Use These Methods of Technology To Advertise Your Business!

In Living, Living by JennaLeave a Comment

If your business has been using the traditional print methods of advertising for years, you may be considering how you can move away from this and start to do something a little more – shall we say – modern?

You want to get your company’s name out into the world, but that’s not always easy if you’re not willing to diversify and grow. Growth is a big part of your business, and you need to consider how you can find new ways to innovate and advertise. Part of this may involve stepping outside of your comfort zone, and that isn’t always easy. However, technology isn’t slowing down any time soon, so it’s a case of jumping on board or jumping off entirely! So, with this in mind, here are some of the methods you should use to advertise your business and do things differently.

  1. Smartphones. Apps, a great QR code Generator and notification advertisements are all going to change the way that you advertise your business, but it’ll only work if you let it. Technology is evolving quickly and that’s evident in how QR codes and apps are becoming more popular. Smartphones are everywhere and in everyone’s pockets, so you need to do what you can to appeal to those who use smart technology. It’s only going to continue to grow.
  2. LED Display. You don’t have to be online as a business to expand your technological knowledge. LED display panels are being used in brick and mortar businesses and they will help your brand name to stay with your customers no matter what. They can be used for display signs, outdoor signage and even ceiling display!
  3. Live Chat. People want to be able to contact you when THEY want to talk to you, and often, this isn’t in the standard business hours as they’re also at work! So, if you offer a live web chat feature, you’re going to be able to help people to make bigger and better consumer decisions when they can get ahold of your team at any time of day.
  4. Online PR. The newspapers in the world are being phased into a more online platform right now, and people want to have relevant news as they can get it. You can push your news as a business out into the online world with community pages, online newspapers and publications and more. Online PR can make a huge difference to your business and you can use online PR as a great way to advertise your business.
  5. Augmented Reality. You want to capture the attention of your customers, so use augmented reality to do it. You can again rely on people’s smartphone use to get them involved, and all they have to do is scan your codes and interact with games and prizes available.

Technology is changing the world and the worst thing that could happen here is that you’re left behind – and you don’t want that! You need to keep your business up to date and that’ll be easier when you embrace technology not fight it.

Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Berger is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 9 and 14. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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