The Best Of Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale – Kids Shoes

In Back to School, Kids, Kids Fashion, Style by TracyLeave a Comment

Do you want to know my all time favorite sale of the year? I know you do. It’s Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale that is happening now until August 6th! Now, I’d like to say that this is my favorite sale because I spoil myself rotten and buy several dresses, pairs of shoes and handbags for myself(I wish)…but no….

The Nordstrom Anniversary sale happens each year just when we are starting our back to school shopping and it is THE place I shop for school shoes for my kids. I don’t skimp on shoes. Kids need a shoe that fits well and the associates in the kids shoe department know what they are doing.  I like great quality, comfort, value and style and where else can I get all of these at a one-stop-shop each back to school season? Nordstrom’s Sale! Every year.

I took all my girls shopping this week to pick out their favorites for school. And I do admit we make it a fun ladies day at the mall – a little shoe shopping and a little lunch. Maybe ice cream. You have to teach them young, right?

Here’s our haul…(I know what you’re thinking..that is A LOT of shoes to hide from your husband!)

My oldest daughter is going into fourth grade and has left her Mary Jane days behind her.  Here are her picks…

1. Purple X-Hi Converse sneaker – seriously she fell in love with these,  2.  Nike Free Trainer running/gym shoes, 3.  Black Maddi shearling Ugg boots, and 4.  Basic Black ballet Nordstrom Kelsey suede flats


My middle daughter is entering the second grade and still loves her Mary Janes and a little bling.

She chose 1. Light-up Shuffles from Skechers as her gym/sneaker shoe, 2. a basic black Kapri Mary Jane from Primigi, and 3. a great versatile silver fashion boot from Naturino. (Her winter Uggs are hand-me-downs from Eloise).


My youngest starts preschool this year(sob) and here’s what she chose for her first school shoes.

1. Basic black Kapri Mary Jane’s from Primigi to match her big sister, 2. These adorable Ugg Jorie Boots to keep her toes warm, and 3. The Pink Puma adorable sneakerinas!

Most of these were 40-50% off of retail prices so you cannot go wrong.  It’s a back to school shopping tradition that we will continue for as long as they let me shop with them.  And then maybe I can just go buy something for myself.


Have you started back to school shopping yet?  Where do you love to shop for school shoes?

Meet the Author | Tracy

Tracy is the mother of three girls and works as a freelance writer and in the children's fashion industry. She loves finding and shopping for the latest trends yet keeps her closets full of classic and whimsical styles and loves to scour thrift stores. Tracy enjoys running, traveling, baking, shopping, drinking red wine, wearing high heels and telling really bad jokes to her children. Blog

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