Children’s Shoes are always a “fun” thing to shop for, okay not really, but luckily we are parents in the year 2010 and can just order online – Hooray! Which means we don’t have to schlep them to the mall and argue over which pair is too expensive and be disappointed when the one pair your girl wants isn’t in stock.
I have been looking for some fall boots and snow boots for my daughter and while I was searching, I thought I would share some of my fashionable finds with you. These boots will make a trendy style statement or keep her feet toasty warm while slushing through the snow.
we just got some from payless their airwalk ones for my 4 year old they have sparkly hearts and light up! 🙂
Cute! I need some boots for me. Every year we get such a little amount of snow that I wind up wearing my rain boots, because I can’t find my snow ones, and I really would prefer a cute pair!