How to make Cake Pops!

In Kids, Living by savvysassymoms12 Comments

Cupcakes are OUT, Cake Pops are IN!

Making Cake Pops with my little savvy sassy for her 6th Birthday, enjoy!  (watch until the end, its funny)

I highly reccommend making these with your kids, it was super fun and easy,
even for someone who is never in the kitchen!!

Buy the Cake Pops Book!

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram


  1. Watched the video with my little savvy sassy. Can’t wait to make our own cake pops for her birthday party!

  2. So frickin’ cute!!! Love the concpet and the way they look! Makenna is a star! I am gonna make them this week for my son’s bday. Loved the demo video too!

  3. Pingback: Easter Cake Pops | Savvy Sassy Moms

  4. Pingback: Cake Pops Showdown | Savvy Sassy Moms

  5. Pingback: Designer Oreo Cookies! | Savvy Sassy Moms

  6. What a cute little girl. She should be in T.V. advertisements. Your daughter seemed to be having so much fun, I think children at a party would like making the pops.

  7. Pingback: Baby Shower Cake Pops & Personalized Surprises | Savvy Sassy Moms

  8. I just loved the video and McKenna’s cuteness. She’s so adorable and such a good helper!
    Congrats for the cake pops, they were beautiful!

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