Pregnancy is a time in our lives where, at least for a while, everything gets a little more difficult. Our bodies seem to reap all the rewards, good and bad, of our choices and the growing life we are helping to sustain. In the past I have looked at pregnancy through rose colored glasses and taken a “restriction vacation” by eating what I want and letting exercise fall by the wayside. After all, growing a human is very hard work and by the time morning (all the time) sickness has passed and the ability to function more normally returns I have some health habits formed and some serious cravings to contend with.
As I look to the future and plan to have another baby I hope to prepare for a fit and healthy pregnancy. What are some ways that you prepare for a fit pregnancy? What helps you be a healthier mama-to-be and makes the recovery from pregnancy a little easier?
Multi-vitamins are one thing I seem unable to tackle in my everyday routine if I’m not trying to nourish a little one for nine months. But just recently I made the commitment to concentrate on my health and the added benefit that a daily vitamin can add. If you go to your OB for a pre-pregnancy appointment they will recommend a multi-vitamin to make sure your body is running on all cylinders. Omega-3 fatty acids are also recommended in a non-fish form so that you avoid mercury ingestion while pregnant.
Exercise is something I am totally fine with when I’m not sick during those first 12 to 15 weeks. But during a time when I find myself nauseous and deprived of energy it has always slipped by the wayside typically finding a resurgence around 21 weeks. My goal is to be prepared and have a good track record of commitment to exercise behind me when I get pregnant so it will be that much easier to keep moving, 30 minutes a day. Strong muscles are helpful through out pregnancy and delivery and are a big boost during the post-partum months when you are losing the post pregnancy pounds. Lean muscle mass burns more calories and sparks your metabolism, keeping you energized, fit, and ready to care for the little ones at home.
Healthy eating habits are important for the entire family, but during pregnancy it can be hard to maintain with all the cravings and smell sensitivities that a gestating mama experiences. Practicing healthy eating before pregnancy can help to establish habits that will influence our choices during pregnancy even if we have to swap certain items out for other healthy choices due to pregnancy related food or smell intolerance.
Healthy weight is an important health factor for everyone that is looking to have a baby. Our overall health and risk factors are tied to our weight. Illnesses and pregnancy related complications can be caused by being overweight. Many risk factors can be managed just by trying to achieve a healthy weight and the healthier choices a person is making. Healthy weight is also important for those that may be struggling with infertility. Reproductive endocrinologists have found that when women struggling with unspecified infertility achieve a BMI of under 24 they see a surge in the ability to get pregnant.
Emotional Wellness will help us be the best parent we can be and also help us be a good partner in our relationships. Pregnancy is an emotional roller-coaster of joy, worry, contentment and tears. What better time to take a personal inventory than before we get pregnant? We can find the things that help us feel content and address the dips and hollows we may need to be aware of and know to ask for help if we feel down. Addressing trouble spots only helps us to see where we need a tune-up or some special attention before our hormones start to escalate and our emotional highs and lows start to ebb and flow.
Creating a wellness plan could be your pre-pregnancy equivalent of a birth plan. Write down your wellness goals and how you plan to achieve them. Whether your goals are to lose weight, cultivate healthier diet habits, exercise regularly, or concentrate on being an all around healthy person, writing down your goals is a step in accountability and realizing an outcome.
My goals are set and I am preparing for the future. What would you like to include in your wellness plan?
What fitness wear do you love and what do you wear to work out during pregnancy? Check out For Two Fitness for some savvy maternity workout wear.
Twitter: @LindsayBMoore
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I love the workout clothes from For Two Fitness as well!
I prepared for a healthy and fit pregnancy by getting in great shape before I even started trying to conceive. I committed to working out most days of the week and found that as long as I scheduled it in for the time that I felt best (morning) during my first trimester it was easy to get it done. If I had tried to exercise after work when I didn’t even have the energy to life my head it never would have worked! Once I got through the first trimester and started feeling better, I was already in a great routine and working out felt even better!