When you are balancing motherhood, daily living and errands galore, how do you make time to ensure that you are living a healthy lifestyle? For us, being active helps us balance it all. Healthy living allows us to wear all the different hats we need to wear as moms. Truthfully, motherhood requires a lot of energy. When we feel sluggish, we are less productive and can’t keep up with our kids. We can’t wait to share our Balancing Motherhood Giveaway!
Modern technology allows us to Balance Motherhood and Healthy Living
We hear you, getting to the gym can be a challenge in between pick ups, drop offs, grocery shopping, work, after school programs and so on! We know working out alone doesn’t always sound fun. However, it can be essential when it comes to balancing it all! We sometimes feel like we need a class or others around us to help us feel motivated! We recently got a Schwinn Classic Cruiser bike. It fits perfectly with the other workout gear that we already have at home.
Its Classic Cruiser style lets us experience the nostalgia of riding a classic bike. In terms of motherhood, this stationary bike has given us the confidence to get back on a outdoor bike to ride with our kids! We love how it is compatible with mixed reality apps like Zwift and RideSocial to allow us the modern luxuries that we would typically be used to at the gym. The official app features a “paperboy” game where you can race through the streets or follow along fellow riders to reach your destination. For us, this riding adventure gives us the drive to complete a 20 minute workout early in the day. And I appreciate not packing the gym bag and driving to the gym.
Adding workout equipment at home
As a Mom, having equipment at home gives you the flexibility to make “mom-time.” None of us fit enough of that in our days! With the Schwinn Classic Cruiser bike somewhere in the home, you can wake up early (before the kids) and enjoy an early morning workout. We love starting the day this way, setting the tone for a healthy day ahead. However, some days we know we can’t make an early morning workout happen. Knowing we can workout when the kids are asleep at night helps relieve the anxiety of not having time to work out during the day. This bike allows us to stay in shape in order to maintain health while being the CEO of our busy families.
Features of the Schwinn Classic Cruiser
This gorgeous Schwinn bike features a built in media rack and adjustable seat. Users get a unique and custom workout experience in comparison to the one-size-fits-all treadmill. As well, the Schwinn Classic Cruiser comes with adorable accessories to shake up your bike, like streamers, a horn, and a water bottle and holder set. If you are considering adding a workout machine to your home, you can purchase yours online. It ships directly to your home!
Win a Schwinn Classic Cruiser bike!
Are you ready to make more time for you while still balancing Motherhood and Healthy Living? We would love to give YOU a Schwinn Classic Cruiser bike. Enter below to win! Must be a US or Canadian resident to win.
Nautilus, Inc. provided these products at no cost to me, all opinions are my own.
Photo credit to Lacey Davey
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It’s hard to balance healthy living and motherhood and I really need to do more to exercise but I do cook healthy for the family.
I balance motherhood and healthy living by taking my kids on nature walks. #TeamNLS
Working out daily and eating healthy
#TeamNLS Working out daily and eating healthy
I try to find balance by always taking at least 20 min a day for myself. #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS You just have to plan fun activites that involve getting outside and moving! Biking, hiking, walks, playing sports, swimming – lots of choices!
#TeamNLS I am balancing by working out daily
Well i’m a father but I balance it by playing with my kids
I try to find a balance by being kind to myself. Some days I can go, go, go. Others, I need a little extra quiet or rest. Taking the time to listen to myself, to be kind to me is the best kind of balance these days….#TeamNLS
I balance it all by taking care of myself and my body. I try to make healthy food choices and stay active. The kids and I often spend time outside and I make sure to include them in helping me with day to day tasks so I don’t become overwhelmed, We all help each other out 🙂
I am sure to do hit the gym at least once or twice a week to get my heart rate up. It’s good to be flexible and attend group fitness to get motivated. #TeamNLS
I really try to stay organized and be present for the things I commit to. #TeamNLS
I am big on schedules and schedule myself time to exercise when my kids are either at activities or being watched by someone else.
Exercise is important to me so I make time. I also stay active w/ my kids playing outdoors often. #TeamNLS
Well my wife and I both signed up the MEC racing series this year, 8 running road races leading up to a full marathon. We tag team who watches the kids each evening and who gets to train. #TeamNLS
I try very hard to have my kids eat healthy and i wouldn’t let them snack on junk food so i try to apply that to myself as well.
re – posting to include #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS I balance everything with exercise and eating healthy daily.
#TeamNLS . we help with our grand children and take them to walk our local trails, gets us all moving and we have a lot of fun.
I am not a mother yet, but I do exercise daily. #TeamNLS
Working out more than 3 times a week and drinking lots of water. Lemon water helps with taste.
If I can’t get all my exercises done at one time, I break them into chunks and do some in the morning after my son has gone to school and the rest in the evening. Motherhood by itself is a balancing act but, making time for ourselves is where the real balancing skills come into play!
Please add #TeamNLS to my comment. Thank you.
#TeamNLS I try to stay balanced by getting outside everday eating right and getting pletny of sleep
I carve out time every day to go to the gym and take care of myself.
Would love to work this into my routine.
It’s not easy balancing motherhood and healthy living but I find if you schedule some “me time” out of everyday things don’t seem as stressful and more manageable.
I’m a dad and balance work with quality time with the kids.
It’s hard to balance, but I find that lots of naps help 🙂
I balance it by..trying. Haha. Maybe not succeeding, but I’m trying!
Taking the time to workout and eating healthy! #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood with positive thinking. Working out gives me energy and I always feel good afterwards and it keeps me healthy. #TeamNLS
I try to get my son involved in the cooking and healthy eating process in our house–I’ve always done this with him and we have such a good time doing it! #TeamNLS
Does chasing after an almost 3 yr old count? ? #TeamNLS
Badly, lol! I do my best 😛 #TeamNLS
Frankly, I try to find 30 minutes every day for myself (it keeps me sane and helps me find a balance between parenting, responsibilities/expectations and work); this can mean doing yoga or meditating, spending the time reading a book, going for a run, enjoying a quiet cup of green tea in the morning, etc. #TeamNLS
The kids do it with my. My son loves getting out for walks and hikes. My oldest is now at the age where he can join me in the gym a bit. Both my kids love doing physical activity. #TeamNLS
I currently have a 7 year old son and our second son is due in just about a month! I currently try to balance working out, being pregnant, and being a mama by taking walks outdoors and/or my 30 minute workout sessions in our basement. #TeamNLS
I’m pregnant with my second but my first was stillborn in November. Not much to balance yet but hopefully my super clean Paleo diet will serve me and my health well this pregnancy and beyond. I also make sure to stay active and hike and swim as much as I can! 🙂
I get my exercise in by going to the zoo, parks, museums, etc. The key to eating healthy is to plan ahead by packing healthy snacks or making meals ahead and freezing them.
By planning active things that everyone can participate in. #TeamNLS
I try and balance foods and workouts #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS weekend bike riding!
#TeamNLS I take an hour every night to go for a run and we as a family eat very low carb, low sugar and lots of fruit and veggies for the kiddos.
I spent a long time putting everyone else first, but I just joined the gym and a weight loss program so that I can find a balance between my own health and the needs of my family. #TeamNLS
I try to make time for myself every day, if only a few minutes for self-care <3 #TeamNLS
It’s hard! We do living room yoga and go on regular hikes with all 3 kiddos. #teamNLS
Working out and eating healthy
I am a grandmother who watches my 6 grandchildren on and off. I am healthier now than when I was younger. I walk/ bike/hike, do yoga and meditate and do zumba. I try to live and think young and associate with younger people.
#TeamNLS Mine are all grown up now but I would love this for myself as
my weight is out of control! Also my favorite color.
I try to balance motherhood and health by eating right and exercising. #TeamNLS
#teamNLS eating healthy and exercise
I’m not a mother, but I drink plenty of water and try to walk a mile or two a day with my nieces and nephew.
I balance healthy living and motherhood by engaging in physical activities with my family and cooking fresh home cooked meals along the way. #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS I balance motherhood and my health by doing active activities with my children.
#TeamNLS. Balance motherhood and my health by keeping healthy and active
#TeamNLS Have fun with the kids do a exercise route with them.
omg! awesome prize!!
I’m trying to eat healthier and get more exercise. #TeamNLS
One way I balance Motherhood and Health is by taking my kids on nature walks and hikes through the woods. Sometimes they are rugged trails, so we really get quite a workout. Plus connecting with nature and being away from screens helps us connect with one another. #TeamNLS
I get up early and play active games with my little ones! #TeamNLS
Sometimes you just gotta choose prepackaged salads and deli chicken to save time and energy after a long week! #TeamNLS
Being a Mom keeps me active, squeezing in the treadmill, and eating fresh veggies & fruits! Also a multi vitamin, vitamin C and Omega 3 6 9!
Well, I’ve never been good at balancing the healthy! I am trying to get better and work in deliberate exercise.
Swimming and eating as fresh as possible – daily pep talks #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and healthy living with by making a big pitcher of smoothies for everyone every day. Keeps the grown-ups healthy and kids get their fruits and veggies too! #TeamNLS
I try to find balance by playing with my grandchildren everyday , lots of walks with the dogs and healthy eating ! #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS take advantage of nap times and scheduling.
I balance by staying active and keeping a healthy lifestyle going for myself and my three kids. #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS We plan an activity to do together daily. We love swimming.
#TeamNLS Plan to get outside or to do some other activity with other families,
#TeamNLS playing outside, going for walks and eating healthy snacks and meals!
#TeamNLS walks/ hiking
i balance motherhood and healthy living by getting my kids involved. we take walks and buy food that is better for us. #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and healthy living by walking/hiking with my family #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS its hard to balance both but you can do it with the right motivation and the right people around you to help !
#Team NLS Take the kids outside! You’ll all get some exercise. We hiked a lot.
#TeamNLS By eating right and exercising.
#TeamNLS My daughter loves to stay active with me so we work out together, walk together and explore nature together. It’s wonderful
I keep a balance by staying active with my kids playing at the park or in the backyard or going for hikes. #TeamNLS
It’s not easy being a mother and work full time while also maintaining my health! I was in the military back in the day and they taught us the importance of being fit – I find that when I find the willpower to wake up before the kids and get in a quick 30 minute workout, I am more energized and ready for the day!
I keep balance by cooking healthy, homemade meals and getting outside whenever we can taking walks and playing at the park.
I exercise with the kids! #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and my health by eating fresh & healthy, working out daily and being active daily. #TeamNLS
I’m trying to keep balance between my working life and health by eating healthier and get more exercise. #TeamNLS
I eat healthy and stay active #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and healthy living by being an example to my little girl.By either exercising or dancing with her,and trying to eat healthy meals. #TeamNLS
Its a hard balance but i like to join my kids while there playing and exercise with them rather than away from them.
I’m grandma nanny to 5 grandkids and at the moment there is no balance!!!!!
I balance Motherhood and healthy living by eating healthy and staying active everyday.
I balance motherhood and exercise by taking my 2 year old, 1 year old, and soon to be newborn on walks. #TeamNLS
My kids are all grown and with them on their own I find a lot of time to work out and without all the kid snack in the house anymore I eat much healthier #TeamNLS
We stay active together. #TeamNLS
I always make sure to eat healthy and try to go outside everyday with my family. Whether it’s a walk, hike, or swimming we make sure to stay active together. #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and healthy living by taking some time for myself and going out for walks. #TeamNLS
#TeamNLS I balance motherhood and healthy living by purposely planning some “ME” time!
I try to balance motherhood and healthy living by taking daily walks and eating right. #TeamNLS
Balancing motherhood and healthy living is not easy! I try to cook large meals so we have a healthy go to when time is low. I’ve started bonding with them by going for walks instead of restaurants.
I balance motherhood and healthy living by taking my toddler on strolls with me. #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and healthy living by trying to set good example for my kids by eating nutritious food and keeping my kids active.
I balance motherhood and healthy living by trying to set good example for my kids by eating nutritious food and keeping my kids active. #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood and healthy living by taking the time to prepare fun healthy meals instead of grabbing fast food all the time. We usually walk the dog as a family and swim at a community pool. #TeamNLS
We eat healthy and we do outside activities. #TeamNLS
I’m not a mom, but I could stand to lose few pounds on a cool cruiser!
I take long walks/hikes and plenty of bike rides with my boys! #TeamNLS
It’s about incorporating the kids into activities & always making it fun so they enjoy what they’re doing & have incentive to keep active! We love going camping & boating so we do hikes, water sports, & swimming. And some days mommy needs to have quiet time for respite to recharge! A good family balance is everyone putting away electronics devices & getting back to nature. #TeamNLS
I honestly have a really hard time balancing healthy living and motherhood. But I’ve found when I feed my kids better, I eat better. #TeamNLS
I try to get a lot of play in with my kids. They keep me active.
I try to keep things in moderation. #TeamNLS
I balance motherhood & healthy living by staying active with my daughter. We love to go for walks.
I have to keep to a schedule to stay organized #TeamNLS
i bring out my daughter to the store/park and have her walk with me instead of using the stroller. i often chase her around so i can also get a workout but it’s still fun for her to play
A good way to find balance is to get involved with family fun activities such as swimming, biking, or playing games in the back yard.
I balance motherhood and healthy living by sticking to a schedule and taking time out for me time. . #TeamNLS
I just try to make everything worthwhile…by combining just about everything i do. I sometimes makes things harder for myself just to get in a little more exercise. Like parking further from the store, etc
We go on walks as a family. Thank you.
I do my best at keeping healthy by making it a family affair we eat healthy together and I try and do activites with the kids like running around the yard jumping on the trampoline. #TeamNLS
I try to have healthy food and snack choices available and pray a lot. #TeamALS
I schedule some work out time in the morning, before the kids are awake. #TeamNLS
Sundays are for me – balance means leaving time for your self
I go to the gym while my kids are at school. #TeamNLS
I set times for everything- it’s all about balance. #TeamNLS
I try to stay organized and have healthy meal and snack choices at home so we all stay healthy. #TeamNLS