Find your style

In Fashion, Style by Guest Writer2 Comments

Hi everyone! I’m Natalia from Ma Nouvelle Mode, a blog where I write about life, family, fashion & beauty. I am a wife to a pretty cool dude and mom to two crazy little boys. We live between France and California together and generally enjoy our crazy, silly life.

Moms don’t always feel stylish

So parenting is tough, right? You give up most of yourself for these little people that don’t fully understand the love and sacrifice that goes into it. Of course every second is worth it, even the tough ones, and I don’t know about you but I have had a little bit of a tough time finding a balance between it all. Between being my own person, taking time for myself and managing my home and serving my family. Oftentimes the former takes a hit. It’s not abnormal to find me in my sweats with no makeup on for the third day in a row.

And you know what? It’s okay! Sometimes we have those days — heck,  those weeks! I give you permission to give yourself a break! However, I am also here to encourage you to get out of your mom slump. It’s okay, we’ll take baby steps. And before you know it, you’ll be looking and feeling great about yourself!! Are you ready? Let’s do it.

Style is an evolving thing

First of all, let me just say that style is a fluid concept. There are some dos and don’ts but generally you find what looks good on you that you feel the best in. And sorry, but I’m not talking about your yoga pants! But, hey, if you really need the comfort, slip on a maxi skirt and you have the same amount of comfort and you look cute! But do yourself a favor and let go of the idea that you need or want to look like the ladies in magazines or even really popular style bloggers. Forget what you think you need to look like and definitely stop comparing. Start working on what works for you and what you look and feel great in. It will just expand from there.

Tips to help you find your own style
  • Analyze your closet

shop your closet tops

Some suggested tops you should own

That’s right, get in there. Take a look at all the pieces you own. When was the last time you wore it? If it’s been a while, why? Does it fit? Is it flattering? Is it versatile? If the piece doesn’t fit into the majority of these, give it away. Even if you have to get down to just the bare basics.

  • Shop your closet

remixing your closet - making the most out of a small wardrobe

This is my actual closet in one of the places we lived. Small, I know! Now you know you can make yours work!

Now that you’re done analyzing, shop your closet! Take at least 7 pieces and remix them to style as many different outfits as you can. Think outside of the box. Tuck, twist, or belt shirts in a different way to create different looks. Mix patterns, colors, and textures. If you always wear a particular item a certain way – don’t style it that way! For the sake of the exercise, find another way you could wear it. You will be shocked with how much you come up with using just what you have.

  • Take pictures!

fall remixcrop

These are 7 pieces I styled 9 different ways!

I know this might sound a little silly, but hear me out. You don’t have to post these anywhere, it’s just for you. Grab a tripod or your friend or man and ask them to snap the outfits you’ve put together. Then when you go through them later you can see better what you like and don’t like and if a remix worked or not. If you liked it, print the picture up and keep it in your closet. So when you’re pressed for time and need a cute outfit, you’ve got a few go-tos!

  • Shop

I hesitate to write this one and you could definitely exclude this if you don’t have the funds, but after you’ve cleared out your closet and remixed what you have you should be able to make some educated shopping decisions. What are some staples that would go with what you already have? A rule of mine is that if I can wear it at least three different ways, then I can buy it. This way you can build your wardrobe and style wisely and buy what you need and what you know you will wear.

Hopefully after going through this process you will have a better idea about what your style is. You can see what works for you, what you like, and what you feel good in. Remember a few things about finding your style.

  1. Style is a very fluid concept.

    What works for others might not work for you and vice versa. After going through the exercise you should have a better idea of what works for you and narrow down your style. Don’t get caught up in what works for others. Of course if you see something you love on someone else, give it a try! But if it doesn’t work for you, either rework it so it will or try something else. This way you are making style work for you.

  2. Great style does not have to equal a lot of money spent.

    For one, try to limit the shopping and work with what you have. If you need or want to shop, you can shop smart. Shop for what you know will work and shop sales and discount racks. If you’re a good thrift store shopper, hit them up! Oftentimes you can find some amazing deals there.

  3. Confidence.

    This is key and should be your number one goal in finding your style and embracing it. If you walk around unsure about an outfit, tugging and pulling on it to hide your figure or if you feel uncomfortable, you will look uncomfortable!! But if you walk into a room and act like you own it, if you chose an outfit you know you look and feel great in, guess what – everyone else will think so too!! Embrace your style and be confident in your choices. After all, who cares what the rest of them say anyway?

I hope I’ve inspired you to get out there and find the style that makes you feel good. With a little bit of effort you can feel great about your wardrobe and about getting dressed every day. And of course if you have any extra tips to share, leave them in the comments!


Natalia head shotNatalia is a mom to two crazy boys and wife to one handsome dude. She lives in France part of the year where her husband plays professional basketball, but she hails from Southern California. The hubs was born & raised in Nassau, Bahamas, which makes them an intercultural, interracial family traveling the globe together since 2007. She loves to cook (but mostly eat), hang with her fam, be adventurous, & find ways to stay girlie in a house full of men. On her site you can find loads of hair tutorials, makeup ideas, & fashion tips for the everyday woman. She believes that beauty and fashion don’t have to be intimidating and that every woman should learn to embrace her own beauty.

Meet the Author | Guest Writer

This post was written by someone who we think has some pretty savvy ideas! We love sharing creative, informative and fun things form guest contributors!

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  1. This is a GREAT post! I was lucky to do a few sessions with a wardrobe coach last year to try to define my personal style. It was very much needed and really helped me. I couldn’t believe that being able to pinpoint my style carried over in to almost every area of my life. It made shopping easier, it made decorating easier and even helps in styling my posts and entertaining. These are great tips for helping others figure it out. And you are totally right about it being fluid. I’ve needed to make adjustments to fit my lifestyle and I also realized I needed to stop buying everything in black. 🙂

  2. I love Natalia’s blog, and this is such a great post about how to build a wardrobe without simply throwing money at the problem.

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