Screaming children, spilled milk, broken toys—oh my! Mothers are more acquainted with the chaos and crazy than they’d probably like to be. However, even 5 minutes of “me-time” can help moms find that Zen to help them recharge and keep going. Here are my favorite mental makeover hacks for staying on my game from breakfast all the way to bedtime.
A great way to get energized and promote positivity in the morning is to start the day with even just a few minutes of exercise. It doesn’t have to be an hour long run or a full trip to the gym, but spending 5 minutes getting your heart pumping before waking the kids up is sure to give you those endorphins to get through your morning. Personal trainer and founder of Move It Momma Chana Balk has a 5-minute routine that can be done in even the smallest of spaces. Bonus: you won’t be jumping or running so these exercises can even be done on the floor inside without waking the kids up. Visit for the full routine breakdown.
Whether you are a stay-at-home mom entertaining and chasing the kids around all day or you spend your days at the office, a second dose of me-time in the afternoon is beneficial for all. Mid-day is a common time when people feel like they are dragging along. Many of us crave sweet or salty foods then, too. Don’t reach for the brownies your coworker brought in or dig into that pint of ice cream you have stashed in the freezer. Instead, reenergize with a healthy smoothie packed with the flavors that will help crush your junk food cravings.
Jessica Gavin, certified food and culinary scientist, has a few recipes for smoothies that only require 90 seconds in the blender. Spend a couple minutes prepping the ingredients and you are good to go. Her recipes—think matcha green-tea and carrot orange ginger—give you the boost you need in the middle of the day.
This brings us to about 5:00 p.m. All you’ve got left on your plate is dinner, baths and bedtime routines. This is a great time to grab 5 more minutes for yourself to recharge for the final few hours. If you can swing it, step away for 5 minutes and sit down with, yes, your phone! We’re not talking about social media apps though. A few of our favorites are Relax Rain, Gratitude Journal and Sworkit. Gratitude Journal lets you write down what you are thankful for and what makes you happy—this exercise is great for thinking about what’s really important and letting go of those daily messes, spills and crying fits, and the stress that comes with them.
Head on over to for more 5-minute mental makeovers to help you get through the busiest and most stressful of days.
This article was contributed by Liz Vaccariello, Editor in Chief of Parents magazine.
To find out what Mom really wants for Mother’s Day in addition to some me time, flip through our Mother’s Day Gift Guide and enter our giveaway!