Winter date nights, for my husband and me, at least, feel so predictable. We go to dinner. Then we go to a movie. We don’t live in an area where winter sports are really a thing- most people spend the cold months hunkering down, catching up on their Netflix queues.
Our favorite spring date night ideas
So I’m always excited when Spring arrives (she’s here to stay, right? Please say yes!) and brings the sunshine and the chance to freshen up our Friday nights! Now we can save the tired dinner-and-a-movie bit for the dog days of summer and enjoy the great outdoors!
1. Dinner at a Food Truck Park
We usually have the hardest time picking a restaurant for date night because my husband and I have such different tastes. He’s a meat and potatoes guy and I’m an Asian Fusion girl. Dinners out always mean only one of us gets our way. So we love Food Truck Parks for fun, fresh cuisine of all sorts. There are several in our area, and the food trucks that serve them usually rotate out weekly, meaning the experience is almost always different! We can try different food, enjoy the outside and dine at picnic tables in sandals. Kids and adult beverages optional.
2. Mini Golf (or a driving range!)
I’m terrible at mini golf. But I can still appreciate a fun and flirty competition with my husband, who ultimately loves every time he beats me. It’s fun to challenge him to see who can get the most holes-in-one (spoiler: it’s almost always him) or gets the most birdies (spoiler: also him). Plus, this is a super inexpensive way to hang out together. We grab a few Cokes from the snack stand and act like we’re 16 again. Also fun (for him) is date night at the driving range. I think it impresses him how often I am able to unintentionally miss the ball while genuinely trying to hit it. But he gets in practice at a sport he loves, and we get some good alone time!
3. Embark on an adult scavenger hunt
No- not the kind where you have to knock on peoples’ doors and ask for obscure objects, although those are fun too! Ask your trusty friend Google for an adult scavenger hunt list and have fun finding all the items with your SO. You may even check with your city’s visitor’s bureau to see if they have like this for tourists. My city has about 20 stars, decorated by local artists and the like, all over town at parks, in front of museums and major attractions. It’s fun to drive around and try to find them all! You may also check in major metro areas- some of them now have organized scavenger hunt events you can partake in!
4. Enjoy a local festival
‘Tis the season for loads of awesome outdoor festivals. My metro area has a bit of everything this time of year- May fests, wildflower fests, Main Street festivals. If you’ve done the ones in your area to death, check out neighboring cities and towns. Festivals have such a fun ambience, and no two are alike! You can try local beers, shop with local artisans and vendors, learn about local businesses you didn’t know about before. Festivals are such a fun way to discover a new part of town!
5. Take your significant other out to a ball game
Even if you don’t live near a major league ballpark, most area have a D league contingent or even a college team that plays through spring. Tickets are generally very inexpensive but the experience is much the same as with large ballparks. You can still enjoy hot dogs and cracker jacks, sing “Take Me out to the Ballpark,” and (hopefully) watch the home team win!
6. Support the local arts
I’m lucky enough to live in an area with loads of outdoor areas, both large and small, that host local plays and musicals as well as symphonies and concerts. There is nothing quite as fun as throwing your blanket down on the lawn, grabbing your picnic dinner and listening to a local play or musical act. We enjoy supporting local community groups putting on fun plays or sitting on the lawn to listen to an orchestra play beautiful music under the stars. Even better, these events are oftentimes free!
7. All the water things
I’ve never been fortunate enough to live by the water. It’s a bucket list goal for sure! Still, I’ve always fantasized about what it would be like to stroll with a date hand in hand down the beach at sunset. If you, like me, don’t live on the ocean, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the water with your SO. Head out to your local lake and rent a kayak or canoe. Maybe even try a paddleboard, but man, do those look difficult! Just enjoy some time on the water. Get active with your SO while you enjoy some time together.
8. Volunteer your time during date night
I never have time to do all the things I want to do to support the community I live in. But I’ve found some great ways to combine date night with volunteering! Take a shelter dog for a hike with your significant other. Pick an area of highway/road that has a lot of litter and bond over collecting the trash to dispose of. Head to your local park and write kind notes in chalk for all the kids to read the next morning. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to enjoy time with your SO when you are helping others.