5 winter fashion trends we love!

In Fashion, Style by Angela AmmanLeave a Comment

Temperatures in many parts of the country are hovering between frigid and must-wear-a-blanket, but sassy moms know there’s always warmer weather ahead to try out their favorite winter fashion trends. We’ve collected five trends that range from cozy to skin baring, but that’s why they invented tights — and plane tickets to California.

sweaters with details
Trend 1: Oversized sweaters with details


There’s nothing like a sweater and the perfect pair of skinnies for everyday winter fashion, but wearing sweaters day after day can begin to feel stale. Trendy sweaters abound this season, but if you’re not sure about the popular logo and animal trends popping up, dial the style down to the details. Try an asymmetrical hem or unexpected stitching details — and don’t forget to make sure you’re buying something in a toasty, natural fiber.

stack your cuffs
Trend 2: Stacks of cuffs


Oversized cuffs or stacks of dainty bangles make a style statement, but stacks of cuff bracelets are a stylish alternative this winter. In order to keep your bracelets from becoming costume-like, choose more delicate cuffs — think of them as chunky bangles — and mix and match them in interesting ways. Try punk and feminine cuffs in the same metal or a collection of mixed metals in a similar style.

minis that pop
Trend 3: Bright minis


Minis in the midst of winter? Yes, please! With countless combinations of boots and tights available to keep your legs warm, a bright mini is an unexpected pop of color. This is a trend that will go as far as you dare. Stick with a solid jewel tone, try a rainbow shade in a textured material, or find a pattern you absolutely adore.

fringed purses
Trend 4: Fringed purses


Fringe is fashion-friendly again, and bags are the obvious place to break in its return. The boho-feel works well with a cross-body bag, but if you’re not ready to work fringe into your everyday wear, try it in a fabulous clutch for your next night out. It adds great visual interest to even the simplest outfits.

caged heels


Trend 5: Caged heels


Caged heels are an unexpected choice for winter fashion, but warmer climate residents will love the way the cut-out heels look perfect with jeans without risking the heat of a pair of boots. If you want to try the trend in cooler climates, try one of the hybrid versions that use the cage detail sparingly, allowing them to work well with tights.

Which of the five winter fashion trends will you try?

Meet the Author | Angela Amman

Angela Amman is a short story and essay writer. Collecting her family's stories is a gift-in-progress for her daughter and son, and she blogs at Playing with Words, capturing the craziness and beauty that weave together to create something extraordinary. As the co-director of Listen To Your Mother Metro Detroit, Angela is thrilled to bring others' stories to the stage and to celebrate the magic of words, storytelling, and the courage to share that magic with an audience. When she should be sleeping, she works on her latest short story collection. Her writing has been featured on Mamalode, Peacock Journal, and Scary Mommy. Her personal essays and short stories have appeared in her collection, Nothing Goes Away, and various anthologies.

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