School’s Out, Smarts are in.
How to keep kids sharp over Summer Vacation!
Twitter Party
Wednesday, June 8th
7pm PST /9pm CST / 10pm EST
Your Stylish Hosts:
@sassymomchicago, @momtrends, @savvysassymoms @momsfashionfile
Hashtag: #summersmarts #MomsFF
Tweet Grid Link:
Please join the Moms Fashion File team and our special celebrity host, author and style expert, Amy Tara Koch on June 8th to learn more about how you can make this summer fun-filled for the whole family. We will talk books, (your favorites and theirs!), apps, games, electronics, and other ideas for motivating your kids. Plus tips for summer essentials to beat the heat and enjoy in style!

Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club has created ideal reading lists for your child by grade, age and interests. Your child will be eager to read at a level that challenges them throughout the summer because they are reading books that interest them.
With a membership, you get two books delivered each month, plus a $25 gift certificate. A fun summer for the whole family!
Prizes at the Twitter party will include:
(3) Belli Skincare Complexion Protection Gift Sets
Boden Beach Tote
SuperCut Gift Certificates
PishPosh SOMA Chic Bag Gift Certificates
Children’s Book Membership for summer
Beach reading for Mom
Big Beach Bag
Boden Gift Certificate
*Sponsored by Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club. Amy Tara Koch is a spokesperson working on behalf of CBOMC. All prizing will be supplied by Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club, Belli Skincare, PishPosh Mommy, and others.
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