With all this time on my hands, and by time, I just meant time at home, because who has “time” with kids running around the house all day? I set some small goals to feel accomplished in the organization department. At the beginning of our Covid-19 quarantine, I went through my closets and did a huge clothing overhaul. I got rid of everything that I hadn’t worn in ages, and then I put the rest of it back. It was a great cleanse, but one this was missing…the organization! So, when I heard that Horderly was offering virtual organization calls, I jumped on board and booked one!
Horderly is a professional organization company that transforms peoples spaces, and I was in serious need of a transformation! My closet needed some serious help! Before it began, they asked me to send them a picture of my closet. It was a complete fright to look at…so much so that I was almost embarrassed to send it! But, I did what they asked and I sent them pictures of the monstrosity, also known as my closet! This is what it looked like:
- Before
- Top Shelf
- The Bottom of the closet
HORRIFYING, I know! It’s a small space, but it filled up very quickly and before I knew it, it was a compete nightmare! Thankfully, I called in professional reinforcements. We set up a time for a zoom call where we talked about my needs and how we could best suit them. While you may look in a space and think there isn’t much to be done, I learned that that was not the case!
My closet issues
Let’s start at the top. I thought that the top shelf would be a great place to keep all of my bags. This way, they would be out of the way and easy to see. However, it didn’t take long before the bags were all over the place and ended up making the closet look extra messy. Instead, Nicholas, my Horderly organizer, suggested that I make better use of the space by moving my shoes to the top shelf. By getting clear shoe boxes, this would allow me to use the full height of the shelf so that I could stack them and would also clear up the mess on the floor.
Obviously, my next question was, what will go on the floor? Nicholas’s answer…NOTHING! I was in the mindset of using every inch of space, but the truth of the matter is that filling up every inch, makes the closet look messier. Mind. Blown! We chatted about what other products I might need to set up this space in the best way, which I measured a few spaces to ensure that I was getting the best products for my space. We had a great call filled with so many ideas and suggestions, which you can see below. We ended the call with next steps that I had to fulfill.
Next Steps to a Clean Closet
Step 1: Take it all out!
I couldn’t believe how much I had in that small closet. I did as Nicholas said and I removed every single thing in the closet. When everything came out, my daughter was almost buried under it all! It felt so good to get it all our and start fresh. You wouldn’t believe how many empty hangers I had in there taking up valuable space. Nicholas suggested that I order new hangers to that they were all uniform and space saving.
Step 2: Purge.
The first thing to go were all the hangers I didn’t need. I also got rid of clothes that were too small, too big, or clothes that had holes in them. I made piles to donate and piles that were garbage. Everything needed to be organized before I put anything back.
Step 3: Clean!
This was a great opportunity to wipe everything down to give the closet a good clean. I swept the floors, wiped the shelves and made sure there was nothing else lying around the closet that needed to be removed.
Step 4: Strategizing placement.
This step is key. Nicholas told me to pay attention to prime real estate, such as the top shelf for shoes, so that I was using the space I had in the most efficient way. This was also the time to make use of the items Nicholas suggested I buy such as the shoe boxes, the storage bins and the hangers.
Step 5: Put it all back.
I started with the shoes. I was amazed at how many shoes I was able to get on the top shelf. Another great thing that Nicholas suggested I buy was a label maker. Such a great idea!
Then I made sure that all the clothes were on the same hangers and started by putting in my dresses, skirts and then pants etc. Once it was all organized, it looked incredible!
Keeping the bottom clear made such a difference in the look and feel of the closet. It doesn’t look cluttered and it feels open and airy. Organizing the closet has made me feel so much better! I can see where everything is, it all fits beautifully and I feel like I have decluttered an important part of my life! I couldn’t have done it without the help of Horderly. Nicholas was an unbelievable asset that gave me the best ideas, resources and of course, the push to get it all done!!!
- Before
- After
Want to see what the process was like with Horderly? Watch our call HERE!
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I would love to have my closet organized. I feel like it would save so much space and time.
My daughter could use some advice on organization.
My daughter could use some help as she moves into a new apartment.
So many areas in my house need organizing. Everything from my closet, to my kitchen pantry, to my basement storage area!