Must Have Pregnancy Apps

In Apps, Tech by Christina Montoya FiedlerLeave a Comment

When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately started a “Before the Baby Gets Here” to do list. There’s a lot on it and it seems as if nine months might not be enough. While it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the thought of having another child, no matter how badly you might want this new bundle of joy, there are ways to cope with the stress.

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Here are a few apps to make your time as a pregnant lady easier and more productive.


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Baby journals are very hard to keep, but not if you can record all of your baby’s milestones with the click of a few buttons. The MementoBox App is a virtual baby journal that allows you to update anywhere and anytime. Divided into three sections – my arrival, my first year, my world – the app allows you to upload images or videos and share with friends.

What to Expect Pregnancy Tracker

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FreeiTunes and Google Play

We’ve all read the book, now check out the app that makes keeping track of your weekly pregnancy progress a snap.  Learn about your baby’s weekly development, your growing belly, and nutritional needs all on an easy to read week-by-week format. Join the online community for quick answers to common pregnancy questions.

50,000 Baby Names

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FreeiTunes and Google Play

Search over 50,000 baby names in seconds. It’s never too early to start thinking about names for your new baby boy or girl. The filter helps you find names with similar meanings, origins, and popularity. Feeling lucky? Hit the random baby name button and see what you come up with. You might just like it! Can’t find what you are looking for? Add your own custom name to the list so others can see just how creative you can be.

Contraction Timer Lite

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FreeiTunes and Google Play

When the time comes to start counting the minutes between contractions, you’ll want a reliable method to fall back on. This app uses a simple stop watch concept, and records your previous entries taking the average of each timed contraction letting you know when it’s time to head to the doctor. Let your partner keep track of the contractions while you focus on your upcoming superhero status.


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This app has it all – virtual journal, week by week looks, 3D fetal illustrations, weight gain analysis, baby name guide, and more. Users love the “questions for the doc” section that helps you keep track of all the things you need to discuss with your OB at the next visit. The app is compatible with Facebook and Twitter, in case you just have to share.

iBaby Feed Timer

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Gear up for breastfeeding with this handy app. It allows you to track feeding times with a simple stopwatch function. It also helps you remember what side you started on so you can switch to the next, for the next feeding. You can use the app for more than one baby, creating a separate profile for each child. Set feeding reminders and send notes about schedules direction to daycare providers.

Moms, what pregnancy related apps do you use on a regular basis?

Meet the Author | Christina Montoya Fiedler

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native - born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various parenting sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors - one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. Now that's cool!

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