Holiday cards, yes it’s about that time again to choose your holiday cards. Even though you may not want to, you know you’ll end up sending them, so why not send some cards that make a difference this year!
Paper Culture has created an eco-savvy line of modern holiday cards that will knock your relatives holiday socks right off! Not only are they stylish and sophisticated but they are made with 100% post consumer recycled paper, and what’s better than that? They will plant a tree in you honor just for placing an order. They have become the responsible chic, “hybrid of stationary”. So rest assured, it’s safe to send cards again.
They even provide a FREE mail and addressing service and a FREE custom message on all mailed cards. (how amazing is that?)
Not only are they doing there part by planting trees right here in the US National Forests but they are helping around the world as well. Apart of their Cards That Care program donates 20 percent of sales to the Somaly Mam Foundation to help end human trafficking and slavery worldwide. With over two million women and children sold into sexual slavery each year, it is a global crisis that Paper Culture is fighting to help stop. More resources are critically needed to support the rescue and recovery of these young victims.
When you place your Paper Culture order, simply enter the code “CA10″ at check out and 20%will go directly to the Somaly Mam Foundation. Who would have thought that giving back could be so easy?
There is no time like the holidays to be grateful for what you have
and to give a back a little, so start by Sending out Cards that Care!
*Cards to Trees Program By using exclusively 100% post-consumer recycled paper, your Paper Culture cards never result in cutting down new trees, and instead, will help promote reforestation in our US national forests
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Disclosure: I was apart of Creative Alliance ’10 and was given a $50 Credit to Paper Culture to experience the quality and ordering process. I am totally satisfied and thrilled with the quality and the overall customer experience I received.
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Love these cards with a conscience! Thank you for spreading the word 🙂
will be facebooking this post right now. What an awesome company.
I can not wait to order some Paper Culture cards. I’m obsessed with cool Christmas cards – the one time I actually send something through snail mail. 🙂
I’m determined to get my cards done early this year but I need someone to come take our family’s photo…. hmmmm……. 🙂
I love Paper Culture. Now I just need to find the perfect photo for my Holiday cards.
Love the shout out to @PaperCulture! “It’s safe to send cards again,” so funny, and yet so true!!!
I love me some Paper Culture. Great post, lady.
Gorgeous cards.
Want. Want. Want.
Can’t wait to order my cards!