Finding things to do as a whole family can be difficult. With warmer weather and longer nights, summer can be a wonderful season for families to reconnect. On a budget? No problem! These summer family fun activities are a sure way to have fun and make some long-lasting memories without breaking your bank account.
Summer movie night
Do you have fond memories of going to a drive-in movie theatre as a child? The drive-in movie was once a staple entertainment experience for many. There are still some around and your children would enjoy all it has to offer on a hot summer night. Don’t have one close by? No problem! With technology today, setting one up in your backyard is easier than you think. If you don’t have all the equipment, ask your neighbors to join you. Don’t forget the popcorn!
Family fun with board games
Having a games night is the perfect way to have fun without breaking your bank account. Board games are a great way to build some essential skills. Playing board games as a family addresses many areas of development including emotional regulation, cognitive and social skills, all while laughing.
The taste test challenge
A fun twist on a game night is to set up a taste test challenge. Do you remember the Coke versus Pepsi challenge? Why not set up your own taste test challenge with your family’s favourite brand drinks? Not a fan of sugary drinks? That’s okay, you can even do a water taste test challenge. Perhaps filtered water versus tap. Kids may also enjoy being blind folded and try guessing the food item you have offered them.
Experiment with STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
Are your kids into STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)? Then consider hosting a day of science experiments. Provide each member of the family their very own notebook to record their findings for each activity. Some cool science experiments might include making slime or exploding rockets. The best part is, not only will your children be having fun, they will be learning too!
Get into the kitchen
Want to teach your children some essential life skills? Then you might want to consider getting into the kitchen. Children love to help in the kitchen, especially if they can bake something they love to eat. This can be the one time you relax a little more in the kitchen when there is a mess. Why? You have the whole family there to help pitch in to clean up.
Go camping
Camping at a local campsite may not be your scene. That’s okay! Your kids may still get excited about pitching a tent in their very own back yard. Invite neighbors to get in on the fun. To include everything you would normally find or do while camping, assign each family a responsibility: hotdogs, Smores, flashlights, camping games and breakfast. Still not convinced camping outdoors is your style. Not to worry! Bring the fun indoors by sleeping on mats and sleeping bags in your living room.
Enjoy nature
Getting outdoors as a family in the summer is certainly a way to have fun without breaking your bank account. Explore what mother nature has to offer by visiting a local hiking trail or going for a bike ride. Collect items from nature for a fun twist on the Tic Tac Toe game. Try doing this in the early evening so you can watch the sunset.
The night sky
One of my fondest memories is simply looking up at the night sky. The night sky is canvas of twilights and sparkles with all those stars. Help your children map out the different constellations. Lay out blankets and pillows and be prepared to be amazed.
Favorite childhood past times
Did you love playing hide-and-seek or tag as a child? These favorite childhood past times have been updated to a game called Man Hunt which is played at night. The goal is to avoid being tagged by anyone designated as “it.” Younger children can be paired with an older sibling and flashlights can also be used.
Rainy day fun
What about a rainy day? No problem! Children can showcase their talents by setting up a mock America’s Got Talent or American Idol. Don’t have a singing voice? That’s okay, judges are always needed.
These summer family fun activities will help build memories that your children will remember about their childhood. Your children will have so much fun as special bonds are created. And don’t forget that hot summer nights just scream for ice cream.