My favorite day of the year to nobody’s surprise is Mother’s Day! It’s time to say thank you for the hours in Labor, sleepless nights, and uphill battle of Motherhood. I’ve made a list of ways to show your appreciation for the woman in your life. Extravagant gifts are welcome, but even realistic ones will do. Here are some of budget friendly things you can do to show how much you care:
Watch the kids
Sure a nice Family brunch would be nice, but what a Mommy really needs is a BREAK! A day at the spa, a trip to the Salon or even take the kids and let her have a bath without someone banging on the door. Any Mommy would love to be pampered in peace & quiet.
Let her sleep
This pretty much explains itself, wake up in the middle of the night with the baby & let her sleep in. Any new Mom would appreciate this more than diamonds.
Breakfast in Bed
Time for you to do the cooking and you can even let the kiddos join in on the fun. Make Mommy something yummy and when she wakes up (after sleeping in) surprise her with her favorite breakfast. Even if it’s not cooked to perfection, it’s the thought (and effort) that counts.
Clean up
We are talking REALLY cleaning here! Window washing, stove scrubbing, getting into the nitty gritty areas that nobody likes to do. If you are not up for the job, hiring a cleaning service is a great alternative even if it’s just for one day. A clean home is a gift that every Mom will truly appreciate.
Tackle Laundry Mountain
No Mom likes trying to do laundry with a baby on her hip. Give her a nice break this year and wash, dry and EVEN put away that mountain of laundry that has been sitting there for what feels like eternity.
Of course, there are other great (but more expensive) gifts that she will appreciate as well. A new smart phone will surely simplify her life, that designer handbag, shoes or jeans she has been eyeing would be lovely. As long as you put in some effort to show her how much you love and appreciate all that she does you will have a fabulous Mother’s Day!
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