2 New Strollers for Air Travel

In Baby, Kids, Travel by Guest Writer2 Comments

Two new strollers for air travel have just come out and they fit into the overhead compartments on airplanes. Compact with eye-catching streamlined designs, you will look forward to your next trip.  Introducing the Mountain Buggy Nano and BabyZen Yo Yo.


Mountain Buggy Nano

Best known for all terrain and jogging strollers, Mountain Buggy has done a full 180 and presents us with the Nano, one of the best travel strollers out there. With uncompromising quality that Mountain Buggy strollers are known for, the Nano holds up to the rigors of air travel or any other kind of travel, with ease.

Nano has a two step system that collapses into a fold that fits into most standard overhead bins on airplanes. A nifty bag included with purchase fits over the stroller if you choose. Either way, use a shoulder carry strap or handle to tote it along. It weighs only 13 pounds and holds your child up to 44 pounds.


Traveling with a newborn? The Mountain Buggy Nano is travel system ready, accommodating most major car seat brands, with no additional adapter required!

The seat is roomy and full-sized with an adjustable leg rest and two-position reclining seat. The sun canopy, while not the most generous, has a flip out sun visor. A five-point padded safety harness keeps little travelers secured. A ventilation panel, when the seat is reclined, provides air circulation.

For parents, a single handle provides one-handed maneuverability and rear-wheel suspension eases over bumps. Petal-style linked parking brake is an easy one-step stop.

The Nano comes with red, black and blue canopies and retails for $199. So far consumer reviews are giving the Nano 4.5-star ratings for the obvious compact folded size and for the outstanding maneuverability.

BabyZen-YoYoBabyZen YoYo

Heard of BabyZen? It is a French company founded by a group of five doctors who were tired of bulky, ugly strollers. They now have a full-sized all-terrain stroller called the Zen and this one, the YoYo. The YoYo has two versions; a newborn to six months and a six-months plus.

The newborn version has a little bassinet-style flat lying seat that is parent-facing, while the six-months plus is a standard full-sized forward facing seat.


YoYo holds your child up to 33 pounds and weighs just under 13 pounds. It folds down to 20.5 x 17 x 7 inches, fitting into most airline overhead cabin bins. I like the one-handed fold and carry strap for easy transport, especially if you’re carrying your baby on your other arm. The underseat basket is easily accessible front or back.

I like the bigger sun canopy with peek-a-boo window and the parking brake. The maneuverability push is fantastic with four-wheel suspension leveling out all those bumps and urban terrain. A travel bag is included with purchase.

Choose either a white or black frame, and then match that up with one of the fabrics in blue, grey, red, black or pink.

The BabyZen YoYo is quite a bit more than the Nano at $469. Reviewers have rating the YoYo so far at 4.5 stars for the compact easy fold and beautiful French design.

Which one of these strollers for air travel would you rather have?

Would you go for the slightly larger but less expensive Mountain Buggy Nano or the sleek French designed but more expensive BabyZen YoYo? Leave your comment below!



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This post was written by someone who we think has some pretty savvy ideas! We love sharing creative, informative and fun things form guest contributors!

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  1. Both look great but IF I had to choose it would be the Mountain Buggy Nano

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