We’re moving to Costa Rica!

In Travel by savvysassymoms39 Comments

I only have one thing on my 2013 to do list and that is to MOVE TO COSTA RICA!

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McKenna age 4 on Playa Flamingo in 2008

We have dreamed about living outside the United States FOREVER.  We have been talking about it to our friends and family for years and most of them are probably sick of us talking about it.  It’s time to DO IT.  We’ve also thought about traveling for a year around the world with the kids, but constantly being on the move while still having to work may become difficult.  So, we have decided to land in one place (for now) and have our kids attend an American International School.

Why now?
If it was up to my husband, Harris Fellman, we would have been “Traveling Gypsies” and have already been around the world and back with our kids. But, being a Mom and you know, thinking that you have to do what everyone else is doing, I have been the one holding us back.  We also had to simplify our life and change our ways, dig ourselves out of some debt and save some money to do this.  Then there is just that gut feeling of this is the right time and knowing deep down that I’m ready.

The  exact moment I knew it was time:  I watched this TED talk by Candy Chan, Before I die I want to… and I looked at Harris and said, “I’m ready, let’s do it.”  Travel is the one thing that I dream about and know that i was put on this earth to do.  It is the one thing that lifts my spirit.  It is the one thing I want to do more of before I die.

I have just three personal goals while in Costa Rica.  I want to learn Spanish, learn to really surf, and do yoga.

Why Costa Rica:
We love it there.  It is a simple, safe and happy place.  In fact the happiest place in the world 😉 We want to experience a different way of life.  It is also still very close to the US and we can get back easily when necessary.  Learning and actually using Spanish is another main reason.

We will be leaving in June once the kids are out of school.  How long?  At least a year, but probably two.  We want to spend the first year exploring and getting to know all of Costa Rica and travel over to Belize, Turks & Caicos and some of the other Caribbean islands.  Then, we hope to spend the second year getting down to and discovering South America.

My husband and I both work from home.  We can live anywhere – all we need is a good Internet connection.  I am open to new opportunities and possibilities once down there as well.

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Costa Rica 2008 (Hudson 2 1/2)

We will be living in Gunacaste, which is in the northwest corner of Costa Rica on the Pacific side.  We have been to this part of Costa Rica twice.  We stayed in Playa Flamingo for a month when our kids were 2 and 4 and fell in love with it.  We recently went back to visit on our 10 year wedding anniversary and it was also a secret scouting mission to find a school for our kids and to start looking for a place to live.

What about SSM:
Have no fear, Savvy Sassy Moms is not going anywhere, but I need more travel in my life.  It’s a passion of mine that I have not pursued as much because of spending so much energy and time building Savvy Sassy Moms.  My first blog was actually called “Have Kids Still Travel” when we took our kids to Barcelona, Spain for a month.  As much as I love SSM, I must admit that I have a little regret not keeping up with that blog and making that more of a focus.

Harris will start a project called On Becoming Limitless:
On the site,  there will be interviews, articles, and research on the various aspects of how people remove limits from their lives. Eventually he hopes to turn the blog into a book, and down the road, experiential events. The ultimate purpose of it all is to inspire everyone to live life to its fullest.

I will start WanderLust Living:
A blog to document our life in Costa Rica and wherever the road may take us.  This is what I want from life and when I want something I go get it.  I’ve traveled a lot but there is so much more to see and do and doing it with kids makes it even more of an adventure.  I want to see it all.

I can only hope that this may inspire you to take a leap of faith this year, get out of your confort zone, take a chance, change course, do what you love or just take a small step in the right direction.

Happy New Year!  2013 is sure to be epic.


Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram


  1. Congratulations, Fellman Family!!! Many, many blessings and joy and happiness, and EVERYTHING to you all!

  2. I am thrilled for you to have said it OUT LOUD like this! You are amazing and I know that doing this is so, so right for you! I only hope I get to see you a ton before you leave!

  3. I’m so excited for you!!! I can’t wait to read all about your adventures and expect us to come knocking at your door soon! We honeymooned in Costa Rica and traveled the country having a blast. Now that we’ve done China, Hong Kong, and Japan this summer with the kids we’re looking forward to experiencing Costa Rica with them too!

  4. This sounds very exciting!! Lately, I’ve been reading so much about the “experts” encouraging their followers to be brave, take chances, set fear aside, etc. etc. You’re doing it! Blessings to all of you on your new adventure.

  5. From the moment you voiced this decision to reading this post, this has made me smile. Congratulations on grabbing the “now” and living it.

  6. So brave. I’m envious of the fact that you are finally DOING IT instead of talking about it. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Be blessed!

  7. Harris sounds a lot like my husband. He so wants to just travel the world with the kids. Before kids I lived in Taiwan, Amsterdam and traveled all over the world…and now..life is so different. We miss so much about our old life and are still trying to figure out how to do it with kids without breaking the bank.

    I am so happy for you guys!! xoxoxo

  8. I’m so inspired by you Andrea, it’s unbelievable. Phoebe and I just returned from Vancouver and I’m so excited to do more and see more. I love to travel and now that I’ve finally gotten on the road, I can’t wait to go again.

    I love you and will miss you all but I’m thrilled for you and can’t wait to read all about your incredible adventure. xoxoxo

  9. That is AWESOME! Ever since my family adventured through Costa Rica a few years ago, we’ve dreamed your dream. We’d do it in a heartbeat if we could figure out how to make it work. Congrats to you, and make sure you keep us updated on your journeys. Catch some waves, practice some Spanish downward dogs, and savor the pura vida!

  10. Author

    Jessica – that is great! I think traveling brings you closer to your children. It really is a learning and true bonding experience! Xoxo

  11. I am so excited for you! We lived in Scotland for almost a year before having kids and it was the best experience of our lives…you absolutely won’t regret it. Can’t wait to read about your travels…XOXO

  12. Wow 2013 will be an amazing year! cant wait to see you’re pictures and read all about your new chapter of life… I guess the best part will be no worries about how to say Bagels right 😛 haha

  13. sounds like an amazing adventure and experience – I have always dreamed of spending longer periods abroad – kudos to you for living your dream!

  14. This is amazing!! I love it! Can’t wait to follow your adventures. 🙂

  15. Oh wow how cool!! I have always wanted to live out of the Country but we dont work from home so that will never happen.

    We went to Belize on our honeymoon and I LOVE it there!

  16. wowowoowowowow! have to be honest – im a little jealous. LOL — happy for you —- but I’m sending this to my husband right now! AMAZING!!! really thrilling. cant wait to read your other blog

  17. congrats and I think it’s amazing that you’re living your life the way you want to.

  18. Pingback: Instagram Travel Thursday: Costa Rica Week 1 | Savvy Sassy Moms

  19. Pingback: Instagram Travel Thursday: Costa Rica week 2 | Savvy Sassy Moms

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