Ways To Keep Yourself Happy & Healthy

In Lifestyle, Living by JennaLeave a Comment

Life can be challenging at times and you may not always feel like yourself. There are moments when you may find yourself in a slump that’s hard to get out of.

The most important action you can take is to be kind to yourself. Be mindful of your habits and the way you’re living your life. The good news is that there are steps you can take that will help you feel better fast. Learn about some ways to keep yourself happy and healthy year-round so you can put a smile back on your face.

Get Plenty of Exercise

Exercise offers many health benefits to your physical and mental well-being. You should try to fit in daily exercise if possible. You may want to join a gym or set up a gym at your home. Getting plenty of exercise will help boost your mood and provide you with more confidence. Your clothes will start to fit better and you’ll enjoy being in better shape. It may help to create a motivating playlist of music or to identify an accountability partner. You two can work together to keep each other inspired to want to work out more.

Learn How to Deal with Grief

There may be tough times that you encounter in your life. For example, someone close to you that you love may pass away. It’s important that you learn how to deal with and manage your grief in this case. Should someone you love and who is close to you pass away then you’re going to want to make sure you plan a memorable funeral. Also, make sure you look into the different types of Headstones by Memorials.com so you can find the perfect fit. If you’re struggling to accept the passing of a friend or family member then you may want to consider talking to a professional counselor about your thoughts and feelings.

Nurture Your Mental Health

Keep yourself happy and healthy by nurturing your mental health. Pay attention to the thoughts that are going through your mind. You may want to give meditation a try so that you can get better control over your mind and feelings. You must be proactive about finding ways to rest and relax so that you don’t feel as wound up. Make nurturing your mental health part of your regular self-care routine. It’s a great way to get a better handle on your stress levels as well. You’ll feel less anxious and worry less when you are good about taking care of your mental health.

Eat A Nutritious Diet

You should also pay close attention to what you are putting in your body for fuel if you want to feel better. There are some foods that can increase or decrease your anxiety levels. Make sure you eat a nutritious diet for the best outcome. It may help to keep a food diary so that you can better monitor what foods and snacks you are eating. You may also want to get in the habit of cooking for yourself at home more. This way you will have better control over the portion sizes and ingredients. You’ll also eat out less this way and can save calories and money. Stick to eating lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Try to stay away from foods that contain a lot of sugar. You should also make sure that you are drinking plenty of water so that you can keep hydrated. 

Connect with Others

It’s also in your best interest to keep a social calendar of events. Be sure to connect with others and maintain healthy relationships. Now might be a good time to evaluate your inner circle. You want to surround yourself with people who are uplifting and encouraging. It will be nice to have someone you can call up to talk with and share about what’s going on in your life. Keeping company with good people will help lift your spirits. You will want people who you can lean on in your life when you are facing struggles or challenges. Consider being more vulnerable and make sure you have people to connect with who can be there for you.

Make Sleep A Priority

It can be challenging to make it through the day when you are tired. You may feel sluggish and make silly mistakes when you aren’t getting good sleep. You should make sleep and rest a top priority if you want to feel great. Try to get on a regular sleep schedule where you are going to bed and waking up around the same time each day. You should also find a relaxing bedtime routine instead of playing on your electronics. Configure your bedroom for optimal sleep by making sure the room is dark enough and investing in a comfortable mattress and bedding. Don’t be afraid to put your feet up and take a short nap when you have the opportunity. You will feel more like yourself and have more natural energy when you get a good night’s sleep. Ideally, you should be getting close to seven or eight hours of sleep each night if you want to feel your best. 

Avoid Technology Overdose

Technology can be useful but it can also be quite addicting. You are likely on your phone and computer most of the day if you are working. It can be tempting to want to scroll through social media constantly and check up on news articles. You’ll discover that you sleep better at night when you aren’t constantly connected to the Internet. You’ll also find that you have more free time to participate in other activities. The news can be depressing at times and may be negatively impacting your mood and overall health. Try to take breaks throughout the day and avoid being connected close to bedtime. While you can’t totally tune out the news completely, pay attention to how often you are online and be diligent about taking breaks away.

Spend Time in Nature

Nature has a natural way of healing and making you feel better. Therefore, do your best to spend more time outdoors. There are plenty of activities that you can do outside that will keep you busy. For example, you can go for walks or hikes in nature and use it as a way to take your mind off of your to-do list. You’ll return home feeling more energized and ready to get back to tackling your responsibilities. You can use the time you spend in nature to get better touch with your thoughts and feelings. You may want to consider meditating by using guided meditations on your phone while you are outdoors. You’ll find that you get a boost in your mood and sleep better at night when you are good about getting fresh air. It can help you reduce irritability and stress and improve your overall health and well-being.

Find Meaning in Each Day

There is a lot of time in each day to take advantage of. Therefore, you want to make sure you are doing something meaningful and that makes you feel happy. It’s important in this case that you have a good work-life balance so you have time for hobbies. It can be something as simple as keeping a gratitude journal and reviewing what you are most grateful for. Other ideas include cooking a tasty meal for yourself or listening to a favorite song. Consider what you feel most passionate about and spend more time doing things that make you feel joyful. You may discover talents you didn’t even know you had. Put your energy into activities that bring out the best in you. 

Slow Down & Live Mindfully

If you’re rushing through your days and life then you may feel more stressed out and anxious. Instead, try to slow down and live more mindfully. Pay attention to the present moment and what you are doing at the time. Do your best to stay present and not worry so much about the past or the future. For example, you can wake up and sip a cup of coffee as a way to relax and get ready to tackle the day ahead. Try to think good thoughts and let your feelings pass through you like clouds in the sky. Being mindful is a great way to better control your emotions and can effectively reduce stress. You may also find that you sleep better at night when you go through your day with mindful intent. You’ll get a boost in your mood and have better mental health this way as well. 


Keep in mind that there is a lot that you have control over on any given day. You don’t have to rush through life and always feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Be patient with yourself because it can be difficult to change habits initially. You should commit to healthy living if you want to feel more like yourself. These are some practical ways and ideas for how you can get started taking better care of yourself. Consider implementing these suggestions into your daily routine so that you can keep yourself happy and healthy. 


Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Berger is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 9 and 14. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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