Do you have a future fashion designer on your hands? Does your daughter or son love to play dress up, shop for clothes, watch Project Runway or sketch their own designs? Or does your teen or tween already sewing and creating their own clothing? Well, now they could get the chance to showcase their passion and talent on a new show from the producers of Project Runway called Threads. They are currently casting young designers ages 10 -16 dreaming of making making it big in the fashion scene. To nominate someone, email them at with designer’s name, number, a portfolio and/or sample of work, and describe what sets them apart as an up-and-coming designer. Los Angeles Area Only
Online application required.
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I cannot believe you are having children designers on Project Runway now. This is the kind of pressure that makes kids quit. This is the next generation and the criticism can kill their creativity.
I’ve been watching project threads and I’m not impressed…..yes they kids…teens but they know what they are getting into when they are selected and having the critique now would help.them in the future but they act stuck up and know it all…..and yes i do sew…have been since 1972…. i’ved sewed for my kid…nieces…family and friends over the years…. i now sew for my 3 granddaughters…..if i knew how to draw and design…i would try out myself…so far what has been made is not impressive….i do commend them for knowing how to sew…..i come across a lot of people who wished they could see and would love to sew so again …i commend them on their knowlegde and this gives them a chance to persue their dream….I’ll keep watching tho.
As the mother of an amazing young designer I think it’s wonderful that PR is giving this opportunity to kids! As my daughter told me “I don’t want to wait until I’m an adult to be a designer!” Are they still looking for kids? I’d love to nominate her!!
it is not fair to kids like me in New Mexico that have a future dream as a fashion designer not to have a chance to be on project runway threads just becase were not in the Los Angeles area
If you are with me make a comments
Ikr!!! I live in Kansas, no where near any big cities that give out amazing opportunities like this!!!! And it’s so disappointing
Idr!!!! I live in Ohio and I’ve wanted to be a fashion designer since I was 3!!!! I’m under age though… I’m 9.
i really want to be a part of threads but i live in Philadelphia and i think that it should not matter where they live that they should fly us teens to la for the show thats far
I agree that there should be no age limit. Talent should have no boundaries. My 10 year old daughter would love to participate but because of the age limitation, she cannot. As parents, we would want to nurture out children’s talents and keep the momentum flowing.