I should start by telling you that I do not cook. I don’t like to cook and I don’t want to cook. I will however bake something about once a year. I could actually totally get into baking.
I met Catherine McCord, the founder of the website Weelicious and a whiz in the kitchen through the BabyCenter Blog. We both have the privilege of writing over there. I have always admired her creative kitchen creations from afar. Her recipes are simple, healthy and fun, but I have never actually tried one. We finally just met IRL just a few months ago! She gave me a copy of her new book, Weelicious: 140 Fast, Fresh and Easy Recipes and I thought “I can do this.” I wasn’t going to just write about this book, no that would be too easy. I was actually going to put it to the test. So off I went …
First up was the Banana Bread Cake. I have never made banana bread. Ever. I know, it’s like you can’t have a Mom card without knowing how to make banana bread. I enlisted the help from my son Hudson, who was eager to help! I couldn’t believe it but I actually had most of the ingredients. We were only missing brown sugar and one of those bread pan things. I found these cute pumpkin tins on clearance at the grocery store so I grabbed those instead. Cute uh?
We were pretty good partners in the kitchen, only one slippery egg got away from us and landed on the floor. We both laughed and just got another egg. He was so excited about his banana bread. He literally sat in front of the stove to watch it bake. This was the best banana bread ever, regardless of how it tasted. (It tasted great!)
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Next up was the Carrot Pineapple Cupcakes…
McKenna and I tackled this one. This cupcake has a fruit and a vegetable in it, so I was rather excited to make a “healthy cupcake”. McKenna loves to do all the mixing. But I am pretty sure it’s only because she wants to make sure she gets to lick the mixers before I wash them off. Even though this was only our third time making cupcakes, we’ve often talked about one day opening a cupcake shop named after her nickname… Boo’s Cupcakes.
I loved these. I loved them so much I ate most of them. Hudson liked them too but McKenna wasn’t the biggest fan. I do think I messed up the frosting slightly by putting too much honey in. But still they were very good! I actually plan on making these again for Thanksgiving!
I intentionally had them help me on different nights and separate recipes. This was not only to insure their was no fighting over breaking the eggs and mixing the ingredients but so I could do something one-on-one with each of them. I really enjoyed spending time with my kids in the kitchen and I could see making this a monthly habit. It also felt good for me to do something different and mix things up a bit!
If I can do it. You can do it!
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Weelicious Book + Laptop Lunches Lunch Box Giveaway!
The savvy way to pack your kids lunch! LapTop Lunches.com
To Enter:
1. Do your kids help you cook or bake? What is your favorite thing to make with your kids?
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2. Tweet ” Check out @savvysassymoms in the kitchen with her kids! @Weelicious Book Giveaway http://bit.ly/ssmweeme ”
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Contest ends at 11:59pm PST on 11/29/2012
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My oldest son and I love to cook together. We had homemade meatballs together for dinner last night.
My daughter always wants to help in the kitchen. We don’t make anything specific together. Just whatever she can stir, count, separate by color, etc.
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My son loves to help me make french toast and bake cookies. Of course I do the oven & stove parts.
My kids and I are in the kitchen all of the time! We love to make tamales and other latin-inspired foods!
I love making weelicious homemade graham crackers.
My 5 yr old son loves to help me cook and bake, and his favorite things to make are graham crackers and Mac & cheese from Weelicious!
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My daughter is only two, so she hasn’t been able to help me much in the kitchen yet, but I can’t wait until we can cook together! I think we’ll start with something fun and simple like no-bake cookies or her favorite – cupcakes.
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My daughter likes to help make pizza and my son likes to make chocolate chip cookies with me
My kids love to help in the kitchen. Kale chips are their favorite. Weelicious makes things with them so much more easier, healthy, and fun. I would love to win her cookbook and laptop lunch container. Thanks for the opportunity to win 🙂 I also, liked you on Facebook too!
My guy helps stir whenever he can. He’s only two, so we’re gearing up for more. Would love to have the Weelicious book to cook with him.
My 3yo son loves baking and cooking! Some of our favourite things to make together are french toast, cookies, smoothies, the list goes on. He really enjoyed making the green popsicles!!
I live cooking with my boys! They are great at muffins and soups – so much fun to do together!
My kids usually help me cook! I love making biscuits from scratch with my kids. They love using the rolling pin and biscuit cutter! stef4916 @ yahoo.com
My middle child has been cooking/baking since he was 11 months. He lives to dump ingredients, stir and watch through the oven door until our recipe is done baking. He’s now 23 months and begs to bake every morning! I never cooked much until we found he was allergic to eggs/soy/nuts/corn and dairy. Because of these allergies we must make 90% of his meals/snacks at home! No processed foods anymore. It’s been good for all of us though.
Our fave food to make is a tie between pancakes and Sunbutter bread w cocoa nibs. Oat bars, muffins, granola, and cookies are in our weekly rotation too!
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My daughters make their own pizzas on Fridays. My 3 year old likes to put honey in the middle of crescent dough, roll them up and bake them – her idea.
I love baking with my girls, they get to mix and pour ingredients and if it is something like cookies they get to use the cookie cutters. Tomorrow we are making pumpkin bread to take to our thanksgiving dinner at our friends’ home.
My son is still too little to actually help me bake – but he is a great taste tester!! I love making him different kinds of mini muffins
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My kids love to make cookies, I think it has something to do with licking the beaters! Their favorite cookies are Peanut Blossoms where they can stick the Hershey Kisses in afterwards.
My 3-year-old and I love to bake together. We like to make pies, breads, cakes, you name it!
My son helps me make several recipes but one in particular he likes to help with is the Weelicious graham crackers. There is no eggs in the recipe so I am happy if he sneaks some dough before it is cooked. I would LOVE a LapTop lunch box!!!
Love cooking with my 4 year old twins! Baking cookies is my favorite.
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We do most anything but bake a lot of Weelicious muffins
I love making cookies with my kids. The more mess we make the better!
My 2 1/2 year old and I have just started baking together. He loves mixing, rolling and using cookie cutters.
my son loves to help me make eggs. He loves to stir the eggs and especially likes to use my fresh pepper grinder. I like to watch his body wiggle as he turns the pepper mill.
My kids love to help me cook, ages 4 and 6.
My baby likes to watch me bake:)I’m SO excited for him to get older and help me cook. I really look forward to educating him on the importance of eating well… and how to do it! his favorite to eat is pumpkin muffins:)
We make brownies and pancakes.
My son loves to help in the kitchen. He’s my mixer and spice adder!
I love to help my kids bake. We love to make cut out cookies.
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My son is too young to join me when I cook, usually he just plays in the kitchen while I bake!
My girl is not quite 2, but we love to cook vegetables and make sandwiches in her play kitchen. She recently became interested in everything I do in the kitchen, so we are investing in a learning tower for Christmas. I can’t wait until she has a safe place to stand by my side as we enter into new adventures in the kitchen!
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