Buzzword tees and accessories

In Fashion, Style by LisaLeave a Comment

As the weather gets warmer, the sleeves get shorter, and its time to retreat to your closet to break in an old friend, your favourite plain white tee. In fact, you probably have plenty favourite white tees, and you’ll continue to buy more and more over the spring and summer. This year, a small update with a buzzword tee or accessory will add some “oomph” to my outfits.

Buzzword Tees and Accessories

My white tee, can now simply state, “I’m funny and progressive, I’m still a cool mom. Read my t-shirt,” but also says “not for too long.” This year, I’m embracing the power of suggestion with these cute Buzzword Tees. These quick, quirky tees attract just enough attention to stand out in a crowd of plain white tees, but are simple enough to be durable, and quickly transition from casual, to dressy, and back again. You can find a graphic tee with almost any phrase so that they make great personality descriptors, and gifts. For example, for my older daughter, I would choose a tee that reads “dream,” and for my middle daughter, I would choose “sunny.”

Here are some buzzword tee’s AND accessories we have our eye on!

buzzword tee

How will you express yourself with a graphic tee this summer?

Meet the Author | Lisa

Lisa Kobrin is a mom to three children, aged 16, 19 and 21. She is passionate about education and loves home décor and fashion. She is a veteran mom and loves sharing all of her experiences with Savvy Sassy Moms readers. Lisa has put in her time as a mom of young children and now gets to get focus on her again! She loves fashion and beauty and is up to date on the latest trends for moms.

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