Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Kids

In Family, Tips & Advice by Janet Arnold1 Comment

As parents, we all have questions for kids several times a day. Typically, these questions are, “How was your day at school?”, “Who did you play with today?” or “Do you have any homework?” Though it is important to find out about your child’s day, often what you get in a return is a simple one-word respond.  A vague reply lends itself to a less than meaningful conversation with you feeling frustrated.

Since your time with your child is precious, what better way to gain insight into their minds by asking them some thought provoking questions. It is not a matter of sitting down and holding a “drilling” session, nor is it an absent-minded conversation, but really an opportunity to communicate with them. Children do have a lot to say and can share their perspective about the family dynamic or about the world around them.  The key is to ask the right questions!

Questions for kids about your family

Children are an integral part of the family and are just as much affected as you are by the daily workings of the family.  Ask them their opinion on the rules and structure of the family.

  • What rule in our family do you think is fair?
  • Which family rule will you change when you have your own family?
  • What do you love most about our family?
  • Do you want another sibling?

Ask questions about kindness

Teaching our kids about compassion and being conscious of others is a great way to develop a caring attitude. You can show that as family, you understand and care about the feelings of others, and that treating people outside the family with respect is important.

  • What charity do you think is the most important to donate to?
  • What do you think it is like to be in a wheelchair?
  • Would you ever lie for a friend?
  • Is there someone at school who you feel sorry for?
Build self-awareness and self-knowledge

Understanding about one’s self can take years. Cultivating this in our chidlren at an early age is possible.  When children are aware of their strengths and challenges, and accept those qualities, they are more likely to be confident and learn to self-advocate for themselves.

  • What positive trait do you think your friends admire the most about you?
  • Is there another country that you would love to live in?
  • Is there a skill you don’t have but want to learn?
  • What is another language you would love to be able to speak?
  • Is there something you used to have and didn’t appreciate it?
  • What makes you the happiest?
  • What are you the most afraid of?
  • Is there anything you would change about yourself?
Questions that make you smile

Parents want to gain insight into what their kids are thinking, and the answers to amusing questions can lead to understanding your children a little better.

  • What food would you love to never have to eat again?
  • What would you do if you won a million dollars?
  • If you could come back as an animal, which one would that be?
  • If you could have one super power, what would that be?
  • Do you want to be able to travel to the moon?

Our hope is to raise children who think about things that matter and asking the right questions can encourage positive actions in our children. So, my question to you is, if you could have 30 minutes to yourself, what would you do?

Meet the Author | Janet Arnold

Janet Arnold is the Mother to two boys. She is a Behaviour Consultant, Author/Blogger, and an accredited Triple P Practitioner (Standard Stepping Stones) who has a strong background in Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA). She is a High Five Trainer. Since 1996, Janet has worked with children, their families, and individuals in clinical and educational settings.


  1. Our girls are 3 and 4 and we are trying to do just that. I will share your article. More parents need to read this and think about the things that matter.

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