Entrepreneur and Mom: An Interview with the Creator of Addatoos

In Kids Fashion, Style by Christina Montoya Fiedler2 Comments

Converse tennis shoes have always played a big part in my life. I remember my first pair in junior high, and it wasn’t long before I took a black sharpie and decorated the toe of my shoe, which just happened to be a nice blank canvas for a tween trying to show some individuality. Fast forward a few decades and my heart skipped a beat when I found out about Addatoos. If only they had these when I was a kid!

Quite simply this product is attitude in temporary tattoo form for your shoes. These cleaver products come in a variety of styles with four to a pack.

It’s a great way for kids to show a little bit of individuality that is not too permanent and definitely not too expensive.

We talked with savvy mom, inventor and owner of Addatoos, Jennifer Worely, about how she balances it all.

How did the idea for Addatoos come about? 

Well, I started to notice that my tween/teen daughters (and their friends) were extremely fond of completely wrecking, I mean “decorating” their Converse with Sharpie markers.  One day I was complaining, I mean “discussing” this phenomena with them and one of them said, “Well, someone should totally invent cool designs to put on the toes.”  This got me thinking, so I began testing various possibilities.  With some creativity and the help of some specialists I met in the process, I came across an effective, inexpensive product.  The greatest part is that this “blank toe canvas” exists on an extremely popular shoe style that is worn by all ages, almost everywhere in the world.

How do you balance life as a mom and entrepreneur?

Being a mom is one thing, but being an entrepreneur and business owner and a mom and a writer, is quite another!

It’s HARD, but really fun and interesting.  I always prioritize, and try to “be where I am.”  Certain things get the boot from the daily schedule- leg shaving has come to a screeching halt.  There’s a lot of take-out burritos.  The bottom line is, I love spending time with my kids, I love new projects and adventures, and I try not to be afraid of failing.

 How important do you believe art and creativity are for developing minds? 

Very important.  Up there with baths and vegetables.  Even more important for me though is letting kids express and find themselves. I am 150 percent in favor of celebrating differences and imperfection.  The pressure on parents to create perfect people is overwhelming, and the pressure on kids to be perfect is overwhelming. Words to live by: Find beauty in imperfection, and let your kids find their own gifts and dreams.

What’s one piece of advice you would give to moms who are trying to balance family and work?

First, down with the guilt.  It’s not good for anyone. Second, take time to enrich yourself and your life.  Everyone in your family will reap the benefits.  Some days I can do this, other days I’m lucky if I get a shower without people picking the lock and pelting me with urgent questions like, “What’s for dinner?” “Where is my blue tank top?” and “What are you doing in here?”

Moms, how do you balance work and kids?


Meet the Author | Christina Montoya Fiedler

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native - born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various parenting sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors - one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. Now that's cool!


  1. Great interview- I never thought about creativity being up there with baths and vegetables, I’m always busy cleaning up- but you’re right, it takes a good mom to be “where I am” and enjoy the good times while your kids are young!

  2. As a mom and entrepreneur I loved hearing from this woman who seems to get it. It is hard to make it all work but if you can focus on the important things and let the little things go and BE PRESENT where you are that’s what’s important.

    Setting a schedule and sticking to it (as much as possible) has been important for me in accomplishing what I need to for work and making the time to be with my kids.

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