Cottonelle: Mad about Mod Twitter party (Monday Oct. 10th)

In Living, Style by savvysassymoms14 Comments

Cottonelle Mad About Mod Twitter party!

Monday, October 10th at 10:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM PST

Hostess:  @savvysassymoms  Co-Hostess: @momtrends

Special Design Guest:  Apartment Therapy follow them on Twitter @AptTherapy 

Follow @cottonelle

Hashtag #respecttheroll

Good design is all about the details–both on the runway in and your home.  Polka dots, choker necklaces and camouflage prints aren’t the only classics making a fashionable comeback this fall. The classic toilet paper roll cover is making a splash with a fresh new look in bathrooms across the country. We’re teaming up with Cottonelle for a conversation all about details that turn a ho-hum space into something spectacular. We’re calling it our “Mad About Mod” twitter party. We will be sharing great tips from our friends at Apartment Therapy on how to get that mod look into your home. Because you want all the spaces in your home to look chic, we know you’ll want to join in this online chat.

Cottonelle’s designer roll covers feature three fashion-forward designs inspired by the latest runway and interior trends. Hip moms know it’s never been cooler than to be old-school. 50s and 60s fashions are super hot and we’re going to be celebrating retro design.  At the party we’re going to share fabulous design tips (and most of them are frugal!). Don’t miss the conversation! Before and after the party we want you to join in the fun with Cottonelle.

To learn more about roll cover trend, visit  And visit the Cottonelle Facebook page, for a chance to win on of the 25,000 roll covers the brand is giving away there’s also plenty of buzz on Twitter.

Twitter party PRIZES:  We’ve got $600 worth of prizes to give away–but you’ve got to RSVP to qualify. All of our prizes have a retro chic theme. We’ll be helping you spruce up your home as we have a lively design chat.


Retro Light Package:   A set of funky chrome lamps to jazz up your living room. Approximate value: $95

Coveted Kitchen Chic: Alessi tea kettle, mod apron and tumbler set will turn your kitchen into the center of style. Approximate value $105

Vintage Living Room Candy: Sweeten up your space with a vintage-looking wall clock and fab floor cushions. Approximate value $85

Retro glam accessories: Toast your good taste with frosted rocks glasses and call up some fun with an antique style phone. Approximate value $135

Iconic Kitchen:  Your table will look right out of a movie set with this gleaming Panini Grill with old-school appeal and tabletop accessory set that is Diner-esque. Approximate value $105

Mad for Mod kitchen: Get in touch with your inner June Cleaver with this divinely dotted apron and sunshine wall clock. Approximate value $139.

RULES:  Please read the rules here



Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. Pingback: KIDS PASTEL GRID PATTERN RUGS | Rugs For Kids

  2. I would like to RSVP to the Cottonelle Twitter party on Oct 10th but I am not sure how to. Could you please help me?

  3. I would like to RSVP to the Cottonelle Twitter party on Oct 10th but I am not sure how to. Could you please help me? Thank You

  4. Sorry – Can you go and submit your link in the simply -linked form above. It was missing for a minute I guess. Sorry about that.

  5. looking forward to the party in a few! 🙂 @lovinmomma88 tweet u in a bit!

  6. I keep trying to RSVP for the Twitter Party!


    my Twitter handle isn’t showing up…

  7. rsvpd above but link doesnt go to my twit page?


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