Today I am heading to Big White Ski Resort in Kelowna, BC to do some snowboarding and I am very excited. My suitcase is packed with all the typical chic but warm clothing and my snowboard gear, including my pink snowboard goggles. But what’s in my carry on? My passport, my light and perfect for travel Macbook air because I will have to log a few hours while I am away. A book that I bought over two months ago that I am going to try to actually read, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. My latest hobo wallet, a mini notebook for ideas, a sharpie, highlighter and some Love and Toast hand cream. ipod, iphone charger, headset and my sprigs armband that will be perfect for securing my id, credit card and room key on the mountain. The only thing missing is my lip gloss and perhaps a travel pillow and blanket.
5 Noteworthy Travel Essentials:
1. Sonya Dakar Jet Set – Acne Travel Set ($72) – I am very excited to try this Jet Set pack while I am away for a a few days. The Jet Pack is specifically for acne prone skin types and comes with a handy travel case and three travel sized bottles of the Bergamot Wash, Seaweed Lipsome Gel, and the Hydrasoft Lotion. I have never been so excited to wash my face!
2. Lands’End meridian convertible mittens ($29) These little fingerless gloves are perfect for chilly weather but also allow let me text, post and update while staying warm on the go! These make a great little gift for any of you last minute holiday shoppers. Perfect for any Mom, sister, aunt or teen. They are available in four colors and have a matching hat and scarf too.
3. Herbalogic ($24 – $29) I have never been one for taking supplements or herbs of any kind. I leave all that to my husband, he’s got a pharmacy of pills, bottles and jars. But when I heard about Herbalogic and read about some of their formulas that address “back and muscle pain, stress and tension, menopausal hot flashes, nervous worry and agitation, nose and sinus issues, mental focus and concentration, energy and performance, trouble sleeping, and periodic mood swings related to PMS.” SOLD. If there is something that can help me operate more productively and help with overall stress and mental focus, I’m all in. I will keep you posted on my findings!
4. Sun Bum ($9.99) Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t get a sun burn. Especially up in the mountains when your even closer to the suns rays. Even when it’s -10 degrees if the sun is shining you still need sunscreen. I have gotten a sunburn many times when on the slopes. I brought along this new brand of sunscreen to try. I love that it has an easy face stick for easy application throughout the day.
5. Stephanie Johnson ML Traveler Cosmetic Bag – I have mentioned these gorgeous travel bags before. I just love them. This one is a perfect size for all my cosmetics and other toiletries. It comes with three clear bags inside the bag and a nice zip pouch for jewelry. I like having clear bags so you can see what is inside each compartment. All my contributors got a Stephanie Johnson bag for Christmas this year!
I must check herbalogic out…sounds like it covers everything.;) have a fantastic time on the slopes….so jealous.