iphone clutter

New Year Tech Clutter Cleanup

In Apps, Tech by Jessica TorresLeave a Comment

Resolutions aside, the beginning of the year is a great time to get your life organized. For some of us, this means cleaning out the closet. But for others, especially those who are active in social media, this means going through our online accounts, laptop, smartphones, etc. So, to help make your life a little easier through this process, we are sharing some tips to help you with your new year tech clutter cleanup. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, turn on the music and follow along.

New Year tech clutter cleanup

Clear out your email folders

Email folders are handy to keep the inbox nice and tidy. But in reality, they end up being storage for emails that we really don’t need anymore. Now is the perfect time to go through them and delete the emails that are no longer needed. While you’re at it, this is also a good time to get rid of email folders that don’t get used or are redundant.

Unsubscribe to unwanted email newsletters

Email newsletters can be great if you actually read them. But, when your email starts filling up with newsletters that you delete without opening, it’s time to go ahead and unsubscribe. Usually the unsubscribe option can be found at the bottom of the newsletter – go ahead and click it. You’ll feel better the next time you log into your email account.

Delete apps you never use

That really great app you downloaded and only opened once? Yeah, get rid of it. Our phones and tablets only have so much space on them. Don’t use it all on apps that are collecting virtual spiderwebs.

Clean out your notes

Whether you use the notes app in your phone or something like Evernote, the beginning of the year is a great time to clear out those notes. Delete the ones that you don’t need anymore and take actions on the ones you do.

Do something with those precious photos

Do you have 1,000 pictures on your phone? Time to do something with them. Either transfer those pictures to your computer or print them for that scrapbook you keep meaning to work on. As for the pictures on your computer, now is also a good time to organize them into folders and/or print your favorites.

Organize your social media accounts

While you’re in the midst of the new year tech clutter cleanup, don’t forget about your social media accounts. Create interest lists on Facebook or even unfriend people if needed. Go through your Twitter account and follow or unfollow people. While you’re at it reorganize your Twitter lists, they are super helpful for managing Twitter. Also, clean up those boards on Pinterest along with the people/boards that you are following.

It will take some time to complete your new year tech clutter cleanup, but when it’s all said and done you’ll feel so much better. Your online world will be organized and you’ll be ready to conquer the new year, uncluttered and full of space.

Meet the Author | Jessica Torres

Jessica Torres is the founder and chief cocktail creator at onemartini.com. She always wanted to be a bartender and is finally getting that chance in her own kitchen. When not taste testing new spirits or shaking up cocktails, she can be found working on her food and drink photography, tending her garden or taking a nap. She lives in the biggest little city of Reno, Nevada with her whiskey loving husband, two daughters and a fully stocked liquor cabinet.

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