Fuctional Baby Fashion from Cheekie Charlie

In Baby, Kids by Christina Montoya FiedlerLeave a Comment

Screen Shot 2013-11-08 at 3.53.27 PMAnyone who’s ever had a baby knows that newborns go through no fewer than 10 outfit changes a day thanks to spit ups and diaper blowouts. And once they get a bit older and teething kicks in, the amount of drool they produce is enough to warrant a change all by itself.

cheekiecharlieMeet Cheekie Charlie, an innovative new line of baby onesies that features interchangeable bibs that attach in a snap. Made for babies size 6 to 18 months, these 100 percent cotton snap suits are as adorable as they are functional.

best bib for droolDrool be gone!

Cheekie Charlie has been a lifesaver in this house. Lots of new baby products are very gimmicky, but this one really works. In fact, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it! Here’s a real life example. I was strapping in my 4-month-old into his car seat the other day. Of course he spit up as soon as I had him strapped in. No problem! I just unsnapped the Cheekie Charlie bib and gave him a new one. There was no fuss of taking him out and changing his whole outfit. Also, now that he’s teething, these are a great alternative to traditional bibs.

best bib for drool

My son happy in his nautical themed Cheekie Charlie outfit.

I love the bright colors and designs that just pop against the white onesies. And everything washes so well, holding its shape and color.

Moms, which of the new Cheekie Charlie designs are your favorite?

Meet the Author | Christina Montoya Fiedler

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native - born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various parenting sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors - one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. Now that's cool!

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