15 Parenting hacks you need to see
One of the best parts of being at the ABC Kids Expo this year was scoping out all of the new products that are hitting the market in the coming months and year… and if you were following us on Instagram while we were at the show, you probably got a sneak peek at some of our favorites!
Don’t miss these products for babies, kids and parents that we love as parenting hacks — the little, innovative, brilliant products that are like having a cheat sheet for this crazy game of parenting.
Some of these items are available now, both online and in your local stores, and some will become available in the next few months or in 2015. Be sure to follow these brands on Facebook and sign up for their online newsletters to get the breaking news, straight from them, when these items become available. Trust us, we’ll be first in line for all of these!
Parenting Hack #1: Lighted bed rail
Available from BabyHome, their Side Light Bed Rail solves all of your late-night, can’t-find-their-stuffed-bunny, tripping-over-all-the-toys problems… and, it keeps your kid in bed, too.
Available now. BabyHome Bed Rail with Light, Diapers.com, $99
Parenting Hack #2: Mittens that can’t get lost
How many mittens have been lost in your parenting line of duty? Too many to count. These mittens are attached on this layering jacket, which can easily be worn under a coat or on its own. The mittens extend all of the way to your kiddo’s upper arms to make sure they stay on, for good.
Available now. Smittie, Buck & Cook, $84
Parenting Hack #3: Cups that can hang anywhere
A favorite from the ABC Kids Expo were these cool, kid-friendly cups, the Puj Filla, that you can hang practically anywhere… including on the fridge. Not only is this a brilliant idea (How many water cups do you get down for your kids each day? Don’t answer that.), but they are color-coded for each child.
Available in 2015. Puj will let you know when they’re available if you enter your email address on their website.
Parenting Hack #4: Pacifier and blankie in one
She wants her blankie… and her pacifier. And she wants them five-minutes ago. These are new from one of our favorite brands, Bella Tunno, and they are a must-have for travel, bedtimes, and, well, basically, life with a baby who has a love affair with her blankie and her pacifier.
Available now. Pacifier Loveys, Bella Tunno, $13.
Parenting Hack #5: Make any cup spill-proof
If we were forced to pick one single favorite product from the 2014 ABC Kids Expo, these innovative lids from SiliKids would probably be it. Turn any cup into a spill-proof, kid-friendly cup just by adding one of their stretchy silicon lids. Add a straw and you’re set! (Psst! Notice them using it on a cocktail shaker above?)
Available in December 2014.
Parenting Hack #6: The toddler treadmill
This one made us do a double-take. Have a toddler or preschooler who napped too late into the afternoon? Or a little one that needs to run off some inside rainy day energy? Problem solved. And, these are very well made… we witnessed a grown man do a little jog on this one!
Available now. Treadmill for Kids, Redmon, $130.
Parenting Hack #7: The one-and-done highchair
This is a parenting hack that every new parents needs to know about — a highchair from Delta Children that will last your kids from their first bites of baby food, all of the way into their fork-and-knife eating days. And, for under $50.
Available in early 2015.
Parenting Hack #8: The cheating life jacket
This is a sneaky parenting moment in the making. As your child gains confidence in the swimming pool, you can slowly remove each of the floats, allowing them to swim on their own, without ever realizing it!
Available now. Child Konfidence Jacket, Konfidence, $40
Parenting Hack #9: Easiest stroller diaper bag
You know that your fancy diaper bag attached to your umbrella stroller somehow… if only you could remember where to connect this pesky strap… and this other one… and this one over here. With this diaper bag, you simply slip the grommets over the stroller handle bars and go. Bonus fashion parenting hack for moms? The bag actually looks cute when you wear it as a purse, too!
Available now. Georgi Stroller Bag, BabyCargo, $60
Parenting Hack #10: No more missing lunchboxes
In another brilliant simple-is-better gear attaching parenting hack, the team at JJ Cole introduced us to their new clip to keep backpacks and lunchboxes together at school.
Available soon.
Parenting Hack #11: Skateboard stroller attachment
Likely the coolest parenting hack on the block, this attachment is heaven-sent for parents who are kicking their big kid out of the stroller to make room for a new baby, but who don’t want to commit to a double stroller.
Available now. Orbit Baby Sidekick Stroller Board, Orbit Baby, $120
Parenting Hack #12: Stop tipping your umbrella stroller over
Every parent is guilty of accidentally tipping their umbrella stroller over due to it being loaded down with too many shopping bags. (We have… countless times!) Shopping mamas rejoice for this parenting hack — you can fill it to the brim with your goodies and the little clip that simply attaches the bag to the bottom of the stroller distributes the weight, making your stroller, your bags and most importantly, your kiddo, safe.
Available now. SureShop, Hatch Things, $16
Parenting Hack #13: Lid-free baby cups
Consider this a parenting hack that will save your sanity. And, likely the only product on our list that has “as seen on TV” fame. Your infant can drink anywhere along the edge of this cup, as it is essentially lid-free, and it will seal back up once she stops drinking.
Available in October 2014. Pre-orders available. Wow Infant Cup, Right Start, $10
Parenting Hack #14: Leak-resistant crib sheets
For every parent who has changed all of their baby’s crib bedding in the middle of the night, thanks to a diaper leak, this one’s for you. These sheets from Babee Talk are water-resistant, meaning they will not allow liquid to penetrate the sheet, onto the crib mattress below. Plus, they are super soft, without any of the plastic-feel you’d expect from a water-resistant crib sheet.
Available in January 2015.
Parenting Hack #15: On-the-go toy storage
From play dates to visits at Grandma and Grandpa’s house to appointments where your little ones needs to come along, the Toy Nanny is a must-have parenting hack for parents on-the-go. Load up some toys on the mat, cinch it closed with the toys inside and off you go! We love that this looks like any other purse on the outside, too.
Available now with more patterns and colors coming soon. Toy Nanny, 2 Red Hens Studio, $50