It’s a new year, and as many of us are doing we’re purging our closets, and trying to organize. I’m hear to remind you that in the New Year not to forget to do a make up purge. When I do a make up purge you should have in your head 3 distinct piles. You may even want to delineate an area for each pile. Get 2 bags for 2 of the 3 piles you create.
The 3 piles you should have are: 1) keep, 2) toss and 3) giveaway
I want to put this caveat in because it’s necessary for sanitary reasons; don’t give away something that may be a problem. If you have any doubt throw it out. Better safe then sorry.
Here are the rules of engagement:
- If you have not worn it in 6 mo to a year then toss or give it away.
- Did you buy that lipstick/lipgloss, and it never looked right? Put it in the giveaway pile. There’s going to be someone you know that looks good in that shade.
- Does the item smell bad, or have a weird hue? Do I need to say toss? Probably not, but just in case, that should be in the toss pile.
- If there’s not much left in the pan or tube, toss it. It’s only taking up precious room from the new make-up you’re going to buy when you’re done with this purge.
- If it’s something you forgot you even had, chances are you are not going to use it. Depending on how long it’s been buried, you can even give it away.
- If you find something in there that is a bright color you purchased on a whim and never wore, don’t hold on to it. It’s not going to suddenly look better on you when you have the right event/outfit. It’s better to give it away to someone who can appreciate it.
- No liquid should be separated or chunky. If you haven’t used it in a while check the consistency, because it may not be what you expect.
- One of the most important things is to be sure to throw away your mascara regularly. Don’t keep mascara longer than 6 months. It holds the
most bacteria of any of your other beauty products, and there’s no reason to risk an eye infection.
Now your make up collection is thinned out leaving plenty of room for 2012, and all of the make up it brings with it. Stay tuned, I’m sure I’ll have suggestions for you in the weeks to come.
Check out Candice’s beauty tips and more on Fashionably Organized.