I think I am actually jealous of the bilingual kids that go to our elementary school. Learning a second language has actually always been a dream of mine but I also think that it can only help my children grow and achieve more in life. I am kicking myself that I did not commit earlier to teaching my children Spanish. Sure, we go through the colors, numbers and they know some other random spanish words because of Dora the Explorer but I mean really engage them and teach them (and myself) the language.
“Research proves that young children who learn a language before the age of five tend to have superior reading, writing, analytical and social skills, as well as more extensive vocabularies than their monolingual peers.”-Dr. James Mason
We have traveled with our kids quite a bit and I wish we had Little Pim when we took them to Spain for one month and then to Costa Rica for a month. The Little Pim language DVD’s and CD’s would have been excellent tools while preparing for our trips and even as entertainment on the plane! We also live in Los Angeles and so Spanish is a language that surrounds us daily. We would not only be able to use this skill while we travel but it could enhance our communication right here at home too. You can learn up to 60 words in each foreign language DVD and we have just started the Spanish series at our home and the kids are having so much fun!
Little Pim’s unique Entertainment Immersion Method leads with distinctive fun and high quality, and provides total immersion in the language. The method uses proven repetition techniques that help children retain the new vocabulary. Little Pim is the most comprehensive series available today for introducing a foreign language to young children between the ages of zero and five. They offer language sets in French, German, Chinese, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian and even Arabic!
You can even buy the digital download for foreign language on the Go! They have also have 2 spanish iphone Apps, Word Bag and Talking Coloring Book as well as their newest Spanish ipad App. The Little Pim foreign language series has won 22 awards, including iParenting, Mom’s Best, Creative Child and Mr. Dad. I can’t think of a better gift to give new parents! What a creative and amazing baby shower gift that will make a difference in a child’s life and start them on the path to success.
Savvy Sassy Moms Exclusive Discount!
Enter “SAVVYPIM” at checkout and recieve 20% off your order!
Little Pim Giveaway!
Little Pim Gift Set in the language of their choice (59.95 value) includes:
– 3 Language of choice DVDs (in my home, happy sad and silly, I can count)
– 8″ velvety soft plush Little Pim panda
– Fun, see-through Little Pim tote bag
To Enter:
1. Share your experience with teaching your child another language?
2. Which language would you choose and why?
Extra Entries:
3. Follow Little Pim on Twitter
4. Like Little Pim on Facebook
5. Subscribe to the Savvy Sassy Moms Newsletter (Don’t worry it only happens once a month or on special occasions)
*This giveaway is open to US Residents Only
* This giveaway ends on October 21st at 11:59pm PST
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post & giveaway all of my savvy thoughts and sassy opinions are my own. I share this with my readers because it is an excellent product. I was also given a set of the Spanish language program to use with my children.
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LOVE this idea. I have tries teaching my kids words in Spanish but they just kind of give me funny looks. And then they hear it from Dora and Diego and think it is cool! Go figure!
We’ve been teaching my guys Japanese at home and through classes. They love learning when it’s through songs/games. I’ve heard about Little Pim and have been wanting to try:) What a great idea!
I am teaching all three of my kids Spanish through a free online program called SALSA!. It would be a lot easier if I KNEW HOW TO SPEAK SPANISH! I don’t expect them to learn it in its entirety, but I want them to be able to expand and grow as they learn another language.
We are trying to teach our daughter Spanish and we use television programs and books to help. I would def. choose Spanish.
I love languages and share that with my two kids! We have all kinds of books and programs to try and help us, but just enjoy the whole cultural experience. We have learned a bit of Spanish and French, and then my son has wanted to learn Chinese as well.. so learning a few phrases for now! He knows there is such a large Mandarin speaking population in the world and a growing influence. It really does help extend our understanding and love of others.
I never have taught a child a different language, but I would love to teach spanish to my niece!
i follow little prim on twitter! omgacsl
Have tried a few spanish words with my toddler, but she gets cofused…would love to try spanish again with this!
We are watching Dora to learn a different language. It is amazing how fast they pick up on it.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
WE would pick Spanish because some of the neighbors speak it and it would be nice to share that with our kids.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
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vmkids3 at msn dot com
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vmkids3 at msn dot com
I would like the german as that is part of my heritage.
My kids will be bilingual since my hubby is American and I am French. I am myself trilingual, and I cannot emphasize enough what a “plus” this is in my life! I would also like kmy kids to learn Spanish. Spanish and French are pretty close labguages so they shouldn’t have too much trouble! 🙂
I follow Little Pim on twitter @gatsby1981
gatsby1981 at gmail dot com
I like Little Pim on fb, username is Andrea MAes
My daughter knows some sign language but I would like her to know spanish and some german.
We have been reading bilingual Spanish books to my 3 year old since he was born, but have done no formal learning. Since neither my husband or myself are fluent in Spanish, we cannot do full dual language at home. But since we live in TX we can understand quite a bit of Spanish, so that is why we chose that language and choose to immerse him as much as possible. Thanks!
I follow Little Pim on twitter. @bluenude3
I like Little Pim on FB. Simone Traverse. Thanks!
I stared teaching my boys french which is what I studied in school, but I would choose Spanish as I think it would be more useful to them in life.
I have been trying to teach my son spanish for some time, but apart from a few colors and numbers he doesn’t speak much at all. I think this kit would be awesome. We live in a community with many latinos so I would choose spanish because it would be most beneficial to my son.
I follow Little_Pim on twitter – @mariagabriel6
I teach my kid some spanish just because I’m from Arizona and it seems like everyone knows at least some spanish. I would guess I would pick spanish.
I follow little pim on twitter under brightbirdsoap
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My son is 3 y.o. and he is bilingual. He speaks English and Russian. I tried to teach him French but there is no much success because I am not good at it. He knows some words and uses them here and there but he doesn’t speak it. If I spoke French to him as I speak the other two languages then it would be different.
I think he could benefit in the future if he speaks French so I would choosethe French gift set.
My son is 3 y.o. and he is bilingual. He speaks English and Russian. I tried to teach him French but there is no much success because I am not good at it. He knows some words and uses them here and there but he doesn’t speak it. If I spoke French to him as I speak the other two languages then it would be different.
I think he could benefit if he speaks French so I would choose the French gift set.
Follow Little Pim on Twitter (@spelena).
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I would choose Spanish because I live in Houston and it would be handy. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would choose Spanish because there are so many spanish speaking people here in the US versus any other 2nd language spoken and my daughter knows basic spanish from her older sisters taking spanish and watching dora
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
email subscriber
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
She is too young but I’d love for her to learn French. I know some from high school.
My daughter is Chinese and we have gotten her lessons for many years–with no success. That is why I’d like the Little Pim Chinese program.
Facebook follower as Jennifer Schmidt
Twitter follower as jennem1.
I have been trying to work with my daughter with Spanish, so far so good.
ericka082 at gmail dot com
I would pick the Spanish Gift Set
ericka082 at gmail dot com
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ericka082 at gmail dot com
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Ericka K
ericka082 at gmail dot com
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ericka082 at gmail dot com
My 8 year old is in the process of learning spanish, thanks to my neighbor from El Salvador. It’s going great so far.
iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com
I would choose Spanish since my daughter is already learning it.
iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com
Followed you on Twitter.
iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com
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iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com
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iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com
My daughter’s preschool has mandarin classes twice a week and she is picking it up great so I’d like to enhance her learning with the chinese Little Pim.
I was never able to do another language with my children but I would like to try spanish
We both want to learn another language, but haven’t gotten started yet! I think we’d pick Spanish b/c it’s the language we hear around us most often 🙂
Following Little Pim on Twitter – @enter_now
Like Little Pim on Facebook – Chi Shannon
Email subscriber 🙂
I would have to pick spanish since this is what my child is learning at school right now and it’s difficult when I caan’t help with homework in this subject.
little pim facebook fan (pauline1501)
I’m a subscriber.
We’re teaching our daughter Mandarin, so far it’s going pretty well. The TV show Ni Hao Kai-Lan helps!
We’d stick with Mandarin (Chinese) I think. Definitely a useful language, and Mommy is a Firefly fan 😛
I haven’t taught my son much Spanish yet, except for reading him a few little kids books we have in Spanish. I would love the Spanish set for him!
I follow Little Pim on Twitter.
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Katie E.
E-mail subscriber-My sons and I (adopted from Colombia)all study spanish
I ask them questions in Spanish and explain to them in English what I’m saying. I’d like to try Chinese next as it’s our ancestral language.
We are teaching Kenzie (almost 2yo) korean (great b/c mil watches her during the day & she’s attending korean school). I would love for her to learn spanish! I took 4 yrs of AP Spanish and need to relearn with her 🙂
I would definitely choose spanish since we are in socal 🙂