go back and finish college. Isn’t it amazing how you bring a child into the world and they end up changing you.
When my son was in preschool, he had a crush on a girl and wanted to ‘marry’ her. She was all for it but ONLY if she could, “be married and be a cheerleader too!” Still cracks me up.
For what it’s worth, I’d like to be a rock star and chef, too. I actually do like baking. Not drudgery cooking, but the fun stuff, like cookies and cakes…anyway, I’m glad you are raising a girl who wants to have it all, too!
Yes, they are a sponge, and we are the “water” with which they absorb. Perfection not needed, but as you said, your leading by example, you are motivated to do right by her (as I am sure you are). Way to go Mom, your angel girl, whose got the whole world to conquer and take it be storm is doing just that – already – creatively and with heart.
Happy SITS Day!
I have been thinking about this a lot lately because I do not have a good relationship with my mom and I’m determined to make sure my daughter and I do.
I want to be a chef too!
Beautiful share! They ARE like sponges, keeping us all ever so careful not to fill them with the “wrong” things. Thank you!
visiting from SITS.
So glad to read this, your 4 yr old and my 6 yr old should get together, they sound like women of purpose! Happy SITS feature day!
How wonderful. You have a little spitfire on your hands. That is so delightful
Happy SITS day!
So true, so true. It’s kind of overwhelming when we think about it, isn’t it? They’re watching everything and soaking it all up.
Lord, help my life to be what I want hers to be!
Happy Thursday from SITS!
Great Post! It’s true we need to set an example for our kids.
I have 2 daughters & constantly wonder how something I did or said will effect them.
I think about that sometimes too. I want my children to grow up admiring their mom for what she does and who she is. I want them to follow my good examples and COMPLETELY ignore my bad ones ;). And there are plenty of those. I wish I could put blinders on them for those moments when I am less than admirable. lol. I was watching cake Boss last night and my son was totally into it.He asked me to record it (already was) so he could watch it in the morning. he is 7. So maybe I will harness that desire in him and he will become a famous pastry chef one day. I want both my kids to do whatever they love.
Happy SITS day! Congrats on FB!
Very nice. Happy SITS Day!
This is a great post. Very insightful and true….if only ALL mothers would realize that Motherhood is an extremely HIGH CALLING!
God Bless!
WTG to your daughter for thinking ahead at her age!
Congrats on your SITS day!
This is beautiful. Kids do look at parents and its our job to give them something good to look at. You sound like a wonderful mom. Happy SITS day
It sounds like she is well on her way to achieve her goals!
Sounds like you’ve done a good job with your daughter so far! It’s great that she has such high ambitions.
Happy SITS day!
Wow. This is such a great post. It really made me think.
Happy SITS day!
I’ve got 3 girls & I feel the same way! They already gang up on their dad saying that girls are better, etc. etc. and it’s not like I say stuff like that! They do soak up everything so a parent has to be so careful what they say & do these days.
Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight.
Oh I remember wanting to be so many things…an actress, a marine biologist, an animal trainer, a mermaid…
Happy SITS day!
I have 2 girls….one is 14, just started high school, the other just turned 4 and starts preschool for the 1st time next week!
My oldest has been through some hard times the past year emotionally dealing with the loss of her father and I worry about the next 4 years the most!
Stopping by from SITS
I love the endless possibilities and creative ambitions of a child!
Wow. This kinda took my breath away. I mean, I KNOW this, deep down, but I guess I don’t think about it often enough. Happy SITS!
I have two little girls, and this was a good reminder that they are watching EVERYTHING! 🙂
Sounds like me when I was younger, but it was a model and a lawyer.
Happy SITS!
What a practical girl! Love her attitude.
I think it’s wonderful that she is shaping you as much as you are shaping her.
Ah, when I was a kid I wanted to be an artist, a nurse and a mommy. At least I managed one of those!
Having children and seeing how much impact you have on their lives (and they on yours) is quite overwhelming and wonderful all at once.
So cute!! Congrats on being the FB
What an inspiring post.
Happy SITS day!
What a good mother you are! I hope you everything works out for her. How cute she sounds, and smart!
Happy SITS day!
Now that is a girl after my own heart…rock star and chef? Perfect!
My kids go through cycles. My son is the best: army man –> car washer man –> teacher –> gluten free bread store owner.
Happy SITS day.
Happy SITS day!
I love her spirit and her practicality! Of course she can be both! Don’t try to stop her!
What a motivating post today. I often forget that I’m raising a woman, not just a little girl. I need to get my priorities into gear.
Hehe good for her. Happy SITS day.
Your daughter is very creative and imaginative. It’s cute how she sees herself in not one but two professional careers. I not so sure how happy you are about her wanting to be a rock star though 😉
Oh, I so know what you mean when you talk about your daughter watching you. I feel the same way. My daughter is only 15 months but of course she already mimics everything I do and it’s a real eye-opener. lol I want her to be strong and confident, believe that she can do anything!
Inspiring post. 🙂
This should be required reading material for anyone even thinking about engaging in the act of pro-creation.
wow, my daughter wants to be a Mom to 22 children.
Being a wife ?- not so important to her.
Your daughter is so wise! My baby boys knew what they wanted at 4 years old too, and the one who actually kept to his dream is the happiest young adult in my family! My own 4 year old self knew I was an artist…and I eventually found a way to live it. So maybe, just maybe, you’ll be the proud mommy of a chef/rockstar in 20 years!
What a lovely post and fabulous thing for your daughter to read one day. Happy SITS day!
Fabulous! Awesome way to look at an awesome responsibility. You should teach a class, my friend. Keri
oh to be a child again!!!
Sassy Chica
My daughter says she wants to be a mommy. I wonder if my role modeling is good, or terrible.
Happy Sits day.