It is Child Passenger Safety Week and with school back in session now is a perfect time to talk about car seat safety, especially with many parents belong to carpools and take turns shuttling kids to and from after school activities. We have teamed up with Britax, the leading car seat manufacturer of car seats and booster seats, to help make sure you and your family are safe riding to and from school every day.
Child Passenger Safety Statistics
1. Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children 1 to 13 years old.
2. During the 5-year period from 2008 to 2012, more than 3,390 children were killed in car crashes. In addition, an estimated 613,000 children were injured.
3. In 2012 alone, 121,000 children under age 13 were injured as passengers in car crashes.
4. Based on U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) crash data, in 2012 on average, nearly 2 children under the age of 13 were killed and 332 were injured every day while riding in cars, SUVs, pickups, and vans.
5. In 2012, over one third (37%) of children killed in car crashes were not in car seats, booster seats, or seat belts.
6. Every 34 seconds one child, under age 13, is involved in a crash.
7. All 50 States, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories have laws requiring children to be restrained while riding in cars. Some States now require kids to ride in appropriate car seats or booster seats until age 9.
8. The 2013 National Survey of the Use of Booster Seats (NSUBS) shows that only 66 percent of children ages 4-7 were restrained in either forward-facing car seats (20%) or in booster seats (46%). About 24 percent of children ages 4-7 were prematurely moved to seat belts and 9 percent were unrestrained.
9. Safety is also a big issue for older kids. From 2008-2012, there were 1,874 child passengervehicle occupants in the 8-14 age group killed in crashes. A third of these kids (610) were killed while riding in the front seat. All children under age 13 should always ride in the back seat.
10. Far too many “tween” passengers ride completely unrestrained, exposing them to great risk. Among kids ages 8-14 who died in crashes from 2008-2012, 47 percent of 8-year-olds,
You can visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for more information about Child Safety Seats.
Britax ClickTight Convertible Car Seats
As the leader in mobile safety for more than 70 years, Britax now brings its game-changing ClickTight™ Installation System to its most popular and versatile convertible car seats.
Britax designed all three of its ClickTight Convertible Seats to fit children weighing from 5 to 40 pounds in rear-facing mode and from 20 to 65 pounds and up to 54 inches in forward-facing mode. In addition to weight and standing height, a child’s seated shoulder height should be considered in fitting a child for any car seat.For extra protection, Britax also recommends that the tether be used when installing the convertible seat.
The Marathon® ClickTight Convertible Car Seat offers Complete Side Impact Protection with deep, protective shell to absorb crash forces and guard little passengers from debris. ($329.99)
The Boulevard™ ClickTight Seat with Complete Side Impact Protection PLUS to also include an energy-absorbing foam headrest to keep children’s heads and necks secure. ($369.99)
The Advocate® ClickTight’s Complete Side Impact Protection MAX delivers the highest level of Britax safety with external cushions that compress, to divert energy away from the child and protect adjacent passengers. ($419.99)
Every Feature
The new Britax Convertible Car Seats with ClickTight surround children with SafeCell Impact Protection to protect well beyond federal safety requirements. This integrated system of safety components, includes Impact Absorbing Base, Tether and Harness, an Impact Stabilizing Steel Frame, and Complete Side Impact Protection to surround little passengers in best-in-class safety. Britax also offers several different options of side impact protection for their new seats to transfer crash energy away from precious cargo.
All Britax side impact protection features in ClickTight Convertible Seats ensure the ultimate in child passenger security. Any caregiver using any vehicle can have the confidence to click them in and go.
Every Ride
With ClickTight, Britax is able to assure parents that their seats are installed in their vehicles correctly, but Britax also knows that the seat must fit the child properly. All of the new Britax ClickTight Convertible Car Seats include a Quick-Adjust Harness, which goes up to 14 positions, and a 2-Position Buckle to adapt to growing children. The Boulevard and Advocate also have the Click & Safe Snug Harness Indicator, which removes the guesswork from adjusting the harness to the correct tightness.
It’s common for caregivers to be unsure about the right recline position for a car seat, especially while in rear-facing mode. To ease their minds, the easy-to-read Automatic Level Indicator ensures that they achieve the proper installation angle using any of the seat’s seven recline positions.
Britax ClickTight GIVEAWAY – 2 Winners!
In honor of Child Passenger Safety Week and in celebration of Britax’s new ClickTight system, we’re giving away not one but TWO Britax ClickTight Car Seats. The two winners will choose between the Britax Boulevard ClickTight Convertible Car Seat or the Frontier ClickTight Harness-2-Booster.
Please enter through the Rafflecopter form below
Open to US and Canadians
Giveaway ends on September 30th at 11:59pm PST
Shipping will be mid October.
I practice car seat safety by letting my kids know that the car doesn’t move if they are not buckled into their correctly installed car seats!
Making sure everything is installed correctly.
By checking car seat each time to make sure it is correctly positioned correctly each and every time I go to place child in the car seat. correctly installing car seats and informing others of the correct way to install and use car seats.
I practice car seat safety by making sure my kids are safely fastened each and every time we leave the driveway. I also check to make sure the seat does not move more than an inch in any direction.
I practice car seat safety by following the instructions in the manual when installing the seats as well as making sure my kids are properly buckled in, in a seat that fits them.
I have my husband put the car seats in the car. He makes sure they are really tight and don’t more. I keep my baby rear facing until 2.
Can’t wait to try this car seat… First baby and am super excited….
I double check the littles are strapped in correctly no matter how short the drive. I invest in the best car seats and use britax.
Making sure our kids are buckled in before driving.
We practice car seat safety by following all of the rules that are placed. Like, keeping me rear facing until he’s 2 etc..
Currently expecting baby #1! This would be great for us! I’ll be practicing car seat safety by getting one of the highest rated safety seats and following the instructions to a T. After all, it sure is precious cargo.
My 3 year old is still rear facing happily!!!
We practice car seat safety by never bending the rules.
By making sure everything is in safely and securely!
We practiced car seat safety the very first time we put baby in the car by going to our local fire station and getting our installation double checked! And of course we buckle up for every ride and mommy keeps an eye on rear-facing baby through the headrest mirror!
I check and double check for correct installation whenever the car seat is moved or reinstalled.
We practice carseat safety by keeping our baby rear facing, not using an after-market carseat add-ons and removing jackets/coats before strapping her in.
I practice car seat safety by researching to find the best seat for our situation and making sure our little guy is always safely and securely buckled in!
I make sure my car seats are installed correctly and I keep my children rear-facing as long as possible.
Correct installation and usage paired with extended rear facing.
Have local experts check for proper installment
I practice car seat safety by rear facing my 2 year old
I practice car seat safety by making sure the seat and my children are in it correctly.
By always making sure we are properly buckled up before we go anywhere!
I keep my daughter rear facing also, and we always check to make sure she’s buckled in safely without any jackets on!
Making sure that the seats are installed correctly, doing the pinch test everytime my boys get buckled in!
I kept my daughter turned around until 2 . Lots of people don’t know children are supposed to be rear facing until 2.
I was pressured to turn my, now 3yo, son forward facing soon after his first birthday. With my new son things will be different and a new car seat for him is a must.
I am constantly checking the tethers and making sure her chest clip is in the proper position.
We are an extended rear facing family.
I have my toddler rear facing even though he weighs 27lbs.
Making sure the kids properly fit in their carseats and they are of course installed correctly.
I practice car seat safety by following the car seat manual instructions.
Our infant daughter is in a rear facing car seat. We make sure the base is installed properly. And we tell our two older kids that the car will not move until they have buckled their seat belts.
I always make sure the car seat buckles are clean and the straps are tight enough.
I practice car seat safety by following manufacturer guidelines.
I practice car seat safety by checking to make sure the seat is still balanced and in the correct position.
We went to our local police station for a car seat check to make sure its installed correctly! We also have a seatbelt cutter in arms reach just in case of emergency
I practice car seat safety by never putting a coat on my child when in the car seat. My family doesn’t understand that it isn’t safe.
I’m visiting my local firehouse to ensure my car seat is installed correctly before the baby arrives!
We practice safety by ensuring EVERYONE (kids, adults AND the dog) are strapped in and we make it a rule that no seat-belt, no driving in our vehicle!
By making sure my daughter is strapped in ‘tight and right’ every time!
We always install our car seats as in the instructions.
I make sure the straps are tight and where they are supposed to be, and by following the weight and height limits of each car seat and position!
Keep up to date on the latest safety recommendations and keep my child rear facing at LEAST to two.
I make sure the car seat is installed correctly and that my daughter is always buckled up!
Buckle up or we aren’t moving. Plus for the little one, making sure he’s hooked in correctly and seat is secure.
I practice car safety by making sure my kids are properly buckled in their car seats.
We practice being safe by making sure our daughter is safely strapped in her seat and the straps are where its supposed to be since she likes to try and wiggle out.
By installing the seats according to manual & buckling my kids tight before going anywhere!
We had our car seats checked out at the local fire department to make sure they were properly installed.
I follow car seat safety by keeping my son in his infant seat and rear faced (obviously since they only rear face!). He is 9 months old and is small for his age so we plan to get him a convertible car seat after he turns 1 and we plan to keep it rear facing until he is at least 2 years old and maybe a little older then that even!
We had our infant carrier checked at the local fire dept. and we always make sure the straps are secured tightly once our baby is in the seat.
Checking everything every time, and always making sure the chest clip is where it’s supposed to be
we always make sure evrything is tight and secure
First research on the product, secondly ensure proper installation.
I always make sure that it is tight, secure and there is no sharp object close to him. also when i know it is not me who installed the car seat i double check it to make sure that it is properly installed, if unsure i bring it somewhere where they can check it for me – don’t want my son’s safety compromised.
I took my car seat and car to my local fire station and took a short class on car seat safety. He showed me how to properly install my seat and where to put it. In the middle. I’m so glad I attended. It was very informative.
Our city had an event where they check if the car seat has been properly installed. Drove by and got it tested!
I make sure my son is buckled tight and rear facing.
i practice by reading all these blogs. Our baby is not due for 2months
We went to the police station to have our seats professionally checked and to teach us how to install!
We are expecting our first baby in a few months, so I can’t speak from my own experience. However, I have helped my sister in law with setting up her car seat for my niece We always use rear facing, make sure it is properly installed, tight and secure. For our baby we are signed up for a car safety installation program next month to make sure we know exactly what we are doing.
By rear facing as long as we can! Still going at 3 years old!
We make sure the car seat is rear facing and secure, and that the baby is properly seated. We are taking our car seat to the fire house to confirm its installed when our 2nd little one arrives.
We always make sure everyone is properly secured in the car seats!
Make sure everything is correct. Also something go to car seat checks.
By reading the manual and following instructions.
We practice car seat safety by reading our manuals to insure proper installation and also extended rear facing.
It’s important to install the car seat correctly and tightenthe straps and position the chest clip.
We practice car seat safety by reading our full manual and understanding that every car seat has different safety and installation instructions. We then install the seat according to the manual and make sure our child is secured in accordance with the seats manual as well.
by always getting it installed/inspected by a professional
The car does not move unless EVERYONE (adults included) are buckled up!
we make sure everything is installed, we take our time putting her in her seat and are going to practice rear facing for as long as possible.
Install checked and verified by fire department!
I make sure our car seats are installed correctly!
I practice by having a professional come to inspect the seat and keeping my 4 year old in a 5-point harness.
Make sure all seats are installed properly and adjusted regularly as kids grow. Rear facing until at least age 2.
I taught my son from a very young age that anytime he is in the car, he is to be in his car seat and buckled. He is not to push the chest buckle down or up and he is not to unbuckle either of the buckles. I always make sure it’s strapped in and secure according to the manual and that he is in the correct seat for his height and weight. Thanks!
We plan to go to the annual safety checks provided by our local fire department.
My 2.5 year-old is still rear facing and will be for at least another year and a half.
I make sure that the seat is installed properly by following the manual, and I have the fire department check it also.
I check every time we leave to make sure the straps are tight and aligned properly.
We practice car seat safety by double check everything is good
We had our seat inspected to be sure it was installed correctly.
attending our local child safety seat installation event!
I double check everything and both my husband and I read the manual and safety guide.
we practice car seat safety by properly installing the seat, checking every time before we put little one into it, ensure it’s tight enough on her & arm pit height chest strap. we also drive offensively to do our best to ensure that we are not in a car accident.
I practice car seat safety by rear facing as long as possible and ensuring a snug fit with the harness
Always get your car seat checked periodically, even if you think it is installed correctly! Oh, and read your manual! Thanks!
I practice Car Seat Safety by reading my instructions, and if in any doubt I go to my local police station for inspections, it may seem out of the way but anything for my little Butter Beans!
I make sure the base is secure and the seat is latched everytime
I always make sure my 2 and 5 year old (and soon to be newborn) are buckled in properly and carseats are installed correctly!
I put the kids in the car and their father double checks just to make sure everybody is buckled in safely 🙂
We make sure the seats are secured correctly and always double check before leaving.
I always make sure the straps are tight after the kids are buckled up.
I always check the straps for tightness and the chest clip for proper positioning.
I make sure my newborn is using a rear-facing car seat!
I check the base once a week and make adjustments if needed. Of course straps are always tight and chest clip is at armpit level.
We practice safe measures by, going and having the carseat installed by a tech. We make certain that he is clicked in and his clip is at his armpit and no play in the straps 🙂
I make sure that everyone is buckled up, before I drive.
I make sure everyone is buckled in properly before driving.
We rear face as long as possible and our forward facing son will be using a harness until he reaches the weight limit (65lbs)! Straps nice a snug with cheat clip in the proper place and no added padding (that doesnt come with) in the carseats or on straps. Also, in winter no extra layers while in the carseat!
I make sure to register the product so I can be informed of any safety issues or recalls
We will be rear-facing past well past the 2-year recommendations, as well as always making sure the car seat is firmly installed and following all installation instructions.
We soooo need a new car seat for our little one….this would be perfect!
My child is 14 months old and is still rear facing. I have seen so many children younger than mine and are already front facing and not buckled right
We always make sure the straps aren’t twisted and that they are as tight as they should be every time.
Daughter is having Baby in March so we are not taking any chances with safety. With the Britax Click Tight system, along with many helpful links to their site for information or a phone number to call, we would feel very secure with this product. And as it was suggested at the Twitter Party this evening, we would have the car seat installed by an authorized person. We know the child is to be rear facing for as long as we can, because that is the safest position. This product has a Warantee and Registration in case we have any questions. All around a wonderful product. Thank you for the chance sincerely! 🙂
We practice car seat safety by making sure everyone is properly buckled before starting the car. With the next one we will do this as well as rearfacing for as long as possible (min 2 years!) a convertible car seat is a must!
Proper installation is a must!
We practice car seat safety by installing things properly. We rear face till 2 and chest clip to arm pits.
I always make sure her straps aren’t twisted and lined up correctly, even with her armpits
I read the manual and make sure the carseat is well positioned !
i make sure its installed properly and the baby its buckled the right way
We practice car seat safety each and every time we get in the car..
I love the britax car seats for my little one, we had the infant seat and it has served us well. Easy to use and I feel it is the safest option.
by making sure the car seat is installed properly!
We make sure our car seat is properly installed by getting it checked.
I practice car safety by making sure everyone is buckled in and we have the latest in car seat technology.
We make sure that the chest buckle is in the correct placement!
Always double check!
We are participating by buying two new car seats for my car & putting our two current Britax seats in my husband’s car. This would be very helpful! We also have our seats checked often for ultimate safety!
I always make sure she is properly buckled. No twisted straps, proper chest clip position, and proper tightness.
We started using the seat belt instead of latch for our ff seat since we had reached the 65 pound limit.
We are always buckled in correctly and my kids will stay in a 5 point harness until we no longer can.
We always buckle up in the proper seat with the right amount of tightness. Still rear-facing and will for at least another year!
I make sure to read the manual wen installing the car seat to make sure it is done properly and I make sure he is buckled correctly every time I put him in.
I practice car seat safety by making sure baby is buckled in tight enough, that the chest clip is where it should be and that the carseat is installed correctly.
I make sure to get my instillation double checked my experts.
We are now rear-facing and we always make sure that their straps are tight and secure.
We are keeping our baby rearfacing until he is 2!
My car doesn’t leave Park until all kids are buckled up. We will stay in boosters until 8yo/80 pounds.
We practice car seat safety by staying up to date with the changes in recommendations, like keeping a child rear-facing until age 2.
I practice car seat safety, by being a CPST, and following NHTSA’s conservative recommendations for my children. My 3.5yo is still RFing.
Our 3yo is still ERF and our 7yo is still in a harness…but buckling up the right way, everytime is how we really practice car seat safety!
I make sure my daughter is buckled in and she is safe when in her seat
Car seats are not intuitive. It’s so important to do research on a good seat, to understand when your child needs to transition to the next seat and to have them checked out once they are installed!
I take my car seat to the local car seat inspection station and have them install it. Every time!
I double check my son’s infant seat each time I buckle him in. I always tug on his straps to be sure he’s right and secure 🙂
Extended rear facing!! Safest way!
I check every time to make sure the base of the infant seat and infant seat is tightly secured and doesn’t move more than an inch.
Making sure the car seat is tight does not move more than an inch and using tether
I always install my car seat correctly and make sure my children are buckled right every time we get the car
i make sure the seats are installed correctly and recheck them often
My 20 month old is still rear facing! Time for a new seat!
great prize
I practice car seat safety by following the instructions in the manual when installing the seats as well as I double check that my kids are properly buckled in, in a seat that fits them.
By reading and keeping myself informed of theist up to date practices!
Always put baby in a car seat…no lap holding here
By leaving my kids in the 5pt harness as long as possible!
We let the fire station properly install our car seat
Whenever we are using a new car seat we always literally drop by our local fire station to make sure we have it secured perfectly! Maybe a bit much, but always makes me feel better!
i make sure my daughter is strapped in correctly and I make sure the seat is installed correctly
i make sure my daughter is strapped in correctly and I make sure the seat is installed correctly (sorry, last comment didnt have my full name)
Britax are the best in the biz!
We practice car seat safety by keeping our daughters rear facing for an extended amount of time, and always making sure the straps are snug and the cheat clip is in the correct placement.
I always check the car seat first and to see it is strapped right then I strap my kids and chech them twice to double check
We stay in the 5 point harness as long as possible and make sure everyone’s straps are nice and snug and the clip is positioned correctly. My girls always make sure we are buckled up front as well 🙂
We practice by buckling our kids tight before going anywhere and reminding the oldest ones why is important to buckle up.
We practice car seat safety by reading the manual and following the directions.
There are some very interesting stats in this article. Thanks for the info.
buckling the kids up tight each time
Would love to win this prize. We love Britax! We always make sure the chest plate is in the correct position and the straps are snug.
Rear face up to 2 years and make sure kids are buckled in correctly.
We are looking for a great car seat for the grandparents! We love our Britax and think this would be great for them!
We always loosen the straps to get our child out so that when we put her back in we have to re-tighten them so they are always the tightest.
The car doesn’t move until we are all buckled up safely, adults too.
I keep my daughter rear facing
The car doesn’t move until we are all buckled in safely, adults included.
I always made sure my kids used the correct size seat and they were put in the car correctly
I check…double check…then make sure that everything is fastened correctly. Then I drive like a little old lady 🙂
I plan to rear face for at least 2 years. I also plan to make sure the car seat is installed correctly and have it checked by a car seat expert.
My child rides rear facing as a toddler and will for as long as possible. Also, I always make sure the chest clip is up in the correct position and there is not too much slack in the straps.
Learning correct installation and getting it all inspected!
I follow all the instructions exactly
I would love to have this!
I make sure my son is securely fastened into his car seat every time we go somewhere. No exceptions.
We always make sure our sons straps are the right tightness and that the clip is at armpit level!!!
Had our car seat check professionally
I’m a car seat fanatic. Chest clips are one of my biggest pet peeves. They don’t belong undone or on the belly. Children are precious.
I always double check his straps and make sure the seat is still tightly installed.
We practice car seat safety by having our little one ride rear facing, due to weight restrictions.
We practice car seat safety by extending having the kids rear facing past two years
Making sure everyone is buckled in correctly
I practice car seat safety by not using bulky winter coats in car seats.
we practice good car seat safety by never wearing coats in the car and making sure it is properly installed and adjusted
I get the car seat checked at the local fire station and follow all the instructions to a tee!
Making sure children are buckled in before driving.
I make sure everyone is buckled correctly and before we drive!
I had my car seat installation inspected so that I knew it was in properly. I also plan to keep my son rear facing until he is 2. He is currently 10 1/2 months old and is getting to big for his infant seat so I am on the search for the best convertible car seat to keep him rear facing.
My 10 year old is still in a booster because he’s not quite tall enough for proper belt placement. My almost 2 year old is still rear facing and definitely will be for at least another year, maybe 2, depending on her height.
I make sure that all of my children are in their respective car seats, 3 children in 3 car seats, infant, convertible and booster. And the car is not moving until everyone is fully buckled.
I get my husband to install the seat. He reads the instructions and follows them to a T. Then he gives me a lesson on it.
I practice good car seat safety by being the only person to strap our children in every time to ensure they are correctly strapped in every time.
I make sure everything is installed correctly and functioning properly.
By teaching my children car safety and by frequently checking proper car seat installation
I actually read the manual that comes with the car seat.
I practice car seat safety everyday. My daughter is 13 months and rear facing and will stay that way until at least the age of 4. I have learned so much this last year regarding safety and I am so grateful for all of you out there spreading the knowledge!
I practice car seat safety by making sure my little ones harnesses are in the correct spot and securely tightened!
We practice ERF and use 5 point harnesses.
We rear face for as long as we can!
I practice safety by making sure all my restraint belts fit snuggly and within safety guidelines and by installing the car seat correctly as per instructions. I also make frequent checks on recall notices for car seats and get them inspected after having used it for a while.
Make sure its installed properly, use rear-facing as long as possible
We always make sure the kids are buckled in correctly.
I love britax and my girl is almost ready for a big girl seat!
I have done lots of reading about car seats to get myself prepared as a first time mom. Car seat safety is something you don’t take lightly! Seems like this brand is wonderful! Know how to properly install (read the manual) and know how to properly steal your child in right.
We practice car safety by making sure all the carseats are installed and used correctly every time we use them.
Living in Minnesota – we practice the “no bulky coats” under the harness and let other moms & kids know to do the same!
We use car seats, a cargo cover (in our SUV) to prevent objects from causing injury while in the car. We also had our car seat checked to make sure it was installed properly.
i always pull up on the handle of the carseat to make sure its clicked into the base correctly!
Practice putting the car seats in & taking them out.
My family and I were in a rollover crash when I was young, and proper vehicle restraints are a huge reason we are still here today.
We ALWAYS buckle up, and our toddler is now getting into her Britax Boulevard on her own and starting to buckle in on her own! (We always check it and do the tightening)
I love that she’s excited about it right now. 🙂
Make sure the car seat is always installed right and my son is buckled right every time.
I practice car seat safety by making sure that I double check the straps everytime the kids get in the car and if someone else puts them in, I go back and make sure they are in and fastened properly
Rear facing until at least 2 years old!
We made sure that our car seat was installed properly by taking it to our village Police Department where they confirmed that it was safe.
My little one is not here yet, but I will practice car seat safety by keeping her rear facing for at least 2 years.
I check the straps every time we get in to make sure they are not twisted and that they are the right tightness.
I am married to a police officer who performs my car seat safety checks for me:)
I always make sure both my girls are correctly buckled in their cat seats.
This would be so nice for my peace of mind with the kids
Rear facing, and the seat is installed in the center of the back seat, the safest spot in the car!
Britax is an amazing brand that produce some of the safest seats available!
My husband and I always make sure to double check that our daughter is buckled and the straps are tightened, before we put the car into gear!
We practice car seat safety by constantly learning. We made mistakes with our oldest and now we know! Instead of moving her to a booster seat, we have kept her in her harness. She hasn’t outgrown the seat yet 🙂 Our second is over two and still rear faced. We will keep him that way until he outgrows his seat. We need a good car seat for our third, due in Oct 🙂
Keeping my 2 year old rear facing!
Always us the tethers! It provides that extra bit of protection!
Always use the tethers! It provides that extra bit of protection!
I have kept all of my kids rear facing until at least 2.
We have a lady in town called the “Car Seat Lady” that comes to your house to make sure your car seat is installed correctly. We’ve had her over twice and we tell all our friends who are expecting about her.
I Practice Car Seat Safety By Making Sure That I Use The Proper Car Seat, Check Straps. I Also Check For Product Recalls.
I make sure everyone is buckled incorrectly every time. I didn’t know as much about car seat safety with my first child. When you know better, you do better.
By installing correctly
i make sure my kids are all strapped in their seats before we head out.
Making sure that my daughter is buckled in tight and everything is installed correctly!
For the safety of my kids…please let me win!
I practice Car Seat Safety by thoroughly reading and understanding my user manuals, ensuring that our car seats fit in our car and fit our kids properly, making sure that the seats are correctly installed and buckling the kids in correctly every time.
I practice car seat safety by always making sure my boy’s car seats are installed correctly and making sure they are facing the correct direction. I also make sure they are buckled in properly and check them after my husband buckles them in lol.
I practice car seat safety by always checking my sons seat to make sure the straps aren’t loose and that they fit nice and snug and that the chest clip is at armpit level.
with extended rear facing
I practice car seat safety by making sure I am up to date on all of the car seat info/changes. And making sure my kid’s carseats are up to date!!!
I practice car seat safety by making sure that the seat is always secure and that the buckles aren’t twisted and that they are tight enough as needed.
I always check the adjustment of the straps each time they go in their car seats.
By keeping our 5, 3, and 2 year old in 5 point harness carseats and our newborn rear facing infant seat. We always make sure seats and bases are strapped in level and flat and double check that chest clips are armpit level when buckling in.
I need a new car seat soon. My baby girl is 6 months old and is a big girl. The britax brand is what fits perfect in our car. We will be buying this seat either way!
I check that the seat is tight and secure every time I put my girls in the car.
I have a Britax Advocate and did the research to make sure it was being used properly.
I make sure each kid is strapped in correctly – no twists, loops or slack!
I always make sure the seats are installed well and the kids are buckled in correctly
We practice car safety by not starting the car until all passengers are buckled in correctly, mom and dad included. We also extended RF until we recently got a new vehicle that makes it unsafe for the front passenger, but my son is almost 3 now. He is still in the middle seat in the middle row to assist in minimizing damage in the event of an accident.
Hope I win!
They’re always in their car seat, when we are traveling and they’re tired, we pull out for a moment
Proper installation and making sure belt is tight around child.
I have an extra car seat in the garage that I can use whenever we take a different car. Always install the seat myself so that I can be assured that it’s done right.
I practice car seat safety by making sure the car seat is properly installed in the car and always making sure my baby is buckled nice and snug!
We always make sure the car seat is installed properly and the children are buckled up correctly.
We rear-face and harness to the limits of our seats, with a minimum of 3yrs old before forward-facing and a minimum of 5yrs old before switching to a booster.
I practice car seat safety by making sure that I always read the manual to my seat, the I follow all the seat guidelines and by making sure my kids are always buckled correctly.
I practice car seat safety by triple checking the chest clip and straps before getting in the driver’s seat!
Extended rear-facing, as long as possible.
We carefully read the instructions in order to ensure we were using the car seat correctly.
By keeping my kids rear facing as long as possible and not buying used seats of unknown history
I practice by having my son time my accuracy. How fast can I get him buckled by the time he reaches 10. and he tugs on it to make sure its fitted nice and tight. then he gives me the thumbs up. We end our buckling with a high fave 🙂
We rear face until at least 2 and my older will be in a 5 pt hRness until she is at least 6 if not longer
I practice car seat safety by first off making sure our seats are properly installed. My 14m old will be rear-facing to the limits of his seat, which should take us to closer to 4! We make sure straps are below shoulders and chest clip is properly placed. We are in the process of reinstalling our infant seat to be ready for baby #2, coming in November.
We check the dtraps before every ride in the car. Somehow they loosen.
We practice car seat safety by following the manufacturers instructions and making sure every one is buckled in before moving the car.
I always check and make sure our car seats are secure and level!
I practice car seat safety by constantly checking to make sure my seats are properly installed and that my kids are always correctly buckled in. If one unbuckles while driving, I pull over immediately.
I always have any new car seat installed by a certified tech the first time. That way I am positive I am always doing it the right way when it needs to be moved.
My 13 day old son sure could use this for daddy’s car! Caleb would be riding around in style!
We have a 2 year old who is still rear-facing. We always make sure before leaving that her straps are always adjusted properly and her chest clip is resting at armpit level. We also have a newborn whom we just welcomed to this world this past month, we also check her seat to make sure she is properly strapped in. Not only that, we plan on ERF just like her big sister. No plans on forward facing anytime soon either!
Make sure seatbelts are tight and chest clip is up, make sure everything is installed correctly.
I know there are a lot of ways to practice carseat safety, but I think so much emphasis gets put on getting the kids seated in them right that sometimes the getting the kids out of them gets lost. I ensure that my kids, once they know how to do and undo their seatbelts, know that the may not unbuckle or unlatch ANYTHING until my car is at a complete stop with the engine off.
My sister is a CPST so I’m fortunate to have her expertise on hand when making decisions such as which seat to use and when to switch to the next type of seat. We will keep our child rear facing until he hits the maximums for his seat, and I advocate to friends and family for the best practices.
Wiggle and pull if its all nice and tight we are ready yo go 🙂
Install correct. Buckle up always. No exceptions.
We make sure we install it correctly according to the instructions. After that we check if the car seat is nice and tight and secured.
We practice car seat safety by installing them correctly and having a set for each car.
I practice the things I learned when I took training to be a CRST! No bulky clothes, proper seat install and proper kid install!
We practice car seat safety by not allowing the car to move until everyone is secured in the correct seat with belts. 2nd grader is still in a seat.
We always check the straps to make sure they are not twisted.
Currently expecting baby #1. By learning to properly install the carseat in the car. My husband and I also researched top rated carseats.
I always make sure my kids are properly buckled in, wearing no bulky clothing and I made sure my car sets were installed correctly by having a car seat tech check them for me.
I always check the seat belt before driving. Need to make sure it’s nice and tight
Those are scary statistics but thanks for sharing good to know!!
Every time we go out, we always double check our baby girl’s straps when we buckle her and then we check her base each time before we put her seat in our vehicles.
I practice car safety by making sure my child’s car seat is installed correctly & always strapping him in correctly EVERY TIME we get in the car.
I practice car seat safety by having my car seat checked by a CPST and by making sure my son is buckled in correctly every time.
I always make sure my kids are buckled up armpit level and have a car seat specialist check if it is installed correct
By extended rear facing and making sure straps are in proper position
take coats off before entering seat!
I am hoping to become a CPST soon and my 3 year old knows her harness needs to be “snug as a hug”, with the “big buckle at armpit level!”.
I have our carseats checked every 6 months or so. Always make sure chest clips are at armpit level and they don’t move side to side too much. I also check my car seats EVERY TIME I get out of the car regardless as to whether my kids are with me or not!
Car seat safety is so important!
I practice carseat safety by making sure my carseat is installed by a professional and by using all weight and height recommendations.
We don’t use winter jackets in the car seat.
I had 3 kids but haven’t used a car seat in years and now my grand daughter will be here soon so I will have to relearn all the basics
I check to make sure the car seat is buckled correctly and the chest clip is at armpit level before each car trip.
I practice car seat safety by making sure the seat is properly installed and that the straps are correctly tightened with the chest clip on the chest each time we buckle the baby in the seat. I make sure others who put the baby in the carseat know how to use it correctly as well.
Having checked at police station
I am a car seat technician, so I practice best practice everyday!
We follow the weight guide lines and installation instructions. My daughter went to safety check place where the firemen checked on how we had the carseat.
double check the straps are fastened
I remove jackets before buckling them in!
We practice car seat safety by checking our instillation at the police station. Also, each time we put our child in the seat we double check the tightness of the straps!
I am a certified car seat technician and help others practice car seat safety. I also make sure my kids understand how important their car seats are to them.
We practice car seat safety by still keeping our 2.5 year- old rear facing. I feel better knowing this is the safest option for her.
With having our first child we always practice safe riding. We stay up to date on the latest laws for car seats and all recalls. We just recently attached a sticker with our information,daughters information, emergency #’s to the side of her seat in case anything horrible was to happen.
I make sure my toddler is safely tighten in his car seat all the while being comfortable.
I practice car seat safety by keeping my almost 1 year old rearfacing for as long as possible. I also have had my car seat checked by an expert. We make sure belt it tight, no heavy clothing, and chest clip is ON THE CHEST.
Always read all installation instructions and check that seat is in tight.
We have the correct car seat that is properly installed and we use it ( and seat beats for adults) every single time the car starts.
by making sure it is installed properly and my husband always does checks on it
I practice car seat safety but memorizing the manual! I will check and recheck the ins and outs of that car seat before every trip. Can never be too OCD with your precious cargo!
I spoke with the “Car seat lady” to make sure it was properly installed as well as reading the manual to ensure proper positioning! 🙂 Thank you for the contest!
We always make sure the straps are tight and not twisted.
I make sure all children are buckled correctly and regularly do checks on the car seats.
Well…I read the directions and follow them!
I practice car seat safety by making sure the seat is installed correctly, ensuring the straps pass the pinch test, and making sure the chest clip is in the right place.
I follow car seat safety by making sure the seat is installed properly and that the little one is correctly strapped and locked in.
We kept my daughter rear facing until 2yrs. She was very petite, so it was an easy choice!
I waited until both my kids hit the limits of their Britax and Graco seats to forward face them! I’ve got pretty big kids, my daughter got turned just before her 4th birthday and my son got turned a couple months after his 2nd. They will stay in the harness convertible seat until they grow out of it!
we make sure the carseats are always installed correctly and the buckles are buckled correctly and tight enough
Our 2 1/2 yr old daughter is still rear facing in her car seat. We plan to keep it that way until she’s 3…but hopefully until 4!
I’m expecting my first baby and I’m practicing car seat safety by taking a class about it at my local hospital.
Rear facing until at least age two
We ALWAYS buckle up before we go anywhere.
I practice Child Passenger safety by being a Technician and teaching my kids about it as well.
By making sure it installed properly, and the baby is strap in right
I am very particular about correct instalation of car seats. I also don’t move until all are buckled
I’m a car seat nut, so car seat safety is hugely important to us! Proper use every time! Plus I love to share my knowledge and now lots of friends look to me for car seat advice!
Have installation checked at your local hospital
Follow Manufacturer guidelines and make sure chest clip is positioned correctly.
We practice car seat safety by extended rear facing and having car seat techs double check our installations!
I have 4 babies in car seats… We have a crowded car!
I keep my one year old rear facing and my husband is the one who installs the car seats. He reads the directions and makes sure car seat is installed correctly, doesn’t move. We buckle our baby and check twice so everything looks good:))
…by making sure my baby is strapped in correctly.
I practice car seat safety by making sure my daughter’s seat is installed correctly and that the angle is right everytime.
We took our car and carseat to the local branch of highway patrol to make sure it was installed correctly.
I check the tethers each time me and baby ride and I am sure to hear the ‘click’ ensuring my car seat is secure in it’s base when I reinstall it!
I make sure my littlest is rear facing and that the straps are in the right position.
One of the most important things is to make sure the seat is installed correctly and that your child is buckled in tight enough.
I keep my daughter in a 5 Point harness and my son extended rearfacing.
I practice car seat safety by every time I put my children in the car, I first make sure the seat is installed correctly and is tight. I then make sure their buckles fit snug and there is no excess. Then I make sure the chest clips are at arm pit level every time.
I practice by ensuring mine as well as other children are in their seat correctly, even if that entails and awkward conversation about how a child is improperly strapped in.
We have our seats checked by the local fire station, never wear bulky clothes, and always make sure our chest strap is in the right position. We really need another convertible seat so we can transition our one year old from the bucket seat. Our 3 year old is still rear facing in his convertible!
We make sure their straps are in the right place, they are secure and that their clothes are not too thick.
I practice car seat safety by reading both the car seat manual AND the car’s manual before installation.
I am only 5 months preg but plan on taking a class on how to safely install my seats!
We practice car seat safety by making sure the straps are adjusted properly and are hitting in the right places. We also make sure not to wear any baggy or thick clothing underneath the straps.
I practice car seat safety by making sure I am informed on guidelines for car seat installation and latching as well as on how to use the car seat/booster correctly.
Car seat safety is very important. I am constantly trying to keep up with updates, recalls, and making sure my car seat is installed correctly. Winning a car seat would help our family since our baby boy has almost out grown his infant seat and Britax is the brand we use.
Installing everything correctly and keeping my kids rear-facing for as long as possible.
Making sure chest clip is at armpit level!
I practice safety by checking the car seat base Everytime before I put my baby in. I also like to read articles and blogs regarding car seat safety
Incredible giveaway!
By making sure the belts have a snug fit and buckles are in the correct positions.
By taking it out of the car once a week to make sure the straps are not twisted or crossed in the back, or coming off/apart, and making sure everything is in it’s place and snug when I put it back in my car!
We only will use 2 brands of car seats for our grandchildren and Britax is one of them. We follow closely on safety and make sure the kids are buckled up ALWAYS
Proper installation is key, I also check to make sure that the car seat is still properly secure everytime I put my son in it.
I won’t start the car until everyone is buckled in.
I put my purse or something I need at the store right next to the car seat so I know I’ll never leave my baby behind!
Making sure to loosen the arm straps as the baby gets bigger.
We do extended rear facing and five-point harnessing, and make sure the children are buckled properly.
I like to read the instructions and know how to put the carseat in all situations. I like to install the carseat in the car myself and make sure all straps are tight and that the chest clip are at his armpits and not at the bottom of the buckle.
I’m super uptight about car seat safety. Now that my oldest can buckle his booster seat himself, we have a rule that the driver does not drive until that booster is buckled.
I practice Car Seat Safety by making sure that all 3 of my children are strapped in correctly BEFORE i even think about starting the car! I also practice CSS by keeping current and up to date on all the laws and regulations!
I practice car safety by making sure everyone is buckled in before driving! 🙂
I practice car seat safety by keeping my kids rear facing and having my car seat professionally looked at for the right fit.
make sure the car seat is installed correctly and everyone is buckled in before leaving anywhere
Frequently reading articles to keep up on the latest recommendations for car seat safety!
keep the child rear facing as long as possible, must resist the urge to go forward facing before 2!
Keep the seat at the right angle and have the harness tight
I became a CPST
I read the manuals, watch installation videos and go to a professional to check my installation
I became a CPST!
We have our car seat checked regularly, make sure it doesn’t more more than 1 or 2 inches side to side, and I ALWAYS check my carseats before I get out of the car whether my kids are with me or not!
I read the ENTIRE manual before it ever goes anywhere near the car!
We extended rear face! 2y 10m and going strong!!!
The car doesn’t move until everyone is properly buckled in and no one can remove their seatbelt until the car is turned off.
I always make sure my daughters seat is installed correctly and she is buckled in snugly and correctly.
We practice car seat safety by extended rear facing and no heavy coats!
By reading manuals and staying up to date on best practices.
Having the new cat seat checked by a cat seat technician to ensure proper installation
By keeping my children rear facing till their max on their car seats and aways getting my seats checked by a cpst.
we walk everywhere so its rare that we use our car seats. we always make sure they are installed properly and when travelling by bus we take our car seats on the bus instead of checking them in the storage wheyre they can be thrown around and damaged. we still have to have them because we travel once or twice a year by car or take the occasional taxi and I refuse to buy a used car seat or use an expired one. my oldest sons seat is expiring in 5 or 6 months.
I am a bit crazy about car seat safety. My friends even ask me to double check their seats!!
By following all of the manufacturer recommendations and making sure my kids know all of the rules.
We practice car seat safety by making sure we always follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions.
I need this seat for my daughter!!
I want to win
I always read the manual for the car seats, check to make sure it is still installed tightly, and make sure the straps are on properly. I also still require my 6 year old to be harnessed.
We make sure everyone is buckled up, car seats are installed correctly and we only use Britax seats 🙂
I always check my carseat for correct install with every use.
We keep our kids in carseats even though their friends don’t ride in one anymore.
I practice car safety by letting my kids know that the car stays put until the seat belts are on and that they need to leave the car locks alone. Also that they MUST stay buckled in at all times while we are driving until we park
Would love to win one of these car seats!!!
Would LOVE a frontier!! As my lil one is growing fast 🙂
Rear-facing with buckle tight over chest. No coat in the car seat
Car seat safety.. What isn’t important honestly? One of my biggest concerns is making sure the chest clips match armpit level. I see SO many pictures of people strapping their children in incorrectly that it has honestly become an honest pet peeve!
I’m a CPST! I help others with safety.
I practice car seat safety by extended rear facing, longer harnessed seats and no heavy coats
I make sure I read the manual for the car seat. Ive also watched how to properly install the model that we have videos
I practice car seat safety by ensuring the kids ride in a properly used and installed seat every trip, by keeping them in each “step” as long as possible, and by setting a good example by bucking up properly myself.
Straps level, chest clip on chest, straps tight
Rear facing until age two…and no bulky coats in the winter!!
I am a little obsessive about carseat safety. I’ve read the manuals over to cover and I have a spreadsheet of the expiration dates for my seats. But it comes in handy because when people are spreading misinformation I have the right answer ready for them 🙂
I practice car seat safety by follow manufacturers rules and extending rear face.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I practice carseat safety by ensuring the straps are snug.
Extended rear facing and harnessing
I practice car seat safety, by making sure my daughter is secured and buckled correctly, that the car seat is not moving and in one position. I also attend car safety events in LA with club Momme to learn more.
I rear face as long as possible.
I carefully read the manual and make sure I’m following all the guidelines as my baby grows!
I follow the one inch rule when determining if my car seats are in tight enough.
I always read my manuals and I had my car seat installed at the firestation.
Following manufacturers installation instructions, extended rear-facing, making sure they are buckled in properly 🙂 Thank you for this opportunity!
No bulky clothes in carseats!
I will have my car seat professionally installed by a police officer in the town where my husband works
making sure it’s properly installed.
I take my car seats to the fire department so they can properly installed.
We practice car seat safety by continuing to rear face our one year old even though he technically meets the weight limits to forward face.
I check the leveling every time I put the car seat in the car! 🙂
We read the manual front and back, make sure that there are no bulky coats or blankets and watch level
We inspect car seats regularly and remind the kids that the car safter is the only chance of survival in a car accident.
I follow the manufacturers rules. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Buckle up all the time!!
I practice car seat safest by keeping my almost 2 year old son rear facing till he reaches the 40 pound weight limit of his car seat, and by encouraging and educating my mother in law to properly buckle and keep my 4 year old niece in her harnessed seat. I also share through my Instagram and Facebook car seat safety tips with my friends so they can make educated and informed decisions on how they transport their children.
I make sure to fully read the manual and make sure the seat is installed correctly. I also take it to a certified technician to make sure it is properly installed.
I will practice it by keeping my son rear-facing as long as possible.
I practice car safety by never driving ANYWHERE without all passengers being buckled up at all times.
I practice car seat safety by making sure the car seat is installed properly and that I follow the instructions for buckling my child into it.
I always make sure the straps are tightened properly directly on my children’s bodies (no coats or blankets in the way) and the buckle is correctly places armpit to armpit : )
I double and triple check that all the latches are correctly places and that everything is in place.
I absolutely LOVE our Britax infant seat and can’t wait to upgrade to a convertible seat. Now that I’ve used Britax I’ll never use another brand, so innovative, smart and safe. Someone’s going to be SO lucky to win one <3
I practice car seat safety by making sure the seats are tight before i put them in
I practice car seat safety by making sure my car seat is registered so I know whether it is subject to recalls, also making sure the car seat is right for my child dependent on her height and weight.
I leave my kids rear facing until at least 2 and will leave them in a 5 point harness until they outgrow it.
I practice car seat safety by making sure to install them properly and make sure the seat belts are aligned properly when placed on them also making sure their weight and height requirements are met.
I make sure I purchase the correct carseat for the weight and height of my child and I have read the reviews and manual for each carseat. Then it is important to have it professionally installed and the child properly buckled in each time, never wearing clothing that would limit or restrict the safe function of the safety systems in the carseat.
I would love a new car seat for one of my younger boys. I’m not sure if I’d pick the Frontier for my six year old or the convertible for my baby.
I am a CPST. I help others every week of the year 🙂 I also keep my kids safe by properly securing them.
I ensure two things: 1. The seat it installed properly and 2. My child’s chest clip is at proper armpit placment and with no gap in webbing and is to proper snug fit.
I practice car seat safety by checking the fit of the car seat each and every time we get in the car e.g. the straps are in the right place, are snug enough, at the right height etc. I have found that even just changing an outfit can change the way the car seat fits, so it is very important to check for fit each and every time.
ensure that the buckle is armpt level and no winter coats!
I check to make sure I have a good install before we head off in the van!
It’s nice being married to a certified cop who can instal car seats for you
Extended rear facing
making sure everything is installed correctly
My husband is super thorough and picky when securing her carseat. We make sure everything fits right.
Buckle up and make sure everything is securely installed.
I practice carseat safety by talking to them about how seatbelts are there to keep up safe and by getting them involved in the buckling up process so it becomes habit to them. We have a 4 step process, “up, in, click, go”, we make songs up sometimes.
I make sure that they don’t wear bulky coats in the car
We always make sure the shoulder straps are positioned correctly and pull the straps in tight. Also, I read to make sure the chest snap is positioned high on the chest, not close to their belly. I have a Britax for my 2 year old and would not buy anything else for my 9 month old…hoping to win one!
We make sure the straps are tight and the chest clip is at his armpit level. We kept him rear facing as long as possible.
We read the manual front to back and are ERF until at least 2 yrs!
Since I’m the one who’s always making sure our little one is safe, gotta applaud Britax for making such a great new system! Sure hope we win so I don’t have to keep moving our car seat between cars (thus reducing the risk of me installing it too tight)
we stayed back facing until they outgrew their seats
We practice car seat safety by keeping up on new standards, rear-facing as long as possible, and researching the pros and cons of different methods of installation.
I check the car seat every day and we’re still rear facing at three years old.
I practice car seat safety by checking all buckles every single time the little one is put in!
We check to make sure the base is tight every time we get in the car.
The car doesn’t move unless seatbelts are on and on right.
Our carseat is always anchored to the back seat.
Extended rear facing & always checking straps for safety. 🙂
We had car seat technician teach us how to install our car seat and we will rear face as long as possible!
I always make sure everyone is buckled before we go. We found my daughter was “forgetting” to buckle herself in her booster so now we don’t move until we check with her first.
By staying rear facing as long as possible & always buckling up properly even if we are just going down the block to our community pool
I practice carseat safety by making sure our seats are always secure and tight and I check the chest clip every time we buckle up 🙂
Making sure the car seat is installed properly and my child is buckled properly.
After lots of research, we decided on a britax for out first baby. The most important advice I can share is to simply read the manual before installing the seat.
I harness them in the correct way every time and no coats in car seats.
I make sure the straps have no slack when I put my son in and that the top buckle is at armpit level.
We practice car seat safety by practicing what we preach. Nobody, even adults, are allowed to ride in the car without being buckled. The kids know how serious we are about it then.
I make sure my child is aways strapped in correctly (no slack in the straps and that the chest buckle is at armpit level) and also staying rear facing as long as possible.
We rear face until at least three, always are careful to install correctly (even when it’s a real pain like it was this weekend in our rental!), and stay up to date on our car seats. 🙂
I make sure my son is correctly buckled in his seat every time, regardless of how far we’ll be traveling!
Car seat safety is so important to me! Some people just aren’t aware of the risks that come with not properly buckling in a child in the car. Sometimes it is such a pain having to move car seats around in my family, because at the moment we only have one carseat per child and change cars frequently. But I know that taking a little longer to properly install the seat is worth it! I practice carseat safety by always making sure that there is no more than one inch wiggle room of the seat itself once it’s installed. Love Britax!
Having an easy to install and high rear facing height limit is important to me as my son is off the charts for height at 20 months old. Rear facing until 3 is a goal for us and with the new Britax seats I feel that is possible. Every child should be as safe as possible and Britax really helps parents achieve this!
EVERYONE gets buckled before starting the car! And making sure straps are always the right size/tightness in both cars as kids grow, requires extra time to check but it’s so worth it. We love our Britax seat!
We click in every time, even if we are only going around the block to grandmas house. Love my old Britax but it’s expired and I need a new one!
I practice car seat safety by always buckling my boys and myself. We don’t drive unless we are all buckled!
I check every time to make sure the car seat is secure and straps are tight
We practice car seat safety by ensuring that our (older) children are buckled properly before moving.
We are also researching safe choices for car seats for our newest addition who is arriving at the end of the year.
By making sure my seats are properly installed and kids are buckled in correctly. I also do ERF.
Make sure kids are buckled correctly and the straps is not pinchable, if you can pinch it–it means it’s not tight enough.
I make sure the car seat is installed correctly and that my daughter is strapped in properly.
Almost 4 year old still rear facing, almost 7 year old HBB, 9 year old is still in a HBB. We regularly check their seats, and the fit of their seats, as well as the install of the 3 year old’s seat.
Proper installation and use, rear-facing as long as possible!
my son is 2 and still rear facing. surprisingly a lot of people give me crap for it! i just to educate them, but you can only do so much..
I practiced car seat safety by making sure my children’s car seats are properly installed, they are strapped in correctly with the buckle at their chest, we practice extended rear facing.
No bulky clothes in the car seat!
WE ensure safety by adjusting the straps every time we buckle.
Everytime I use the car seat, I go over it thoroughly and make sure everything is secure.
I attended a car seat safety workshop and was taught how to properly install and use my children’s car seats. Now we use them properly every time!
My son has graduated to a booster seat, but I still check to make sure the seatbelt is positioned correctly. Also my son will not let the car go anywhere unless he’s buckled.
Always make sure to follow the proper installation.
We make sure we always buckle our twins in nice and tight, and we will keep them rear facing as long as possible!!
I practice car seat safety by explaining how to properly install a car seat to my parents. Grandparents need to know safety too and it’s always a little hard because they think because they were parents that they know how to do a lot of things. Bottom line is I want to make sure my parents know how to install a car seat properly and put my children in their car seats properly to keep them safe!
We keep our kids in the car seat rear facing for as long as possible and we make sure they are not wearing any bulky jackets when being strapped in.
We practice car seat safety by making sure our car seat is installed correctly and that we adjust the straps correctly everytime.
Keep rear facing as long as possible, no bulky clothes, correctly install and buckle child in.
I try to get the best quality car seats on the market and install them properly. I’m keeping my son rear facing past 1 year old as well.
After properly installing the seat based on manual and my car manual, I check each time we go for a ride. She is ready for new carseat as she has grown out of infant seat. I’ve been waiting for new height increase on new Britax. Thanks for allowing kids to rear face longer!
By making sure my 5 babies are all strapped in securely and correctly.
Double, triple, quadruple check your install and how you buckle in your little! You can never be too careful when it comes to car seat safety!
We follow aap recs and double check each time we travel.
I practice car safety by making sure to double check all car-seats before putting my children in them.
extended rear facing
My baby is rear facing and the buckle is fastened properly before car is even started. Also lined up properly, with my current seat – across chest at armpit level
I speak up when it comes to carseat safety. My car is not in motion until all are properly buckled in
I have my 23 month old rf and she will be rear facing until she no longer fits. I also have my 9 yr old in a high back booster. We don’t use bulky coats even though we live in Alaska. And my older girls don’t ever sit in a lap belt.
Correct installation and make sure the straps are correct.
Rear face as long as possible and make sure to put chest clips and straps on properly.
We make sure the car seats are tight and do not move at all, and the our son is buckled in securely every time.
We get our car seats installed by a professional! Can’t go wrong!
We kept our son rear facing as long as we could and plan to do the same with our second!
I practice car seat safety by being a child passenger safety technician and by keeping my kids rear facing, harnessed, and boostered to the max!
no bulky clothing
I always double check buckles and do the punch test on the straps. Rear facing as long as possible.
hoping to keep my almost 3 year old rear facing a bit longer!
My daughter would love this seat!
I kept my oldest rear facing until he was 2 1/2 and always make sure everyone is buckled properly and not wearing any bulky jackets even when it get very cold here.
not using any products that did not come with the car seat.
My 3 year old is still rear facing and when it comes time to forward face the Pioneer would be awesome 🙂
By reading the manuals to ensure correct installation and also checking the fit of the straps on a regular basis.
Always double check tightness and fit.
I practice by buckling every time!
I make sure the straps are tightly secured and the clip is across the shoulders.
Proper seats for each child.
We are still rearfacing at 3.5 years old.
Always making sure the seat isn’t loose and not upgrading to the next seat too early.
I practice erf with my babies. I also make sure the harness is appropriately tightened and the chest clip is in the proper place. Reading the manual is important too.
By keeping my oldest in a 5point harness for as long as possible!
I always make sure chest click is at armpit level and check tightness of the straps EVERYTIME
i ensure that you can not pinch any slack in the belt once tightened.
“It’s the law and we’re not going anywhere until you’re buckled in properly!”
I have practiced car seat safety by becoming a CPST to ensure I know how to properly buckle my children in and install their car seats as well as making sure I can teach other parents the same!
It’s simple and yet commonly overlooked. We use the seats until they’re maxed out. If the limit is rear facing til 40 pounds, they’re in it rear facing until the day they’re 40 pounds. My oldest is in a high backed booster because the capacity for it is 100 pounds and he’s only about 60 pounds. Definitely something that’s important to me! My kids aren’t a minimum in this world, they’re the MAX.
We have have bulky clothing during cold months and always rear facing.
Make sure chest clip is always at armpit level.
Rear facing for as long as possible.
My kids know that we buckle up to keep safe, they let grandparents know if their straps are too loose or their chest clip is too low! They enjoy being part of the process of keeping safe, and even make sure the adults in the car buckle up.
My wife and I have kept our children rear facing for as long as possible and always make sure the car seats are properly installed.
CPST here. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m a nanny to four beautiful kiddos AND I’m a tech… I got my Mom to donate her car to me on the days I have all four children, so I can transport all of them safely. I have one rear-facing (1 year), two forward-facing in harnesses (3 years and 5 years), and one in a booster (4 years, but big and mature). My big kids all know how to straighten their straps, buckle themselves in, and I just check and tighten! They also can tell you why EVERYONE’S seatbelt/straps need to hit their shoulders and hips… the strongest points of their body!
Rear facing until age 4 and no costs on the seats.
I always make sure that I check the car seat before we go anywhere to make sure it’s safe.
I make sure that the buckle is snug with only room for one finger.
I will have my car seat installed by the local fire department. I will also be checking it daily to make sure it’s still tight.
chest clip at armpit level, extended rear facing
making sure seat is securely and properly installed
Extended rear facing 3 year old and an 8 year old still in his booster.
I am excited to try these new car seats. A five-point harness is so important until a child has grown out of it.
We practice extended rear facing! My dd is almost 3 and still rf!
We practice extended rear facing
I currently use a Britax Advocate for my daughter who is 5. She is getting so tall that I may need to upgrade to a larger seat. Glad that she’s been using this since she was 1. My son has one too, so you can imagine how cramped my back seat is, but at least my kids are comfy and safe, and isnt that the most important thing? Seriously, best car seat around!
By making sure to practice with some of me friend’s kids seats to make sure I am doing it correctly. My friends are always there to help me.
We always double check the car seat installation and make sure our little one is buckled in correctly
Purchasing seats with high limits for rear facing and following the manual. My boys are rear facing at 3.5 and 1.5. 🙂
We love reminding others not to move to boosters too early. The frontier harnesses longest on the market!
We currently use all britax car seats with all our children , our boulevard is almost expired so winning this would be amazing ! We practice car seat safety but making sure all seats are installed properly , extended rear facing and making sure buckle is at chest level and tight enough 🙂
not putting puffy jackets or clothing on in the carseat
I love my frontier 90!
No bulky coats in car seat!
I practice car seat safety by making sure everything is installed correctly and letting my little know that she doesn’t need to try and unbuckle or move her chest clip.
I practice car seat safety by making sure I properly have my son’s car seat installed. I’ve had it checked by a certified installator and often have my husband who’s a firefighter check it.
We practice extended rear facing.
I practice carseat safety by making sure to read the carseat manual thoroughly and by reading up-to-date information on a regular basis. I always make sure my child is properly secured in his car seat.
Be sure they are clicked securely every time…..
No bulky clothing is worn while in the car seat, and also my son will be in a 5 pt harness as long as he fits and a booster until he passes the 5 step test.
Chest clip at armpit level, straps snug (no bulky clothes).
We practice car seat safety by adjusting the straps, checking for proper chest clip position and checking the install every single time.
No bulky coats! Rear facing as long as possible! Pinch test EVERY TIME!
Chest clip at the chest
I’m taking the CPST this weekend.
We never ride with bulky clothing!
i practice car seat safety by extended rear facing my son, always making sure his straps are nice and snug, keeping his chest clip at his chest. Car seat safety is very important to me.
I make sure the straps are tighten snugly when my daughter is in her car seat.
Always taking the time to make sure they are buckled in correctly and checking the seats regularly to make sure they’re properly installed.
I kept my son rear facing to age 6, and he will remain harnessed until he is too tall or feels comfortable with boostering.
I practice car seat safety by making sure everything is tight and secure:-)
I read about car seat safety on blogs and researched convertible car seats for my little one.
By keeping my almost 6 year old in a properly installed 5 point harness seat until he doesn’t fit anymore.
I practice car seat safety by insuring it is installed correctly and always buckled with chest clip at armpit level and never buckle the seat belt if it’s twisted.
I am trying to move my baby boy to a better seat! This would be great!
cool…love to win
By checking our base for green indicators regularly! Love our Uppababy Mesa for that!
I practice car safety by making sure the car seats don’t move more than their allotted amount each time I put my child in one
rear facing till 2 years is a must….safety first!
I make sure the car seat is secure to the base. Keep the baby rear facing until 2 yrs old. Also make sure the clip is at chest level without any bulky clothes.
We make sure we read the manual for proper installation and usage. We also watched the videos available on the website. And we make sure that the 5 point harness is tight when our little guy is in!
We kept my daughter RF until she was almost 3 (when she unfortunately outgrew her Britax convertible). I would love to be able to RF even longer with my DD2.
So always make sure the seats are installed correctly before every trip and rear face to the maximums of our seats before we extended harness forward facing.
As a FTM I plan on practicing car seat safety by going to a car seat clinic in our area to ensure I’ve installed my car seat correctly.
I practice car seat safety by making sure the chest clip is at CHEST level!
We’ll be rear facing as long as possible and take our time getting everyone safe and secure in their seats.
We practice carseat safety by using a Britax Pavillion for my 3 yr old. I would love to win a Britax ClickTight convertible car seat for my 18 month old niece!! =)
Car seat safety is so important. We check every time to make sure the seat is correctly leveled and the straps are the right tightness. I don’t want anything happening to my little ones! We love Britax products to keep them safe.
I always read the manual and make sure the seat is installed correctly every time!
We plan to practice car seat safety by getting our installation professionally checked out and staying rear facing until age 2!
I love Britax! I love Click-Tight!
I make sure the straps are fitting well each time my child goes in my car.
I always double check to make sure the harness is correctly tightened.
I always read the manual and make sure my son’s seat is in as tight as possible and at the correct angles
Once a week, I do a carseat check. I make sure all the straps are tight and that the seat is secure and hasn’t loosened. Everytime my children go in their carseats, I readjust the straps and make sure the chest clip is positioned at nipple level.
we practice car seat safety by double checking our son. i strap him in and then hubby double checks. and baby gets extra mommy and daddy kisses each time. win win!
I practice car seat safety by ALWAYS making sure my children are buckled in their carseats before the car begins moving.
I always make sure the seat is tightly installed and there is no slack in the harness.
Always doule checking to make sure the harness is nice and tight to the body, doing hte pinch test everytime we enter the vehicle
I always make sure my daughter is buckled and I double check to make sure it’s installed correctly (we only have one car seat between two cars so between moving it back and forth every day I have to make sure it’s tight enough not to move)
My son is getting close to outgrowing his infant seat, so I always check to make sure he is not within the top inch of the shell.
We plan to keep our children rear facing as long as possible- so much safer that way!
I practice extended rear facing and extended harnessing
We always double check the safety harness, even on our booster ready minions. They’re all precious cargo after all .
Car Seat Safety : I get my seat installation inspected!
I bought a new car so I could keep rear facing my son past age 2.
I install the seats myself (do reduce the likelihood of errors) and teach everyone how to properly strap my boys in!
I tried to keep my son rear facing as long as possible but he’s a big boy and I had to turn him sooner than I wanted. Now I want to make sure I can keep him harnessed as long as possible – want the Frontier 90 to do that!
I am so excited about the Britax ClickTight car seat. I really hope I can win one for my son whose current car seat is soon to be outgrown! Thank you so much for this opportunity to win a new one!
by making sure it’s right every time. My son is growing fast so I just had to move his headrest and straps up to keep them in the right spot.
we make sure the straps are at the armpits, the install is correct and the harness is snug!
Checking our fit every time!
Always making sure everything is installed snug and correctly. I take car seats out every month or so and check all the “limits” and adjust if need to be adjusted straps/harness, with our boy growing so quickly!! Car seat safety has always been very important for me and making sure others know the importance especially grandparents who might want to take our child places.
No heavy coats! Blankets over the straps.
We practiced by keeping our son in rear-facing as long as possible. We always make sure to remove his big thick jackets and always reeducating the grandparents every time they babysit and use the carseat. We constantly swap our Britax to several different cars so we are able to make sure everything is a good fit.
I make sure the seats don’t move more than an inch each time we put them in the their seats. I make sure they’re strapped in correctly and double check mine and whomever else puts them in (husband, MIL/FIL).
Check the carseats, and make sure the kids are in them correctly, every single time you get in the car
When we first installed our carseat, we got it checked at a local “carseat check” fair to make sure we had it installed correctly. They showed us how to install it correctly so we can now check for ourselves!
All 3 of my children are still in harnessed seats- ages 7, 4 and 2 and I have one more on the way. Proper instillation is key.
I practice extended rearfacing.
I always make sure my 2 grandchildren are secure before I start the car!
I practice car seat safety by making sure my car seats are installed properly and making sure my children are secured in the seat before we move.
I practice car seat safety every day as a CPST and mother of two. I participate in check events that help keep dozens of kids safe in the car.
Babies grow so fast we are constantly readjusting the straps and harness to make sure he’s in there properly.
We make sure the straps aren’t twisted, the chest clip is where it should be and the straps arent too loose each time our son is in his seat.
We practice carseat safety by making sure everyone under the age of 8 is in a carseat or boosterseat while riding with us. We often keep extra boosters just in case we have a friend who needs one!
We practice car seat safety by making sure we read the manuals and install seats properly. We also make sure straps and clips are always positioned correctly.
We are very thorough when we put our son in his seat – adjust his straps every time he is put in and make sure they are nice and snug. We also use the seatbelt and the tether!!
If car seats are removed, always get them checked afterwards by a professional
I practice car seat safety by properly buckling my own children and teaching others how to properly buckle theirs.
We practice car seat safety by taking our car seats to be installed at our local car seat checkup place:-)
Chest clip at armpit level. No extra clothes. Rear facing as long as possible. Gotta keep our children safe! I can’t afford a Britax but would love to win one!
By always reading the manual to ensure seats are properly installed.
I practice car seat safety by making sure the straps are at the right level and aren’t too tight or too loose when the child is in the seat.
My 25 month old is still rear facing but is growing out of his Britax Boulevard height wise for rear facing. We’d love a new Clicktight Boulevard to extend his rear facing days!
i practice car seat safety but reading the instructions
Proper installation and use and rear facing as long as possible!
We practice car seat safety by making sure our cars seats are properly installed and that the belts are never twisted! We also make sure the buckels are in their proper position and securely fastened! 🙂
By checking that the base is secure and that the harness/belt are in the right position and secured as well.
I have kept my little safe by keeping him rear facing in his Bsafe carseat. He will be 1 on the 4th so I intend on keeping him rear facing in one of these britax convertible seats.
We always follow the rules for car seat safety and I push it on to everyone I can. Why use a car seat if you’re not going to use it right???
We practice safety by ALWAYS making sure my little guy is properly buckled in his car seat with the pinch test on the straps and checking the level of the chest buckle. Even if it drives everyone crazy that I check him after they buckle him in. 🙂
Checking to make sure they’re buckled properly
Rear facing!! My little big man isn’t old or big enough to face the front.
We practice car seat safety by keeping our 5 year old daughter in a 5 point harness and teaching her how to buckle herself in..but dad or I always double check to make sure everything is secure. I think it’s important to teach children at a young age how important seat belts are and how to wear them properly.
We practice car seat safety by having our seat inspected for proper installation and by making sure all the adults (grandparents too) know how to properly strap the kids in: Buckle up by the armpits, straps untwisted and tight, no thick jackets worn by the kids.
I practice car seat safety by not having my children use heavy, bulky clothing between them and their straps. I always have them take them off when they get to the car and they either wear their coats backwards or use a blanket. I also share posts with Facebook friends about how to correctly use a car seat and where a child’s straps should correctly lay. It hurts my heart when I see a child buckled in improperly.!!
We practice car seat safety by always using our infant carrier in the backseat, middle position. When possible, someone rides with our baby in the backseat to entertain her! We are looking forward to switching to a convertible car seat soon!
Buy britax seats, haven stall action checked and always make sure the kiddo is buckled properly
Double check the car seat for angle and that the harness is snug,
When I was pregnant with my now 1 year old little princess I found a Certified Car Seat Install/Inspection station and had them show me how to properly install the seat. Knowing that the seat was properly installed gave me such peace of mind! I regularly check it to make sure it’s still installed properly. I also ALWAYS read the manual that comes with the seat and keep it in the seat itself for reference.
trying to FF as long as possible, not wearing bulky clothes, chest buckle in the right spot, no slack
I double check the seat belts every time to make sure they are tight!
Making sure all adults and kids (including those that buckle themselves!) are securely buckled before the car starts moving…even if it takes a. long. time. sometimes;)
I double check to make sure all the belts are tight and snug!
love the click tights
I practice car safety by making sure everyone in the car is properly buckled up.
I like to make sure the retainer clip is at armpit level and the straps pass the pinch test.
I always make sure the baby doesn’t wear bulky clothes (like a coat) under the seat harness.
I often check my car seat to make sure it is tight. I thoroughly read the entire manual before installation.
We ERF-38″-38lbs and almost 40 months. 🙂
I always make sure the seat is installed correctly when I have my grandson
I practiced Extended Rear Facing for both my children, my 6 year old is still in a 5 point harness and I make sure all her friends that ride in her vehicle do the same (even if they are in booster seats in their own vehicles), and I triple check that they are buckled properly and snug as a hug
I always make sure the harness fits my son properly so it isn’t too tight or too loose. I always check at the shoulders to make sure the straps can’t slip.
I practice car seat safety by following the manual when installing the seat and making sure my child is properly buckled in.
I practice by making sure the car seat is in the back!
We practice child safety by checking all straps and setting every time we enter or leave car. And driving very carefully to avoid an accidents!