This Teacher is NOT a Good Fit For My Child!

In Education, Family, Tips & Advice by SavvySassyMomsLeave a Comment

Have you ever thought that your child’s Teacher was just not a good fit for you or your child? Well, we know that you could be right. There have been times when our children say something to us about incidents that have happened in class that we wouldn’t necessarily handle the same way as our child’s Teacher did. While we are building or trying to build up our children’s resiliency, not everyone thinks alike. We know that we can help build our children’s resiliency by giving them strategies to navigate their way through a variety of personalities and that we also will occasionally need to advocate on behalf of our child. The real question is what can you do if our Teacher is NOT a Good Fit for your child?

What can we do?

First of all, it is important for our children to learn that there are situations in life that are not always a perfect fit but we always need to put our best foot forward and make the most of every situation. It is also important to make sure to never speak negatively about your child’s teacher in front of your child. Find the good in every situation and focus on that to be a positive role model for your child.

What you can teach your child

There are so many positive tools that are instrumental in maximizing learning and building your children’s success.

Give your children growth mindset strategies

When your child is in a difficult situation, giving them growth mindset strategies will help! Changing their thinking will benefit them in the long run. When your child feels like there is nothing let they can do in a situation, help them to rephrase their thinking to say there is always room for improvement. Another example is when they feel like something is too hard, remind them that it will take more time, but that they will be able to get it done.

Talk to the Teacher about your children’s sensitivities

You are you child’s advocate. That means that you must share as much as you can about your child with your child’s teacher. The more they know about your child, the better they will be able to understand their needs. Share with your child’s teacher all of their sensitivities and needs in hopes of the teacher understanding how to make the classroom environment best for your child.

Celebrate the achievements of your child by recognizing their accomplishments

If your child is struggling in the classroom, you need to step it into overdrive! While we all do our best to celebrate all of our kids accomplishments, it is essential to ensure that you are giving them lots of praise and support at home. Provide them with ample opportunities to feel successful at home.

Make yourself available to volunteer at the school

Being in your child’s class will help you get a better idea of what is happening at school. Taking time to volunteer in the class will allow you to form a better relationship with your child’s teacher which will in turn be better for your child. Bring home experiences from your time volunteering to further conversations about school with your child.

Talk to your child’s teacher first and then share your experience with the administrator

Every administrator wants to know that you have spoken to your child’s teacher first. When a situation arises, make sure to discuss it with your child’s teacher to try and problem solve together first. If you don’t see changes in the classroom, then speak to the administrator for additional support. When speaking with your schools administrator, keep your child at the front of mind. Do not speak negatively about your child’s teacher, but rather focus on what is not working for your child.

Share your tips with us below!

Meet the Author | SavvySassyMoms

The Savvy Sassy Moms are professional educators and mothers with more than 30 years of educating experience and over 20 years of combined parenting experience between them. With a true passion for engaging with moms and sharing their bright and relatable savvy and sassy know-how, they bring current and exciting content to Savvy Sassy Moms for all stages of motherhood as well as help and guidance for all the in-betweens! Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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