I feel like I need another creative outlet, no not just another thing to put on my “To Do List”, but something that is truly just for me, my mind and my creativity. Something that lets me take a time out and focus on something simple, something beautiful.
I love taking pictures of my kids, our travels, old buildings, beaches, sunsets, flowers, beautiful trees, city views and mountains. Sometimes a picture is so much better than trying to describe something with words. I know nothing about photography. I do however, think there is a photographer deep down inside just waiting to be let out!
I have a Canon Power Shot camera (point and shoot, as they call it), although I have always wanted a more professional and legit one. My goal is to learn how to take better photographs of my 1) children 2) our travels. When Harris and I are old and my hair is grey I vision my home filled with beautiful memories of places and people scattered on the walls. The more photos on the wall the better, you can never have too many photos. I want all kinds of eclectic picture frames to decorate the borders of these photos.
I want the image to capture every feeling, smell, and thought I had. I want the frame and the picture in it to take me back to wherever I was in that moment. I want my home to be a gallery of our wonderful life or perhaps a wall of gratitude.
So what did I do, I signed up for an Online Photography Course from Shutter Sisters called the “Summer Picture Series“. It runs from July 1st – July 31st and I am thrilled to be doing something for the sole purpose of creativity, beauty and plain ol fun of it! I am sharing this with you because you will probably see a lot more pictures than words on Savvy Sassy Moms this summer. I want to rest my mind and reflect a little this summer, I hope to accomplish that through a daily time out with photography. This is only a tiny baby step into the world of photography but at least I made one.
I hope you can find something to clear your mind and inspire you this summer. And as always, you are welcome to share it here!
Im so proud of you. You are always amazing me!!!!!!!!! I got all teary eyed when I read the blog. I too love pictures Love you!!! mom
nice post. thanks.
I did Picture Spring and LOVED IT! I’m doing Picture Summer, too!
You’re going to love it! YAY!!!!!!
This is exactly why I took up freelance writing. It’s for me and my soul. I’m so happy you’re doing something for you…especially since you’ve wanted to do it for so long.
I’m totally with you on the walls full of pictures in an eclectic array of frames…totally my style.
Good luck! I look forward to seeing your pictures!