We are very excited to announce our brand new advice column, Ask Sassy! This is the advice column you’ve always wanted. Sassy tells it like it is and is here to help you get through those sticky situations and maddening mom moments. Like that scuffle with a nasty PTA mom, a disagreement with a friend, or how to handle it when your child is not invited to the Birthday party. She cuts through the BS and gets straight to the point, helping you make the right, but sometimes tough decision.
Every other Wednesday she will tackle your questions with honesty and give you the savviest advice and best way to handle those sticky situations. So whether it’s a tough parenting question, relationship hitch, or your quandary about social etiquette, Sassy is here to help!
She will help solve your sticky situation in the following seven categories:
1. Concerned Friend
2. Relationship 911
3. Parenting Problem
4. Social Etiquette
5. Ring the School Alarm
6. Family Feud
7. Fashion Emergency
Who is Ask Sassy?
Ask Sassy is not kidding around. Sure, she brings the funny when it’s appropriate, but Sassy has been through everything you’ve suffered and more, and she knows the right answer to a dilemma isn’t always the easy one. She’s a writer with 15 years of experience for the internet, print, television, and multi-media. She’s also a multi-tasker, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a teacher, a student, a lover, a fighter, and an all around problem-solving ninja.
If you have a sticky situation for Ask Sassy! please fill out this form:
*This form is private and will never be shared with anyone other than the editor of Savvy Sassy Moms and the Ask Sassy problem solver. We will do our best to solve everyone’s sticky situations, but cannot guarantee yours will be published on Savvy Sassy Moms. We will not publish or solve any situations that are illegal or inappropriate. We are not responsible for actions you take after sharing our savvy advice.