Man and woman walking by a for sale sign

Simplifying Your House Sale: Tips For Homeowners

In Lifestyle, Living by JennaLeave a Comment

Selling a house can be a complex and time-consuming process. While some sellers receive offers within hours, others wait for weeks, even months. If you are preparing to put a sign up outside, here are some tips to simplify your house sale. 

Hire a Real Estate Agent

The first step to take when planning a stress-free, seamless home sale is to hire a real estate agent. Look for a firm that has an excellent track record, ask neighbors and friends for recommendations, read reviews and meet with representatives. Hiring an agent will help you market your property and reach out to interested buyers. It will also eliminate the need to liaise with prospective buyers, saving you time and effort. Real estate agents are well-versed in talking to buyers, arranging and overseeing viewings and open house events and negotiating prices. 

Prepare your property

One of the most important steps to take to maximize the chances of a quick sale is to market your property effectively. Real estate agents can take care of putting brochures together and compiling listings. With that said, it is beneficial to consider making a few changes to your home before it goes on the market to make it more attractive to buyers. Freshen up paintwork, add accessories and touches like plants and vases of flowers, use mirrors to bounce natural light around and declutter. Clean and tidy before you have photographs taken and stage your home to ensure that it looks its best in the listing. 

Set realistic expectations

As a seller, it’s natural to want to get the best offer as soon as you put your home up for sale. In reality, it can take a long time to sell a property and the offer may be significantly lower than the highest valuation. It is beneficial to get a series of valuations before you set a price and to talk to your agent about the asking price. It is worth noting that the valuation doesn’t always reflect the price a buyer is willing to pay. If the market is slow, or there are lots of other properties in the area up for sale, for example, you may struggle to attract asking price offers. If the demand in your area outweighs the supply, or the market is booming, buyers may be willing to pay more than the top valuation. 

Use feedback

If you are selling your home, it’s hugely beneficial to utilize feedback from real estate agents and prospective buyers to increase your chances of getting the offer you want. Address issues that are putting buyers off and take suggestions on board. Perhaps buyers think that the price is slightly too high, or they feel that more could be done to enhance curb appeal, for example. 

Selling a house can be frustrating and time-consuming. If you are putting your home up for sale, take these steps to simplify the process and maximize your chances of achieving a quick, stress-free sale. Hire a reputable, reliable real estate agency with an excellent track record, prepare your home for sale, set realistic expectations and use feedback from agents and buyers to make your home more appealing.

If you are moving with kids, read on for some tips for a successful move!

Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Berger is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 9 and 14. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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