Simple Diet Tips to Balance Your Blood Sugar Level

In Lifestyle, Living by JennaLeave a Comment

Understanding how to stabilize your blood sugar with diet is crucial to preventing or managing diabetes. High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) is linked with prediabetes and diabetes. The former occurs when your blood sugar level is close to abnormal but not high enough to cause full-blown diabetes. Thankfully, some foods can help you balance your blood sugar. Avoiding sugary foods and eating a balanced diet is a smart way to maintain a safe blood sugar level. If you want to balance your blood sugar with nutrition, try these simple diet tips to help you.

Control your carb intake

Your carbohydrate consumption can greatly determine your blood sugar level. Therefore, manage your carb intake to benefit your blood sugar. When you eat some carbs, your system converts them to sugars, mostly glucose. The hormone insulin then helps your system use and store glucose for energy. Consuming too many calories can increase your sugar level, particularly when you have problems with your insulin function. People with diabetes can manage their carb consumption by counting the quantities they take and how many they require. Several studies have shown eating low-carb diets improves blood sugar levels. Rather than eating processed or refined carbs, consider prioritizing whole grains to help decrease your blood sugar.

Take more fiber

Soluble fiber helps manage blood sugar and can enhance your body’s capacity to control and reduce blood sugar. Vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fruits are rich in fiber. The optimum daily intake for men and women is 35 g and 25 g, respectively. 

Eat nutrient-dense snacks

A nutrient dense snack offers your body essential macro and micronutrients crucial for its function. It has fiber, protein, and carbs alongside vitamins and minerals such as potassium, zinc, and calcium. Nutrient-dense snacks like nuts and canned tuna can help you balance your blood sugar while satisfying your hunger, making it a win-win situation. Low-fat cottage cheese can also keep your blood sugar in check, so feel free to take about a quarter cup of this snack with fruit or ricotta spread on a whole-grain cracker; it will not spike your blood sugar. Alternatively, mix fresh fruits with low-fat yogurt for a sweet treat.

Drink enough water

Staying well hydrated could help normalize your blood sugar. Drinking enough water prevents dehydration and boosts your kidney function, removing excess sugar through urine. One review study showed that people who drink enough water are less likely to develop high blood sugar levels. Water rehydrates your blood, balances your sugar level, and reduces diabetes. Therefore, embrace water, use low-calorie drinks, and avoid sweetened alternatives, as they can increase your blood glucose level, weight, and diabetes risks.

Opt for low-glycemic index foods

The glycemic index (GI) is a 0-100 scale that shows the rate of carbs breakdown during digestion and how fast your body absorbs carbohydrates. Low glycemic index foods have a ranking of 55 or lower. Eating low GI diets has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. You may opt for low-glycemic foods like barley, oats, beans, whole wheat pasta, and lentils. Adding healthy fats or protein may help reduce your blood sugar spike after meals.

Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Berger is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 9 and 14. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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