Sassy slippers from Dearfoams

In Living, Style by savvysassymoms82 Comments

When you work from home like I do, sometimes your daily warbrobe can start to look a little sad.  I have to admit that if you saw what I wore on most days to the Savvy Sassy office you would probably be very disappointed.  However, I do love me some sassy slippers to wear around the house and these are not your average house slippers. Oh no, Dearfoams are much more than just a plain ol’ pair of slippers they are some fancy footwear.

Look at how sassy these slippers are, don’t you wish you had a pair?


This is another Back-to-Mom week Giveaway!
WIN a 
Savvy Sassy Swag bag!


Participating products:
Dove Chocolate w/OPIApothodermBE Beverly HillsDearfoamsThe Digital Mom HandbookDial Nutriskin

To Enter:  

1.  Which Dearfoams slippers are your favorite?

1 )Purple Leopard 2) Tweed Boot 3) Tall Leopard Boots 4) Pink & Orange plushy fuzzy bootie
5) Brown bootie with fur 6) Fair isle bootie 7) Cable knit pom boot 8) Black & Pink fuzzy pile scuff.

Extra Entries

2.  Tweet:
“I just entered this Back-to-Mom week giveaway from @SavvySassyMoms #BTMweek”

or share this link/giveaway on Facebook:

3.  Give Savvy Sassy Moms a Like on Facebook

4.  Subscribe to the Savvy Sassy Moms Newsletter
(don’t worry it only happens once a month or for special announcements)


Contest ends October 12th at 11:59 pm

US Residents only
Swag bags may vary slightly in prizing

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I like Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook. (Deanna Cali)

  2. I subscribe to the Savvy Sassy Moms Newsletter.

  3. the cable knit pom pom Dearfoams are my favorite!

  4. I shared on fb so all my friends will know. I hope I get the leopard ones!!

  5. The tweed boot pair is so cute! I already like you on facebook and subscribe to the newsletter. 🙂

  6. I like Black & Pink Fuzzy Pile Scuff.


  7. I’m a subscriber! BTW, I live in slippers around the house!

  8. I love the tweed boot the most, the fuzzy plushy bootie is really nice too!

  9. cable knit pom boot is stylin would luv them for the holidays ! luv these freebie offers as well
    thanks for the opportunity

  10. I love them all, but the tweed boot is my favorite!

  11. I love the Purple Leopard Slippers. They look sooo comfy and warm.

  12. I am smurfing the Cable knit pom boot:) wish to have one 🙂

  13. I think 3) Tall Leopard Boots would be awesome expecially in the dead of winter.

  14. I love both the Brown Boots with Fur and the Fair Isle Booties — so adorable!

    Following on twitter: @TheModernMama
    and tweeted this giveaway. 🙂

    – Carol

  15. I love the pink and orange ones.. they are sooo me.!!


    -GOOGLE +1’d

    I hope I WIN !! 🙂 THANKS!

  17. They are all very cute. I like #5) Brown bootie with fur the best. Thanks for the contest 🙂

  18. Oh, the Pink & Orange plushy fuzzy bootie have my name written all over them!

  19. I’m thinking the cable knit pom boot would keep my tooties warm and stylish 🙂

  20. Ooh, I need a good pair of winter slippers! For me it’s a toss up between #2 and #6, but I think the fair isle bootie takes it. Just too cute 🙂

  21. I like the Black & Pink fuzzy pile scuff.

    Tweeted and Liked

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