Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with CardRaising.com nor is this a sponsored post or promotion. I am just ridiculously excited to share this with you! After all that is my job, to tell you about AMAZING things.
If I had a megaphone I would certainly use it to tell everyone about CardRaising.com. I guess this website and my twitter account are a megaphone, because we are always screaming about the most exciting, smart, helpful, fun, stylish and down right adorable things. And since this falls right into that smart category here goes…
My kids attend a public school in Pasadena, I won’t bore you with all the money issues we have here but I will tell you that the parents at our school work their butts off to raise money just to be able to afford simple things like ink and paper for our copy machine. So when our fundraising chair presented this money making opportunity to the PTA board and I got a hold of the flyer my eyeballs lit up like a Christmas tree. This was brilliant. I was 100% on board to order my Holiday cards through CardRaising.com.
I have to admit, I am kind of picky about my Holiday cards and so I was a little nervous when I went to the website…I hoped they had the stylish quality cards that I was used to sending. Guess what? They did. They had plenty of classic, modern, simple and whimsical styles to choose from. Check out our 2012 Holiday Card and the money we raised for our school, by doing nothing but ordering our cards.
I’m not saying you have to do it, but I am saying it would be silly not to do it. CardRaising.com
Perhaps you do not have kids in school or If you just want to help my school because you love me. GO FOR IT. Just enter Hamilton Elementary, Pasadena CA 91107
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